Die Mids Die



We recaptured all albion forts and held bledmeer i think its called for most of the night too just to teach you dirty mids a lesson. Meanwhile the hibs seemed to be capturing all their keeps back also :D


I may be playing Midgard but this is cool. Man, being on the winning team sure sucks. Can you guys please recapture your relic keeps as soon as possible? They're giving us too much of an advantage.
If it wasnt for the fact that I prefer Midgard as a realm, I wouldve joined whichever team was losing pretty much. Much more fun and moral and polite and fun to help the losing team.
I was going to post a thread beseeching the Albions and Hibernians to put their backs into it and fight back, but it seems I no longer need to. Or maybe I'm just speaking too soon and my optimism will turn into annoyance again when we start retaking the keeps. :(


Well, some things you CAN do to help the other realms (me :D ):

1) Dont help retake the keeps. (this wont help much, but you'll feel better :D )

2) RP-convince your fellow barbarians, that fighting is BAD, and that we should all just get along. (this is ofc not possible either, since we all know that barbarians are hethens, and as such should be slain on sight :p . But again, you'll FELL better)

3) Actively disrupt the middie forces. ie. pull guards, disobey orders in such a manner, that all the trickery of the tactics will be clear to the rest of us (this WILL help, since we all know that middies are hethens, and as such, are less bright than your average, civilized being, and therefore should be slain on sight :p . You will not be too popular in Midgard for this, but again. you'll FEEL better :p )

4) Actively, and insistantly, uncover all the cheaters and report them. (This will ensure that you would have to report yourself as well, since we all know that barbarians are hethens, and as such, they are all lying, deceitfull and worshippers of ill fate. IF these words are looked up, one would notice, that these archtypes are all labels you put on badly raised teenagers, and people of less cultural- and civil manners (Bloody hethens). By most peoples definitions, cheating covers those kinds of ppl, teens and badly mannered people, hence, Midgards = barbarians = hethens = teenagers and/or badly mannered people = cheaters.
This wont really help your playing experince, but trust, many years from now, you'll FEEL better :D )

5) Open an extra account in each realm, and spy on Midgard.
(this approach will be THE best, since your own realm wont know what hit em, and albs/hibs will love you :p and again, you'll FEEL better :D )

(on a sidenote: just kidding :cool: )

[edit] spelling, and another (j/k) for good measure [/edit]


Die mids Die??

After Albs took Bleedmer, we succesfully hold reinforcements

Can anyone plz get more of these? they got broken :(

Uku, Thane


Re: Die mids Die??

Originally posted by Uku
After Albs took Bleedmer, we succesfully hold reinforcements

Can anyone plz get more of these? they got broken :(

Uku, Thane

Ooh look Uku teams up with Del the bugged bow user, you must be real proud of all those RP's you 'earned' when he sniped grey cons from 3000 range.....

old.DAoC daCruz


get a life Chodax !

Stop whining and bitching around. Do we complain that you guys used PBAOE Spells trough Bledmeer Door while we were attacking ? No, we dont complain we fight as good as we can.

You scream like a girl maybe you should go play Barbie-Online ?!

It was a great evening with some good fights and you lost, well happens, next time you win, prolly :)

Chodax do u really think the Alb reinforcement got stopped because of a Lvl 26 Bow ? Roflmao !

/salute Midgard on a job well done

Cruz Mizzile
Troll Skald


Yep Cruz, you sure are the right one to say "Get a life!" to someone.




... and such.

Grow up.


Heh no point to argue anymore about the cheaters like del Xanoo and thing as they wont change their cheating ways.

Also no point arguing middies about pbaoe through doors when your guys were blasting the albs through the doors also. I kept running over the the doors pressing nearest enemy to see if there was any similar cons to myself 27th lvl and i was nearly killed everytime by middy blasts from the other side. I can understand why chodax is annoyed as i was shot and nearly killed in the middle of the courtyard multiple times with arrows as were other low cons who died in the middle.

I just survived about 3 arrows in my chest in the middle of the keep at one point by using my insta heal but its damned tough with all that lag, everytime i changed quickbar to click it the lag made it flick to the wrong quickbar :( i had like 1 hp by the time it worked.

Mids blast thru the doors, Albs blast through the doors Hibs blast through the doors. Mids use the bugged bow to kill loads in courtyard, albs use...... hibs use....... heh ;)

Good fight tho despite the cheaters. I was gonna jump the back wall near the end an run for it when the gates came down but i decided to defend the lord and died to gazillions of mids rushing up the stairs. Heh its a joke when you are so lagged your quickbars dont change and you lose 99% health fallin thru the staircase by lord all way to the bottom :(


Why the f**k u twats turn this into a flame post, ffs this was a great RvR nite and u lame whiners turn it into a whine, let us enjoy the game i am sick of this whine whine whine, yes i know I am whining at the whiners, but it seems its the only bloody language they understand.

I salute all Albions who made a brave attempt at dominance in our frontier, just shows how good RvR is starting to get on Prydwen.

Best RvR I had by far, its always more fun trying to repel attacks and attack defended keeps :p.

When you die 10+ times in RvR you know its good :p

Us mids have something to fear in u albs now, shows that you guyd can and will attack as a good well oiled war machine, and thats what makes this fun.

Surprised that Caer Benowych was undefended tho after we retook Bledmeer, and especially after we took Dun Cruachan back, I mean if taking back the Hib MK aint enuff of a sign that we gonna come for Benwych, what the hell is?

Come on albs, surely 1am GMT aint too late for u lads?

anyway, till the next, time, Just Bring IT (RP heaven :p)


Relax take deep breaths try not to resort to swearing as it only damages any credability your post may have :).

Its just a game i think you will have a heart attack if you keep gettin so stressed lol.

As i said good fights oh and...... Die Mid Scum


Originally posted by Solid
Why the f**k u twats turn this into a flame post, ffs this was a great RvR nite and u lame whiners turn it into a whine, let us enjoy the game i am sick of this whine whine whine, yes i know I am whining at the whiners, but it seems its the only bloody language they understand.

I salute all Albions who made a brave attempt at dominance in our frontier, just shows how good RvR is starting to get on Prydwen.

Best RvR I had by far, its always more fun trying to repel attacks and attack defended keeps :p.

When you die 10+ times in RvR you know its good :p

Us mids have something to fear in u albs now, shows that you guyd can and will attack as a good well oiled war machine, and thats what makes this fun.

Surprised that Caer Benowych was undefended tho after we retook Bledmeer, and especially after we took Dun Cruachan back, I mean if taking back the Hib MK aint enuff of a sign that we gonna come for Benwych, what the hell is?

Come on albs, surely 1am GMT aint too late for u lads?

anyway, till the next, time, Just Bring IT (RP heaven :p)
I agree with your point Sold, let's keep this thread clean ffs... great night of RvR even for a L25 like myself.
I really think that us Albions have got our act together, although SotL are the major RvR maniacs in our realm, with their hoardes of high-levels, heh.
Still.... even us Crusaders got ourselves a few keeps and I am happy.
I had a fun time sniping some red con for fun, Melanie or something (?), even though it took me some while but you mids didn't realise where I was (in an open space).
Heh, thumbs up to yesterday.


Originally posted by DAoC daCruz

get a life Chodax !

Stop whining and bitching around. Do we complain that you guys used PBAOE Spells trough Bledmeer Door while we were attacking ? No, we dont complain we fight as good as we can.

You scream like a girl maybe you should go play Barbie-Online ?!

It was a great evening with some good fights and you lost, well happens, next time you win, prolly :)

Chodax do u really think the Alb reinforcement got stopped because of a Lvl 26 Bow ? Roflmao !

/salute Midgard on a job well done

Cruz Mizzile
Troll Skald

Great level of intelligence you show there Cruz to defend the use of one exploit to justify your use of another. Midguard keep defenders use the exact same tactic to defend gates anyway. Also would you like to comment on the numerous high level Midguard map and speedhackers? Are they justified too? Lame, very lame but then I honestly didn't expect much more from the realm where exploiting the bugged bow is a standard leveling tool for anyone who can use it.

old.Aiges Tyme

Ok to begin with, there will always be cheaters. Usually people who do well early on in a game but are threatened with becoming nothing but regular RvRers as other people level up, to keep the advantage they cheat. Other people know this and in the end theywill just get caught, banned and then they will whine about it. I've seen people say "this game would be great without the cheaters" but it can be great even with them, it just takes people on their own side to take action.

On the plus side last night was an amazing night, not just because of the keep raids but also after a group of (lvl 30 - 40) slipped passed the middie snipers we had some of the best group RvR i've ever had, even groups level wise and good team work, but we won because we had 3 clerics with group insta :D

The middie retaking of bledmeer i missed by about 5 mins as we sprinted back through the frontire only to get killed when we accidentially met a buch of guards from another keep :(


Re: Re: Die mids Die??

Originally posted by cHodAX

Ooh look Uku teams up with Del the bugged bow user, you must be real proud of all those RP's you 'earned' when he sniped grey cons from 3000 range.....

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

will the whinin NEVER end?!!?

i think it was a great night in odin's yesterday. so why wreck it with some childish whinin?

/salute all other albs out there.

old.DAoC daCruz

Originally posted by cHodAX

Great level of intelligence you show there Cruz to defend the use of one exploit to justify your use of another. Midguard keep defenders use the exact same tactic to defend gates anyway. Also would you like to comment on the numerous high level Midguard map and speedhackers? Are they justified too? Lame, very lame but then I honestly didn't expect much more from the realm where exploiting the bugged bow is a standard leveling tool for anyone who can use it.

Still screamin like a Girl, huh ?

Yes I have a Great level of Intelligence thats why I try to teach u. :p

You know what I really hate ? People like you who shout out "CHEATER" only because someone killed you ! Give us proof of People using Map- and Speedhack !!! Hell Kid, is that all, to flame around ? Go play the game and if u cant handle it leave please, noone will miss your complain and whine threads here !

About the PBAOE, you say we use it too, ok does that mean if you guys in Albion would have the BOW as well you would use it and say hell Midgard got it so it is ok ? Hehe Chodax, yes we only got all Relics because of this Bow, and yes we only kick Albions ass all the time only because of this Bow. This Bow is doing about 0.001 % of all RvR kills, omg what a exploit we use to win this game. PLEASE do me a favour send Goa/Mythic tons of emails I hope they remove the BOW so you have to waste time to find another exploit we use, cant wait for that.

Chodax if you would concentrate your power on the game and not flaming on boards about things you dont have a plan, you would have been Lvl 50 by now, but looks like you prefer staying here and waste your time whining.

Cruz Mizzile
50 Troll Skald


God, saying anything to some people is like a most painfull head-against-a-wall banging experience. Cruz, learn from Kulgan about communication skills and way ox expressing yourself without using a ton of cliches that most of people have overgrown years ago.


I was there (as a healer) when we captured three of the four relics. I can say for certain that the bow made no difference. The fact that the keeps weren't being defended and that there were 60+ Mids working together did.

Heck, the archers in the keep itself couldn't do enough damage to kill the tanks battering down the keepdoors.

The bow sucks. I have one on my hunter, it's 8.1dps, +1 bow or something like that. The only redeeming quality is the range, and now that my hunter reached lvl 30, I put the bow aside.

It's green and the damage actually sucks. 150 damage on a critical shot? I do 300 now with my Heartpiercer. Less range, but that doesn't matter -- any orange monster coming at me will be down to 2/5th it's health before we go into melee. And before you start complaning again, no I never used the bow in RvR, and I never will. :D

Besides, with the next update, the bow will be 'fixed'. Relax people, and don't complain if you get killed, because you will, and you'll still consider it 'unfair', because, quite frankly it's YOU, and you can't be killed. (Sarcasm off. ;)

old.DAoC daCruz


I just stop here because Ppl who cant lose make me sick ! I dont need to learn about communication skills its just fine as it is. Just some others should think before the flame here and using names. Its just a way too childish !

Cruz Mizzile
50 Troll Skald


Hehe I have stilll killed ya once Cruz (more than I can say about any other lvl50) Being big and red does not help much behind a tree when theres 2 stealthers standing behind ya laughing does it?? (was about a week ago at Hib PK so you prolly have forgotten all about it, but I did not start reading this forum until now)

Was fun luring Mid for once and not the other way, hope to meet ya alone some more time when I got another 10 lvls ;)


We all make little mistakes like that. I spotted a BRIGHT ORANGE clerictype hiding behind a tree near the Mid MG in Emain a while ago. Went back to get two fighters (Saaug and someone else), and we charged the tree.

He mezzed, and started to lightning nuke me (to death, I have to admit, though I did resist the first two attacks), the fighters killed him. ;)

In the heat of battle you tend to forget little facts like that.. =)




Ye look i used the 8,0000 arrows per second gray bow to NUKE AOE kill all these GRAY Albions in .256 of a second HAHA.

Actually we maintained a great defense on the wall to prevent Alb reinforcements helping at Bledmeer unfortunatly the one time we were overrun i was polishing my LEGEND bow and didnt fire 8,230 crit shots in 1 sec to defeat you all.

And as for calling us cheaters (me i dont really care) i look forward to Kemor Banning me for using an item that freely drops and still drops in the game. I will only use this bow against people who Exploit themselfs since patch 1.45 was supposed to have fixed PBAOE and most importantly pets being sent thru walls.

And please to all those that accuse people of using Odins Eye (map hack) or Speedhacks report it or shame them here ASAP and if you cant then please leave it alone. Cause for every accusation leveled against anyone for actually HACKING the game engine at least have some proof etc.


The Legend Bow it shoots for miles
The Legend Bow it shoots through any walls
The Legend Bow it crits for large 5,000 at least
The Legend Bow it one shots all
The Legend Bow it cons gray




Lol Dell, u a funnnnny guy :p

anyway, all congratulate me on well earned level 47, i spend an hour in spind soloing the lst 0.3 bubs, yes 1 hour :p

Well cant wait to get out to Emain again and start twating you plate wearers, Hammer on Plate = massive damage, I dont even do that kinda damage on same con mobs:p

Anyway I digress, great RvR, wel played albs and mids, god knows wtf the hibs were up to!

Till the next time, keep it clean and chirpy



Yes i must admit, i cheat all the time, totally jumpin out of stelth and ownin everyone left right and centre with my crit shots like some kinda totally awsome and sweet killer bow that just pwns!

Please someone ban me and take away all those 231000 realm points ive killed from the 500000 greys ive killed (some didnt give realm points coz they were so low). :(

You people need to grow up, being trash talked by some lvl 20 person who claims i cheat all the time, maybe because hes bitter than ive killed him before, who knows, is pretty pathetic. Learn to stop crying so much, sure ive used the bow of flames before, maybe 20x at most to kill idiot albions who try and use an Exploit themselves to pull down the man at arms from there pk.

Didnt you know it was the one thing that allowed us mids to capture all those relics?


Re: lmao

Originally posted by Thing
hes bitter than ive killed him before
I have seen you plenty of times but you aint never killed me, who gives a damn if some sniper kills you over and over again.... it doesn't have to lead to just throwing around accusations without any concrete evidence as Thing already said... but anyhoo.
Originally posted by Thing Didnt you know it was the one thing that allowed us mids to capture all those relics?


Can we close this thread now, it seems to have got out of hand.

It was meant to celebrate one of the best RvR nites on Prydwen that involved keep raids and defenders/attackers squaring off.

Lets not tarnish that memory with all this bickering.


the rvr was fukin amazin!!!!!!!

So were there actually any mids not in the frontier that night?

1am on a day when theres work the next is too late for me unfortunately.

old.DAoC daCruz


this fight was great! We had around 80% of our high Levels in Odin :), well soem were not online or fighted Hibs in Emain.

Albs were comin with good numbers and whiped us at beginning a lot. Took us some time to organise our defence, but at least and after some hard fights we were lucky and won.

/salute Albs, hoping for more

Cruz Mizzile
50 Troll Skald


I was part of the reinforcements for Bledmeer that eventually penetrated the milegate (after several attempts) and got to Bledmeer.

The siege that was taking place was quite a sight! There must have been loads of us Albs but we only managed to get halfway up the hill.

I think the fact that you were spread out nicely and didnt rush to meet us but instead AOE'd and mezzed and stunned etc made a great strategic difference.

My death was honourable of course.


Not all the mids answered the call to arms, there were 30+ high level Mids in Malm xping so we were not fully represented, which made it all the more fun as we didnt have all our level 50's pounding u to bits, made the battles lengthier and more satisfying when we did eventually win :p

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