Did anyody else know about this?



I don't think it does anything - this quote from the 1.50 patch notes:

"High-level poisons are now stripped from a weapon that is used by a lower level player. Previously the poison would not "fire", and the poison would stay on the weapon indefinitely."

Would be nice if it did though :)


I have heard about this many times but on all our guild experiments we never managed to get it to work so we gave up and I always assumed it didn't work. Maybe it's time to try again.


Exactly, lower level players .. says nothing about classes. I get a lvl 50 inf to stick lifebane on my thruster it will give someone a shock :)

Would be a bit silly letting a lvl 20 char have lifebane, could solo reds easily :rolleyes:

old.The McScrooges

Previously the Infil could envenom the weapon and pass it over but it wouldn't work. You'd just have an envenomed weapon in your hands. Not a problem for another character, but if you were a venom user yourself you couldn't get it off and put your own level venom on.

Now the case is the envenomed weapon when passed over has the poison stripped off it regardless of who is getting it.


I lifebaned a ranger yesterday, it does work, but unless you have envenom spec you get really bad variance on the poison (I got 19, 69, 38 ticks of lifebane). Still was quite cool to see a minstrel mez a ranger then run up and poison him :D


That's not cool. sounds like cheating to me :[

old.The McScrooges

<sigh> Never worked for my Pally :(

Perhaps the silly bugger wiped it off when I wasn't looking?

Dunno about cheating though, slight bending of the rules. Otherwise you'd have to ban twinking and receiving buffs from outside your group.


Well it requires a 50 infil to be kicking about willing to envenom your weapon lots. :p And as you saw the damage isn't up to inf standards (they get about 80 per tick consitently). Saying it's cheating is kind of like saying a mage buffing your damage is cheating.


it's totally different. the classes with buffs for other players were intended to buff/help other players. using your weapon specially poisoned by a 'friendly' assass/shadowb/nightshade is like stealing that ability entirely from him.

The damage variance would be exactly the same for the assass too (afaik) IF he left his poison at level1. Increasing the poison level, reduces the damage variance. (like it does with many types of skills). This explains why the non-assass classes variance is so high.

I'm sure that Ranger was wondering wtf was happening when a minstrel poisoned him. Did you dance on his body and laugh at him to? Use your OWN class skills to the best of your abilities. Play the game as it is intended, stop exploiting. People that are this desperate to gain this edge will of course not be stopped. Go ahead. Feel l33t. You are god etc.

AND I know you have to have a willing poison user, ready to poison your weaps in the first place. But it's not like there's ever a shortage of them is there.


sorry, long ranting post there. but as far as I am concerned this is exploiting a game bug. ie cheating.

/em chills.



there's nothing to say that poison isn't to be applied to other people's weapons...

it's the ultimate in irritating recast buffs ;) (how often do you have to apply?)

personally I think mercs should get envenom :) that'd rock...

be too powerful just to give them it though.. (although if they gave no more spec points.. just the same as just now having to split between dw weapon parry and envenom... probably still too good)


I'd like to hear an official response on this. Maybe I should report this to RightNow. Kemor?


Originally posted by inqy
I'm sure that Ranger was wondering wtf was happening when a minstrel poisoned him. Did you dance on his body and laugh at him to? Use your OWN class skills to the best of your abilities. Play the game as it is intended, stop exploiting. People that are this desperate to gain this edge will of course not be stopped. Go ahead. Feel l33t. You are god etc.
He was going to die anyway, I was merely testing. And no I didn't dance etc, I was more concerned with his 60+ friends kicking around in the area. The fact that mythic fixed a bug with envemoned weapons being given to other people says to me it's not a bug or exploit, that it is working as designed by mythic. It's just a damage buff, it does less damage than a decent theurgist buff I might add, costs gold, and is a pain as you have to have someone revenom your weapon the whole time. Hardly an "uber m4d l33t h4x" or whatever you were saying. If you look I did a massive 128 damage in 3 ticks... that's about 1 sword hit of damage. Quick NERF!!! :p


Just to clear this up:

pre 1.52 you can apply poison to weapons.

If you apply lvl 50 poison to a lvl 20 persons weapon it doesn't "fire"

if a lvl 50 person uses that weapon it does "fire" and wears off.


post 1.52
if you apply level 50 poison to a lvl 20 person's weapon it doesn't "fire" but it wears off with no effect.

if a level 50 person uses that weapon it does "fire" and wears off.


So where's the cheating bit? :)

Might be an idea to check with RightNow if this is an intended feature or a bug :)


He was going to die anyway, I was merely testing.
Only testing. ok then. That's good reason to exploit a bug. Heard that before.

If you look I did a massive 128 damage in 3 ticks...
128 dmg by the time he died yes. But the damage is I remember from the above post possibly 80dmg per tick. If the poison was to run it's length, say 6 ticks. That's 480 MAX dmg. Sure it will probably never get that high due to the variance. So thats ok then it's only 128 extra damage. That silly ranger probably didn't notice. Hell lets do it again, that was fun.

Oh I'm bored of this now. Justify your use of it all you want.


oops posted after Fingoniel's post. well if I am wrong, sorry. Just another stupid *feature*. Just don't get me started on minstrels stealthed with chain on. :/


whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :)

sorry, if you want to have a reasoned debate on imbalances between the different classes in the realms etc. then you'll have to come up with a better argument than 'waah stealth with chain. waah' :)

my equally wonderful counter to that one is (since you're from midgard) 'waaaah, instant cast aoe stun!'

now back to something constructive.


Your response shows how badly misinterpretted something can be.

My last comment was in jest at me going off on one. Nothing to do with the whole chain stealthing business (and whys and why nots). I wasn't whining/moaning. I've had that debate ages ago. I gave up. As I am doing here.

I am happy with the classes exactly the way they are on the whole. But simple things like a penalty to someone stealthed in chain (like not being able to mez for 10 secs after unstealthing or something similar) and a low possibility of a backfire on using a poisoned weapon (ie it hurts you instead) makes sense to me.

But that'll never happen and I'll get over it.


Originally posted by inqy
oops posted after Fingoniel's post. well if I am wrong, sorry. Just another stupid *feature*. Just don't get me started on minstrels stealthed with chain on. :/
So you missed the bit in my post that says:
"The fact that mythic fixed a bug with envemoned weapons being given to other people says to me it's not a bug or exploit, that it is working as designed by mythic"
Which bit of this was unclear? Surely if it was a bug that I was exploiting mythic would have just pacthed out venoms on non-assassin classes entirely. As they didn't we can only assume it's intended to be in the game.
Also bear in mind, assassins can only envenom weapons they can equip, you can't poison polearms for instance.

So before you start whining about bugs and generally being a moron, please try checking the facts.


Hrm need to find a trustworthy rogue now ;)

damn ;)


So before you start whining about bugs and generally being a moron, please try checking the facts.

I missed what you had said the first time around. So I apologised when I realised I was wrong. But still you flame me and insult me. Thx man.


Originally posted by inqy
I missed what you had said the first time around. So I apologised when I realised I was wrong. But still you flame me and insult me. Thx man.
What do you expect when you make baseless accusations of cheating against someone? Dinner and a show? :p


It wasn't baseless accusations, there was reason to (some :p) of my rants. Also it wasn't solely aimed at you. I responded to a few things you said because of the way you responded. Apart from that little information I had missed. You were justifying your use of the poison.

well what more can I do. I've made a mistake, I apologise and try to come up with what I would do if I was mythic. I've said I've sorry, you've shoved it back at me. Fine.


I think the possibility of backfire is a really good idea. Its fine that non rouges can use poisoned weapons but there sould be a risk to it as they arent trained in using them.

Maybe they whirl it too hard and the poison flicks off and hits them in the eye. Anything could happen


well it certainly seems fairer for everyone involved that way. unfortunately I don't think this will happen.


I'm 99% sure that if it was a bug then it would have been adressed when they sorted out the low level chars not being able to get the poison off issue.

Well I think it pretty useless for tanks and people who use their swords as a primary means of attack as you would be constantly re-poisoning, unless you carried around about 20 swords ...

Would be handy for scouts tho I reckon, its not often I have to go to melee but when I do I need all the help I can get ;) Could even keep a spare sword on my back (which I always do anyway cause it looks cool .. god i'm vain ;)


Originally posted by Bluecow
I think the possibility of backfire is a really good idea. Its fine that non rouges can use poisoned weapons but there sould be a risk to it as they arent trained in using them.

Maybe they whirl it too hard and the poison flicks off and hits them in the eye. Anything could happen
Not to split hairs... but I do play a rogue. :p


...keep a spare sword on my back (which I always do anyway cause it looks cool .. god i'm vain ;)

lol. so I'm not the only player that does that. :D


Hehe, ya I think everyone does but the extra weight of that sword would be best put to another few stacks of arrows .. hey hum .. having it poisoned would give me a better excuse ;)

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