Deus Ex HR


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Finished it last night, great game my only complaint is the bosses both fraustrating and rather pointless to the story if I'm honest. A definate buy for sure.

Know what you mean, just passed the first boss and was a bit annoyed that I had to kill him, was playing through without killing anyone, just using knock out and tranquilizers. Then I was forced to fight for my life with a pistol I had luckily picked up by mistake.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Know what you mean, just passed the first boss and was a bit annoyed that I had to kill him, was playing through without killing anyone, just using knock out and tranquilizers. Then I was forced to fight for my life with a pistol I had luckily picked up by mistake.

That's the problem i was playing stealth all my augs were stealth related eg cloak/hacking/silent running i had no offensive augs whatso ever because i didn't want to play John Rambo.

I had no upgraded weapons either just a stun gun that was it, i was also playing on hard as well my first time.

I shit you not the 3rd boss took me over 3 hours to complete it was beyond ridiculous, now the last boss was the best as you actually had the option to use hacking skills to make the fight easier which was an awesome way to use your skills.

Apart from that, great game.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Though after reading an article over at ars technica I kind of agree with him. As you tend to play the game how you want and have the NPCs cater to your whims rather than you responding to them.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
He puts a better perspective on it.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
So, without giving too much away, this first boss "battle" is the very first mission just before you get to go out into Detroit city?

If you talk to him correctly, as with most situations I've encountered, you can avoid confrontation.

I've only got as far as this guy so can't speak for the other boss battles.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
So, without giving too much away, this first boss "battle" is the very first mission just before you get to go out into Detroit city?

If you talk to him correctly, as with most situations I've encountered, you can avoid confrontation.

I've only got as far as this guy so can't speak for the other boss battles.

Without saying too much, technically hes not the first boss.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Nah, you still have a lot of augment choice. The augmentations fall into one of 4 categories:
Combat - Multiple take downs, Typhoon (point blank aoe), damage resistance, recoil reducer, crosshair reduction
Sneaky sneaky - cloaking, silent running, tag guards, guard field of vision etc
Hacking - lower chance of detection, turret / bot control, node analysis
Utility - jump higher, re-breather (underwater breathing, immunity to poison gas, longer sprint times), no fall damage, punch through walls, more inventory space, see through walls, immunity to flash bangs

You can mix and match, but you'll always be going "wish I had 1 more augmentation point).

System Shock II ripoff, basically. ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
yep, preticaly every from looking glass was on the ion storm team that made deus ex

also dont suppose anyone got a free comic with thiers and are willing to let it go?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
That's the problem i was playing stealth all my augs were stealth related eg cloak/hacking/silent running i had no offensive augs whatso ever because i didn't want to play John Rambo.

I had no upgraded weapons either just a stun gun that was it, i was also playing on hard as well my first time.

The first boss is simple even on hard with a full stealth build and no offensive weapons. You just have to make use of what's around you.

I shit you not the 3rd boss took me over 3 hours to complete it was beyond ridiculous, now the last boss was the best as you actually had the option to use hacking skills to make the fight easier which was an awesome way to use your skills.

Apart from that, great game.

The 3rd boss took me about 5 seconds to kill, I don't think he even got a shot off between one cutscene ending and the next one starting. The only boss that was of any mild difficulty was the second one and that's is mainly down to whether or not you have the right aug available.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My game is crashing at the same point :(

If you don't get the chip upgrade from the LIMB clinics then you help Megan escape via a chopper. After it takes off and she's on voice comms with me it crashes. Don't know what to do now, can't seem to go any further.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
The first boss is simple even on hard with a full stealth build and no offensive weapons. You just have to make use of what's around you.

The 3rd boss took me about 5 seconds to kill, I don't think he even got a shot off between one cutscene ending and the next one starting. The only boss that was of any mild difficulty was the second one and that's is mainly down to whether or not you have the right aug available.

5 seconds.. what were you using?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Grenade launcher, altho I did also have a laser rifle in my inventory just in case.

You clearly never read my post then, I said I didn't have any weapons on my character that was why the boss was so hard try taking him out with only what's in the room on hard.

I can assure you it is a horrible experience.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Completed first playthrough today. Crash somehow sorted itself out :D


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Second boss was easier than the first one, for me. The stealthy woman's movement could be exploited, she had certain patterns after "exploding", and one of them was that she needed a bit of time to refocus on you. That was exploitable, in the way that you could just circle her up close, and her turning speed in order to face you was slower than yours, so you would put her in a loop of spinning on the spot, trying to face you.

During which you'd pump her full of shotgun holes, ofc.

Barrett was a horror to fight, as i'm playing on the highest difficulty, and just a few bullets from his chaingun would put me down.

I'm playing the stealthy way, not killing, etc, so all my praxis went into hacking, stealth, etc - didn't have any brawling abilities.

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