Desktop slide show


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I want to have my wallpaper change periodically from a selection of my images.

Any reccomendations?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hi Ch3tan

What kind of time period are we talking about? If it's a few second/minutes then I could probably code something using ActiveDesktop. If not, give Google a try, but Funkybunny is right, there are some dodgy apps about so be careful where you download such things from.

Kind Regards


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I didnt want anything that would bloat my system to hell. I was thinking a new image every hour or so -and something I could disable while gaming. If you could code something that would do that then I would be a happy bunny indeed.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
If memory serves me correctly - if you have XP and Paint Shop Pro v8 installed (mine was pre-installed when I bought my PC) there's a drop-down option in the screen saver selection window called Paintshoppro gallery which might do the trick.

TBH never really looked at it so I'm not sure where it takes the images from - probably some PSP directory somewhere ... go have a looksee

I don't have this at work so I can't see it but will double check when I get home tonight.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
If you right click the desktop in XP, goto "properties" then go to screensaver, you can select "My Pictures slideshow" and select whatever settings you desire.

This will cycle through the images within the My Pictures folder of your documents..



Jan 21, 2004
.Wilier. said:
If you right click the desktop in XP, goto "properties" then go to screensaver, you can select "My Pictures slideshow" and select whatever settings you desire.

This will cycle through the images within the My Pictures folder of your documents..

he wants desktop background, not screensaver :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hi Ch3tan

Okay, my apologies, this is very rough and ready. It took but a few minutes to write but ages to get XP's security measures to play ball.

  1. Copy the code below into a blank text document (using Notepad, say) and save as a file with a '.html' prefix (e.g. wallpaper.html) in the folder containing the images you wish to cycle through.
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
    <html xml:lang="en-gb" xmlns="">
      <title>Ch3tan's Wallpaper</title>
      <style type="text/css">
      /* Begin Style Configuration */
        background:black no-repeat center center;
        font:11px verdana,sans-serif;
      /* End Style Configuration */
      <script type="text/javascript">
      /* Begin Script Configuration */
      // Define the interval between each wallpaper alternation in seconds
      interval = 3600;
      // Define the images
      images = new Array(
      /* End Script Configuration */
      function alternate_wallpaper (status)
        // Start or stop the wallpaper alternation
        if (status == "change")
          // Stop
          if (repeat) {
            repeat = null;
          // Start
          } else {
            repeat = setTimeout("alternate_wallpaper()", interval*1000);
        // Alternate the wallpaper
          // Define the page background
          background = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
          // Choose a wallpaper at random
          wallpaper = images[ Math.round(Math.random() * (images.length - 1)) ];
          // Apply the wallpaper
 = "url(" + wallpaper + ")";
          // Repeat the wallpaper alternation
          repeat = setTimeout("alternate_wallpaper()", interval*1000);
      // Actuate the wallpaper alternation when the page loads
      window.onload = alternate_wallpaper;
    <a onclick="alternate_wallpaper('change')" style="cursor:pointer">Start/Stop</a>
  2. The page can be customised in two ways. Firstly, the look of the page can be altered using the style properties near the top (just ask if you need help). By default the images are centred on the page which has a black background and white text.

    The second customisation option is to do with the script. You can later the interval at which the images alternate (e.g. 3600 seconds is an hour). The second vital part is adding your images to the 'images' array. Basically, just add new lines with the file names of the images you want to cycle through, e.g.
    images = new Array(
    Note three important things. Firstly, each file name is enclosed in quotes. Secondly, each line ends with a comma, except the last line. Thirdly, the file names are relative to the location of our HTML file (so 'abc.jpg' is in the same folder as our HTML file, '123.png' is in a subfolder called 'subfolder', and 'xyz.gif' is in the folder above our HTML file). If you have any questions just shout.
  3. With the HTML file configured correctly, right click on your desktop and choose 'Properties'.
  4. In the new window click the 'Desktop' tab then click on the 'Customize Desktop' button.
  5. In the new window click on the 'Web' tab then press the 'New' button and browse for our HTML file.
  6. Press Okay until you are returned to the desktop then resize the active content window accordingly.
In order for it to work you must have at least one icon on your desktop. Anyway, use it or don't, I'm sure there are more elegant solutions out there :) Those who do use it, enjoy it, just don't try to pass it off as your own, receive renumeration for it, or use it in conjunction with any illegal or immoral activities.

Kind Regards


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Cheers Jonty, will give it a try later on today. Thanks for your time.

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