Demonising the Benefits System


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2006
There are plenty of cunts out there that really do take the piss and it really winds me up. It also winds me up that people down on luck are being treated like cunts and made out to be some kind of lesser sub-species.

I worked after going to college, full time, for 4 1/2 years....then the economy went tits up and it's been on an off since. Is that my fault? Am I some kind of menace to society? There's plenty of working class lads like myself that really want to be working but just can't get it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Get fucked off at real theives who take lots of money, not piddly little benefit claiments who get fuck all in the big scheme of things.

This thread smacks of a child's jealousy...


Dec 26, 2003
Scouse said:
Get fucked off at real theives who take lots of money, not piddly little benefit claiments who get fuck all in the big scheme of things.

This thread smacks of a child's jealousy...

The politics of divide and rule are very powerful - many will get sucked in without realising they are being shamelessly manipulated.

In the end though this is ultimately self destructive for the nation to tear itself apart seperating into self interest groups.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Get fucked off at real theives who take lots of money, not piddly little benefit claiments who get fuck all in the big scheme of things.

This thread smacks of a child's jealousy...

It's not the amount that grates people, it's the fact that these people grind and grind away to just about keep their head up. They then look to the side and see a handful of people ridiculing everything they do by scrounging and living just as easily, if not more so.

Getting rid of the ability to do so isn't so much about monetary savings, it's more about making sure those that contribute aren't worse off, or disillusioned by a few utter cunts.


Dec 26, 2003
It's not the amount that grates people, it's the fact that these people grind and grind away to just about keep their head up. They then look to the side and see a handful of people ridiculing everything they do by scrounging and living just as easily, if not more so.

They may look to be ok but its pretty soul destroying to have nothing really to do - sloth does not equal bliss. While there are things I would like a bit more spare time to do if I had nothing but spare time I reckon I'd get pretty sick of them.

I see nothing enviable about their situation - at points I was worse off economically than them when supporting the Mrs as she did her Post grad when we started out but it was just a stepping stone to getting to where we wanted - to be stuck in that rut would be awful.

You have a job, marketable skills and your self respect - would you really trade that for a directionless existence with no future to look forward to?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
There are plenty of cunts out there that really do take the piss and it really winds me up. It also winds me up that people down on luck are being treated like cunts and made out to be some kind of lesser sub-species.

I worked after going to college, full time, for 4 1/2 years....then the economy went tits up and it's been on an off since. Is that my fault? Am I some kind of menace to society? There's plenty of working class lads like myself that really want to be working but just can't get it.

As my dad would say, get anything you can get your hands on, agencies i hate them but they have jobs and if you want one go see them i'm sure they will get you in a factory the next day glueing Mcdonalds happy meal boxes together.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
actually most of those agencies even now wont touch "overqualified" people as they know they will simply leave as soon as something better comes along (and the companies dont want overqualified people either for training costs, downtime etc etc)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Firstly this don't blame the individual blame the system is a load of bollocks. You cant excuse people being cunts just because there is a loophole that can be exploited. Anyone that plays the system to the detriment of others just for selfish gain is a wanker and I will never just think "oh you loveable rogue you found that loophole so well done".

And it is how unfair the benefit system is that pisses me off these prick that show up in the sun with LCD tvs Sky and 40 a day habits all while avoiding work are scum. The you see a father of two going to 15 interviews a week trying for any work going who does not smoke does not have Sky but still has to go to a food bank because his benefits do not give him enough to buy food for his daughters. Until it is fair it should never be ok to excuse those who play the system and just blame the machine.

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