Deep Blue Sea


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I watched a few snippets of this "Film" last night and I couldnt get it. Was this supposed to be like a "Hot Shots?" The shark looked like the one from Finding Nemo and the movement looked like some crap froma speccy game!

When Samuel L Jackson was making his speech this "shark" jumped out and ate him! They shark looked so fake I couldnt help but laugh.

The birds in it looked quite fine though! But they also stole a bit from jaws where they shove a cable in the sharks mouth. Firstly the women stood on wet suit and shoved this cable in the sharkes mouth. Well am I daft but electricty can ark, and why stand on a wet suit? Surley it wont earth her will it?

Then this dood what I think was a chef who had the crucifix then got "eaten" by a shark got away by stabbing the shark in the eye with a crucifix! Wont this dood have his lower torso shreaded off? No dont be daft its a comedy!

Anyway all in all this film was shite! Im glad I caught about 20mins of it. mind you did make me laugh.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure the wet suit would've earthed her......just as long as it wasnt wet at the time.

I've only seen about 5 seconds of the film and that was 3 years ago. So i have no idea about the rest of it :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yup - it's pap but it's toungue-in-cheek. Funny-ish...prolly worth a watch if it's on telly.

The Sam. Jackson bit is the best bit :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Reminded me of an old B movie.
Seemed to be a mish mash of the Abyss and Jaws.

Was funny how the girl sacraficed herself at the end only to have the bloke jump in the water after her.
I think her taking off the wet suit was just so she could show off how clean and white her underwear was. I love the way they 10,000 volts to power their lighting with no fuses or trips.

All in all an offense to my backside having to sit through 20mins of the film I saw before turning it off in disgust.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Munkey said:
I'm sure the wet suit would've earthed her......just as long as it wasnt wet at the time.

I've only seen about 5 seconds of the film and that was 3 years ago. So i have no idea about the rest of it :p

Well to say the place was flooded and she had been swimming around for the past hour or so, I think it may have been wet :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
the best(?) bit is sam jackson being eaten, but just watch him in the sharks mouth. Possibly the worst CG in a looong time, the shark looks ok, bu the guy? almost 2D.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Its a very well made shark film, no Jaws, but its watchable, with good action. It not exactly brain science, but its enjoyable to watch. And LL Cool J has a lot of fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Other physics anomalies are how bloody great huge sharks are able the swim through corridors of water that are only waist deep, and how numerous times people can close doors with water rushing through it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
xane said:
Other physics anomalies are how bloody great huge sharks are able the swim through corridors of water that are only waist deep, and how numerous times people can close doors with water rushing through it.

Yeh like when they are in that tunnel there is several thousands of gallons of water already in the tube and millions more pushing and they manage to shut it with ease!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
ppl try and watch a film and enjoy it fot what it is .. stop judging a movie from a standard which dosent exist ... if u watch every movie and try and enjoy its humour and point of view through the eyes of the person and ppl who made it then ye would enjoy it a lot more ... all movies are meant to be seen through a certain perception .. if you dont get a movie then probably 99% of the time ye have watched it in the wrong frame of mind .. even the worst movies have a certain merit if understood and watched in the the right way ... Deep Blue Sea is a brilliant movie in its own way .. appreciate it for what it is .. its hardly Fellini but its brilliant for what it is .

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