Darkness Falls - Grey Ganking



I understand that when Df gets taken from each realm the surviving members of the opposing realms fight to stay in there as long as the can, but can u guys try to stick to killing players that con yellow to u, and not come to the merchants and gank all the NooB greys who couldnt even dent u if they attacked fr an hour, kinda makes no sense to risk PA on a grey NooB worth about 6rp and risk getting flattened by lvl 50s does it, or maybe u see fit to do that because u cant kill equal lvl to u, i myself never kill a grey unless they attack me and actually pose a threat to myself or team mates, i b4 some smartass idiot writes his little
someone got pwned
of course i did and so have hundreds of others, dont get me wrong ive seen hunters come to Alb side and sit thier pets around and not attack greys which i commend them for :D but too many times i been standing around watching SB run and attack a bunch of lvl 15-20s and gank the lot then run off only to come back and kill em after they been rezzed meaning they arent worth the ooh huge amount of RP anyway :p
Bad show :(
Anyway im off to mid side now to gain me some RP
Yellows For Teh win


kill them, kill them all.

DF is a frontier - if you don't like it go somewhere else. There's 16 non-frontier outside zones and countless dungeons.


My thoughts exactly, and greys are dangerous because if a yellow comes along they can leech and still interrupt spell casting.


Yeaaah... cuz all the infs and sb's out there really rely on casting spells.. duh



"U are teh s00k mistar" :D


Originally posted by filofax
Yeaaah... cuz all the infs and sb's out there really rely on casting spells.. duh
lol well said


grey today

orange tomorrow!

so kill em fast


Originally posted by gunner440
grey today

orange tomorrow!

so kill em fast

Are u gunnerr of rr10 fame O_O
can we swap RP plz :D


no im not

he's in bf while im SS

dnno his BW nick tho sorry :/



Why should we leave them? They are our enemies, just like all yellow conned. We are supposed to hate our enemies, insult them, be laughing at them etc.

I see no reason to spare a middies life, even if he is level 1.

My opinion :)



Saves 10 silver......

Port into DF = freee
Charge across df = free and someRPs and cash
Jump out of portal other end = Free

Saves 10 silver.....


If it attacks me it is dead
If it walkes before mine feet before I notice its grey, its dead
If it walkes with yellow con its dead

In all other cases I never kill a grey

XP killing is for the weak and gits



Well i agree that its a frontier zone dungeon so kill or be killed - leave, or stay and die.

It's kinda like askin a purple con aggro mob not to attack as you run past - youll always be 2nd best in that scenario - same in DF.

If you know it has been taken over by another realm and dont want to die - make ur way quickly and calmly to the exit. not rocket science. and there will always be toons who kill all on sight - fair play to em. I had it done to me, i expect it, its part of that area of the game.

Simple really.

I would love to go grey ganking in DF myself - just for an RP or 2, although i can never find my way to the middy side or hib side of DF once we get it anyways.

On the subject of XP killing - ill always wait for a toon to finish killing a mob first, then take em down when they have half health - but never kill whilst they are exping. Again, tho, its not against the COC, and not against any other ruling to say you can't do it. Its just being a bastard if you do.


Originally posted by drunkenmonk
I understand that when Df gets taken from each realm the surviving members of the opposing realms fight to stay in there as long as the can, but can u guys try to stick to killing players that con yellow to u, and not come to the merchants and gank all the NooB greys who couldnt even dent u if they attacked fr an hour, kinda makes no sense to risk PA on a grey NooB worth about 6rp and risk getting flattened by lvl 50s does it, or maybe u see fit to do that because u cant kill equal lvl to u, i myself never kill a grey unless they attack me and actually pose a threat to myself or team mates, i b4 some smartass idiot writes his little
someone got pwned
of course i did and so have hundreds of others, dont get me wrong ive seen hunters come to Alb side and sit thier pets around and not attack greys which i commend them for :D but too many times i been standing around watching SB run and attack a bunch of lvl 15-20s and gank the lot then run off only to come back and kill em after they been rezzed meaning they arent worth the ooh huge amount of RP anyway :p
Bad show :(
Anyway im off to mid side now to gain me some RP
Yellows For Teh win

if you want safe exp go to your realmzones not in df
df is a rvr zone and so you have to know that sooner or later someone will gang you......that's daoc life....live with it or /delete Y E S simple?


Originally posted by tripitaka
Well i agree that its a frontier zone dungeon so kill or be killed - leave, or stay and die.

It's kinda like askin a purple con aggro mob not to attack as you run past - youll always be 2nd best in that scenario - same in DF.

If you know it has been taken over by another realm and dont want to die - make ur way quickly and calmly to the exit. not rocket science. and there will always be toons who kill all on sight - fair play to em. I had it done to me, i expect it, its part of that area of the game.

Simple really.

I would love to go grey ganking in DF myself - just for an RP or 2, although i can never find my way to the middy side or hib side of DF once we get it anyways.

On the subject of XP killing - ill always wait for a toon to finish killing a mob first, then take em down when they have half health - but never kill whilst they are exping. Again, tho, its not against the COC, and not against any other ruling to say you can't do it. Its just being a bastard if you do.
Ill be happy to show you to hib/mid side m8 :D
+ also I hate people pl'ing their buffbots in DF (grey ones) so usually just kill the charmed pet which is holding aggro and watch them run :)
Abit like bonedancers also :p even if they arent pling just kill healing pets and look on :p


Originally posted by del_eneste
Ill be happy to show you to hib/mid side m8 :D
+ also I hate people pl'ing their buffbots in DF (grey ones) so usually just kill the charmed pet which is holding aggro and watch them run :)
Abit like bonedancers also :p even if they arent pling just kill healing pets and look on :p

ooh nice one - can i hold u to that sometime? I'll look you up in game , say hi and plonk you on my friends list of thats ok - That'll make 2 then. ;)


Yeah next few times we get df..check if i'm on and ill show you around :)


instead of staying in df..as soon as it switches you should be thinking .. right .. i got about 5 mins before i get owned .. i better start heading out. Therefore by staying in same place, your killing yoursleves and responsible for the exp death etc that you may incur.

You're moaning at the wrong ppl

kill them all


kill everything! dropping VP on a group of grey trolls is good for your blood pressure ;)


cry me a river


i got ganked many times by purpes .. so when i get a chance i take greys.. for revenge :D


I will kill any grey, in any situation. I intend to be evil to them. Its our job as realm enemies to give them the most painful and annoying death possible.
If that includes me using paralyze to stun them while they are fighting a mob, sobeit. XP killing is seen as some big taboo, and yeah its annoying as hell to have it happen to you, but this game is about war, and war is hell :p
My personal fave is to kill the CC as they pull.... hahah :D
The healer is always next :p


My inf got most rps in df killing hibbies focus pulling.

Only got to hib and mid merchants a few times and found them deserted.

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