Darkness Falls - Good or Bad?



DAoC has no high level content. Once you're level 50 with the best equipment and lots of cash, there is little if anything to do unless the server you play on has healthy, fair RvR battles every night.

Prydwen doesn't have this for Hibernians. I fear that soon our high levels will leave because of the simple fact that there is nothing to do and they're not having fun. Darkness Falls attempts to inject new life to RvR and high level content. It's no good if those high levels can't get to DF is it?

It's good to see that most people recognize this problem without accusing us of moaning. Lets face it, by the time DF comes out, most Albs and Mids will be able to have 2 or 3 level 50 Alts logged at their different forts.


Im pretty sure Excalibur is a very balanced server.....so we should have loads of fun......And im sure that if it becomes a problem on the less balanced servers some sort of balanceing will be used....mythic wont wanna lose high lvls this way so im sure they will sort it out a bit.

Atm we have nothing to warry about as we're not that close to getting DF anyway!

Zilch the Bard


cerebus, yes... the hibernia situation on Prydwen is quite shoking actually if think about it future-wise... if their high-levels do get tired and the situation just gets worse.


I accidentally walked into Darkness Falls today...

Scared the crap out of me!

Nice XP, nice scenery and nice cash...

Damn good fun :)


When did this become a "my realm sucks" thread? Can't really disagree with hibernia being less 'finished' than albion, never played in midgard so i'll assume midgard is also more finished. But, on Excal at least, to even suggest hibs will never see DF is just rubbish. Given how many people (or rather how few) do casual RvR in odin's or hadrian's, i'd have thought taking bledmeer or benowyc was a hell of a lot easier than taking Crauchon. And while the population on prydwen/hib is definitely bad, i think the problem will not be getting in to DF, but rather surviving in there when any respectable number of albs/mids are also in there.

Edit: Mattilda, you walked into DF with a lvl 13 and were able to judge how nice it was? As I've mentioned, the only things DF has that are superior to other drops or player-crafted gear, are the accessory items.


Hm. i was under the impression, that there are guard spawns outside DF?

if there is, it would mean that you could not leave, as the guards would decapitate you even while zoning, which means you have to stay inside. you will then be open prey for the new realm in charge.

I might be wrong tho. dont spend that much time reading about stuff i dont get to see for a while :)


Originally posted by HiredGoon
Hm. i was under the impression, that there are guard spawns outside DF?

if there is, it would mean that you could not leave, as the guards would decapitate you even while zoning, which means you have to stay inside. you will then be open prey for the new realm in charge.

I might be wrong tho. dont spend that much time reading about stuff i dont get to see for a while :)
Wow, lol :)
That sounds pretty nasty, but then again it would add to the tension... not being able to get out knowing that only invaders may free you. Sort of like a movie... trapped in some dungeon :)


Look guys

I am gonna say this one final time

P R Y D W Y N !!!



seriously I think DF will be ok - my main gripe tbh is that some realms seem to be getting tons of more content i.e salvage for an albion player is an awesome skill - look at all the salvageable items - I know they arent a patch on player crafted - but u cant always find a crafter with 800+ skill in a trade - its kinda hard to get to ;), this means salvage for a non ranger in hibbie is about as much use as a condom is to a nun ffs

it highlights the lack of thought and support for hibernia atm - which will effect all hibernian realms sooner or later - it might be a good thing - encourage more player crafters etc - but it might make ppl look on hibernia as a poor mans doac.

If it werent for my m8s I would be playing mid Pryd right now, why? because when I bought this game I came on this forum and alot of the ppl who helped me were from Mid - pryd thats why, and becuase I thought trolls look cool - I still feel a stab of envy every time a troll kills me ;)

I know some servers are more balanced population wise and that content for level 50+ is slack, but I still maintain that patches from now on should, when intrdoucing new skills - balance items for those new skills equally across all 3 realms - otherwise u might as well do away with oine of the relams entirely

(NOW I am telling designers what they should do Giriam) :)



AD: Lost - sense of humour - reward 5G for the best joke to help find it ;)


which server were we talking about again?



Ad: Found - one sense of humour - free to a good and caring home


cmon one more time for the cheap seats!!


yeah gotta love that name - easily the best name to say whilst pissed up on whiskey ;)


*hic* I am perfectly sober occifer


Probably need some extreme accent to even pronounce it... I am barely able to.


Originally posted by LandShark
Edit: Mattilda, you walked into DF with a lvl 13 and were able to judge how nice it was? As I've mentioned, the only things DF has that are superior to other drops or player-crafted gear, are the accessory items.

All I said was nice XP, nice scenery and nice cash.
Wasnt high enough to checkout the stuff you can buy or any drops.

I was 17 at the time and got a full 10 bubs (so I was 18+ after) in under 45 mins soloing orange necromancers.

My first impression = DF is great.


Wow..i was under teh impression it was only for high lvl people......so it must be huge!


Im playing the usa servers now (1.50c), and i can say honestly that your worrying about nothing here. The realm who has in its posession the most keeps can get into DF, and it changes hands so many times each day. Reason being is because usually each realm owns each of their own realms keeps, so all it takes is to slip into another realm and take their keep nearest your pk and bang DF is open. In the event of a tie (each realm owning 7 keeps) the realm who DF was open to last will still have DF.
And its pretty easy to go and take your keep back then an enemy keep to open DF as youll find most of the other realms higher lvls playing in DF. Also even if your in DF and it closes to your realm, you dont get booted so can still hunt in there until you die or leave (and you can log in there too).

The entrance mob in DF is rats which are yellow to level 17, so you can go in DF pretty early. The rats dont drop seals though, you have to wait until you can kill plated fiends (yellow/orange to 26) or apprentice necyomancers (about lvl 24ish) these 2 mob drop emerald seals pretty regular.

I got my DF theurgist staff of wind (a nice mustard colour with wind+2, int+6, wind 38 lvls - cost 32 emerald seals :)) and DF robe for 26 seals. When i got them they were red to lvl 27.

A lot of you are approaching or already are 50 now, so youve missed out on a lot of the game when you do get these patches as you wont be needing DF armour etc because youll be getting your epic armour which looks pretty damn awesome.

The only way you will be able to get the most fun out of the game now is to start an alt and play him through all these features like the battlegrounds, Df etc. Its a shame goa are so pathetic as theyve really spoiled the game for the main chars of you guys. :(


I've got a lot of american friends who play american servers and from what they have told me about DF is that it's not all it's cracked up to be.

He said there is tons of aggro everywhere . Lots of exp deaths if a enemy realm takes DF invades and kills people in there . and the exp is not as good as other well known spots .

But imo DF will be a good and bad thing . for one it will bring a lotmore rvr defending into rvr . "imo to many realms dont care about keeps" and dont goto there defence when they hear of a raid on them. with DF being keep number related im sure keep defences will become a more common sight ..
Bad point is a lot of keep raids will be done very late at night . whilst a lot of folks are in bed . it doesnt bother me much because im up into the twilight hours reguler . but i can understand a lot of people having to goto bed early for work/school etc etc . but end of the day its a war and the game doesnt and shouldnt stand still when its late . but regardless im looking forward to DF and i hope it will be a welcome addition into future patches ....

i also read that a dungeon from each realm is being made bigger with extra chambers with new mobs in them . thats for me is another thing to look forward to :)


Is the server you play on equal in terms of numbers and levels though or is it really 2 sided like Prydwen?

With Darkness Falls at stake, Hibernian forts will probably be the bitches of Albion and Midgard.

old.Gombur Glodson

well by the time US got DF most of them were 50 to so nu bugger
just make an alt and there you are


many people speaks about usa servers, here are some stats.

and same :) copy/paste here.

Total of 16 Live Servers.

Servers on which Hibernia is ranked:
1st: 4
2nd: 6
3rd: 6

Servers on which Midgard is ranked:
1st: 5
2nd: 3
3rd: 8

Servers on which Albion is ranked:
1st: 7
2nd: 7
3rd: 2

Servers on which Hibernia is ranked:
1st: 6
2nd: 6
3rd: 4

Servers on which Midgard is ranked:
1st: 2
2nd: 3
3rd: 11

Servers on which Albion is ranked:
1st: 8
2nd: 7
3rd: 1


Originally posted by LegoPirate

Did you read any posts in your rush to spout off your illconsidered and innacturate invective dribble? I doubt it. I havent at any point stated that the designers should do this and should do that - I have said that in my opinion Hibernia has been given the short end of the stick as regards many items. But hey - I am sorry - obivously I should agree with you and worship the designers.

Did I mention your name? Nope, thats right - I didnt. Did i tell you or anyone else to worship the designers? Nope, didnt do that either. Did i state that i was tired of people whining and that hibernia is just as equiped as the other realms to take keeps? Yes i did.

How you made that out to become an attack on your posts and an instruction to agree with me is kinda hard to follow.



Originally posted by cerebus
If you could be assed to read the posts you will see that we are talking about the effects of Darkness Falls on unbalanced servers.
Way to spoil what was otherwise an informative thread, ass.

Above half the posts where about "hibernia is a golfcourse" and "we are so gimped" (last quote is paraphrased), thats not talking about the effects of DF on a server.

And "informative thread"? How about this then; I'll collect all the quotes that are whining about whatever state of a char/class/realm/server, and you collect all the quotes that are "informative" in relation to DF.. Then we post them here and we'll see by how many factions of 10 you get within my number.



Originally posted by LandShark
When did this become a "my realm sucks" thread? Can't really disagree with hibernia being less 'finished' than albion, never played in midgard so i'll assume midgard is also more finished. But, on Excal at least, to even suggest hibs will never see DF is just rubbish.




and please, try to keep your worldly opinions to yourself when they are based on your experience as a l 17 alb, 19 hib and 4 viking; do you really think that's all the playing it takes to learn more about the game than the developers?

Now we can sit here quoting each others posts all day if you wish Giriam.

If when you posted you meant to target a poster in particular then you should have mentioned them specifically otherwise you were always going to get a response from any poster who took exception to what you said.

In the paragraph above you ask people to keep their opinions to themselves and state that they dont know more about the game than the designers. As there is no name in there - I assumed that it was a global post aimed at all people contributing to what was, I felt an interesting thread highlighting the problems of server population imbalance affecting the prydwyn server. Yes the discussion had wandered off topic, but it was still a friendly and constructive discussion.

At no point have I claimed to know more than them.

If you read other points made you will find that people don't think that Hibernian classes don't rvr well - in fact the opposite is true, the point was that at present there arent enough numbers to make a toe to toe rvr fight plausible. This is a shame because we have no chance of getting a third server until we can see prydwyn as balanced as excalibur.

Thats why I felt it was attack on not only my posts - but other peoples posts in a discussion that I was enjoying.



Originally posted by LegoPirate
In the paragraph above you ask people to keep their opinions to themselves and state that they dont know more about the game than the designers.

I dont mean that people should keep their opinions to themselves, if i did i probably wouldnt be reading the boards in the first place. But there is a difference between having an opinion on something and using a public board to constantly complain; those where the people i where talking to, or - trying to talk to atleast.

And i do belive that the designers have more control over balance issues in the game than anyone who's played a couple of chars on one or two realms or made a zillion ones that never got above 20..

But lets just bury this and let people go on with the actual discussion :p



tuppe, those stats are way different than what I expected... what the hell is wrong with Prydwen is all I can say :)


With a good server population balance, Hibernia can stand up to the rest of you no problem. Prydwen just happens to have a very small Hibernian population meaning that until things change, we're never going to be able to challange the other two realms.

Thanks very much for taking the time out to post those statistics, a good read. What kind of population did the servers mentioned have though? Just out of interest.....



How things happen...

DF is IN!

Albion takes Crauchon, DF is for albs.

Hiibies tale Crauchon back, head to bledmeer.

Midgard takes Crauchon, DF is for Mids

Hibbies take Bledmeer, head to crauchon

Albs take Crauchon, DF is for albs

Hibs take Crauchon, Midgard retakes bledmeer.

Ad vitam nauseam. Having TWO realms taking crauchon for keep superority has the end result of Hib always running to recoup losses and having trouble to get its own DF opening.


as twiz stated, you can log down in DF

I think this is how Hibbies will play DF

Hib takes one more keep than everyone else
All of Hib get into DF (all Aliance members)
Albs/Middies take control of DF
Hibbies continue to play in DF
Hibbies lose all their keeps
Hibbies continue to play in DF (logging inside etc)
Hibbies want to use the tokens to buy stuff, so majority (alliance) leave DF together
Hibs start to retake their keeps

repeat the above


Originally posted by Andromalius
How things happen...

DF is IN!

Albion takes Crauchon, DF is for albs.

Hiibies tale Crauchon back, head to bledmeer.

Midgard takes Crauchon, DF is for Mids

Hibbies take Bledmeer, head to crauchon

Albs take Crauchon, DF is for albs

Hibs take Crauchon, Midgard retakes bledmeer.

Ad vitam nauseam. Having TWO realms taking crauchon for keep superority has the end result of Hib always running to recoup losses and having trouble to get its own DF opening.

You will find most Albions Prydwen would prefer to take Bledmyr for this reason. It means the Mids will have to retake Bledmyr and then another keep to regain access to DF. That is more hassle for the Mids, also they have the numbers on our server and so they would be the main threat, we would want to minimise their access to DF and any Albion in their right mind wants to get at the Mids anyway. Sure DC is seen as an easy target but there is nothing to stop the Hibs going for Bledmyr or Beno when DC is under siege, it doesn't take that many lvl40+ players to take any keep. I am certain Hibs will have at least 40 lvl40+ players by the time we get 1.48 and that is enough to take 2 keeps at once with proper planning.

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