Darkness Falls, Glauthrong returns

  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
  • Start date

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Det
I can help u with the lvl 43, 45 epic quests Glauthrong. Have had to do most of the epics solo sofar, sometimes being lucky and getting into a grp at the mobspawn so I know how it feels. Still havent finished it.

Solo? What kind of gimpy encounters do you Mids get? :p


One part i did solo was 1 ytm with 2 adds. second was 1 rtm with 2 btm adds (red daggers in jamtland part). The last one took around 20 mins to solo, casting spells then sprinting away til it was low enough to engage. Not the most fun i've ever had but rewarding when the mob finally died.

- Pathfinder -

Kiting is a violation of the Mobs' Rights!

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Det
I can help u with the lvl 43, 45 epic quests Glauthrong. Have had to do most of the epics solo sofar, sometimes being lucky and getting into a grp at the mobspawn so I know how it feels. Still havent finished it.
Thanks Det. Very kind of you, and I'll take you up on that. Maybe even help you later if I can. I can also pay you back by giving your alt a bunch of seals.


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