Games Darkfall Online


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Release date is said to be 22nd January
I dont think they will stick to it though as there is still alot missing according to Beta leaks as well as no shops having pre-orders ready

First mmo i am acutally looking forward to, Open world UO/EQ style where you pretty much do as you please rather than being shuffled from point to point
Truth be told i am a little worried about this one as the programmers however talented seem to lack direction, but one can always hope they pull it off

Pretty good summary of interface and stuff
The Darkfall starter guide!

EDIT: if you are a leaker and want to "leak" please contact me ( faithkiller) @

I hope you guys have enjoyed these leaks, and I hope to read more previews from other testers here over the next few days or weeks until Darkfall is released. I trust Faithkiller and I think you can as well. I would also like to say that if other testers did want to safely leak screenshots they could hit ALT-H to remove the entire interface and then take a photo of it with a digital camera. -leakreader2

Darkfall Tester Guide -
When you enter Darkfall for the first time, you will spawn in the starting village you selected in the character creator. All races have three starting villages each.

You spawn next to a guard tower, so you are reasonably safe here. The guard towers will fire at anyone entering its range with an evil or rogue alignment. Currently the damage of the guard towers are a little low, and it will be increased slightly over the next few weeks.

The interface


The first thing you want to do is to arrange the interface to your liking, and maybe try out different video settings.

You bring up the GUI-mode by RIGHT-CLICKING your mouse. You close it again with another RIGHT-CLICK.

In your backpack you will have three different starting weapons – a club, a sword and an axe. You equip one of them by either double clicking it or dragging it to the weapon slot of your paperdoll. You will always respawn with these three weapons. They can not be sold, destroyed or lost.

Everything else on your character will be left on your grave when you die, and can be looted by anyone.

Always make sure to keep your bank vault well stocked with equipment or gold. You will never lose items in your bank vault.

To perform any attacks, you need to unsheathe your weapon. This is done by pressing R. Pressing R again will sheathe your weapon.

When your weapon is sheathed, you are in 1st person view. When your weapon is unsheathed (i.e. when you are in combat mode), your view changes to 3rd person view if you are holding a melee weapon, and stays in 1st person (but with hands and weapon visible) if you are using a ranged weapon, such as a bow or a magic staff to cast spells.

To cast a spell you need a staff. You can either find a staff on a monster, or buy it from an NPC vendor.

Most active skills in Darkfall follow the load and fire principle. You select the skill of spell you want to perform (drag the ones you use more often to the hotbar for convenience), then press the LEFT mouse-button to perform the action.

Getting quests


Next to the bindstone where you spawn for the first time, is an NPC Councelor.

You interact with all NPCs, bank vaults, mail boxes, gravestones, ships, mounts, cannons etc. by pressing the F (use) button.

Remember to sheathe your weapon (press R) before you interact.

When you talk to the Councelor, he will have tabs for buying, selling and quests. Pick the quest tab and accept all quests he is offering.

Once you have gotten the quest to kill goblins, an indicator on your minimap will show where some of the closest goblin camps are.



Monsters in Darkfall are tough. Try to fight one monster at a time if possible, and always watch your stamina and hitpoints. If you are in trouble, RUN.



You can run faster by pressing LEFT SHIFT to sprint. Sprinting will drain your stamina, so keep an eye on your stamina bar. Getting attacked by a monster or player with almost no stamina is not good.

Going Rogue


When you target/look at another player, if his name is in blue, he has a positive alignment to you. Attacking him will make you a Rogue. When you are in Rogue-mode, your name will appear in brown to other players, and they can kill you with no penalties. If you kill a blue player, your alignment will drop, and if it drops enough you will turn red to other players, and they will be rewarded with positive alignment for killing you.

Red players will be auto-attacked by guard towers.

Looting a grave


To loot a grave, sheathe your weapon (press R), target the grave and press use (F) to open it. Items can now be dragged from the grave to your backpack.



To rest, sheathe your weapon (press R), then use the Rest skill (which you can drag to the hotbar from the skills list). This does NOT make you rest yet, it simply loads the skill. Left click to start resting. A ‘zzz’ icon will appear at the top of the screen and you will see your character in 3rd person view, sitting down. You can mouselook and arrange your bags etc. without breaking out of rest.
To stop resting, use the Jump key (space by default).

If you have any food, eating before you rest will increase the recovery rate.



/say (default) - talk to people in your immediate vicinity
/say_global - talk to everyone on the server. This is a temporary chat command that will be removed before release
/msg firstname lastname - sends a private message to another player. The message will show up in its own tab, and by switching to this tab you open a private conversation with each other.

If you are a veteran gamer you should now be ready to start, otherwise keep reading!



Does it sound all a bit too much to learn? It’s actually quite easy once you get used to it. Let’s bring all this information together with a short walkthrough.

Step 1 – Initial preparations
You have just created your character, and have appeared just outside the gate of the village that you chose as starter location. You will see a clanstone (i.e. bindpoint) and the NPC that gives the starter quests.

Under the System messagebox there is a ‘Chat’ button. Click on it to open the public chat bar. If you want to type a message to all, type /say_global then your message. If you want to start a private conversation, type /msg then the player’s name and last name followed by your message

You don’t see your character yet (since you aren’t in combat mode). Right click. This brings up the utility windows, such as paperdoll, backpack, etc. A links menu on the top left allows you to access options, journal, minimap, etc. Click now on minimap to open it, if it’s not open already in the top right corner. Leave it there, it will be handy shortly to find where the monsters are.

Click on Skills, and under general skills find ‘Rest’. Drag it to the ‘0’ (zero) slot of the hotbar (you’ll see how to use it in a moment). Equip one of the 3 starter weapons by dragging it from the backpack to your paperdoll.

Right click again – the utility windows will disappear. Press R to unsheathe your weapon. Now you can see your character!

Step 2 – Moving around
Time to familiarise yourself with the basic movement keys:

W,S,A,D move you forward, back, left, right
Space – Jump
Left shift – Sprint (it consumes stamina but you run much faster)
C – crouch (npcs have more trouble spotting you)

Remember that you can remap these and all other keys in Options, which is an item of the menu that you can see when you right click.

Step 3 – Get the starter quests
Run up to the NPC. To interact with him, you must first sheathe your weapon, if you are in combat mode (press R to sheathe/unsheathe)..
Press F to interact with the guy. You will see a window where the last tab is Quests. Go to that tab and take the two quests available.
You will now see on the minimap (that you opened in step 1) the locations of the nearest goblins. Start running there.

Step 4 –Combat
Unsheathe your weapon (press R - you’ll now be in 3rd person view) and left click to hit your target. Note that you do NOT autotarget or lock target. You have to actually be facing towards your enemy and be aiming at it/her/him in order to hit. Keep an eye on your stamina bar so that you always have enough to sprint away if you are in too much trouble.

Step 5 – Loot
Let’s assume that you defeated your enemy. After a few moments, a tombstone will appear instead of its body. Sheathe your weapon (press R), then target the tombstone and press F to use it. Drag its contents to your backpack.

Step 6 – Rest
Walk out of the way of the spawn to avoid surprises, then sheathe your weapon if you were in combat mode (press R). Press 0 (we had dragged the Rest skill to this slot in step 1). Rest is now loaded, as you can see by the small campfire icon under the hotbar. To start resting, left click. You will see your character sitting down. When your life and stamina bars are full, press space to jump up.

Congratulations, you’ve learned the ropes of getting by in Darkfall, and are now ready to discover more by yourself, such as how to use magic, crafting, archery, and so on. If you are ever in doubt on how to do something, don’t forget to ask in general chat. People are happy to help and there’s usually a Dev at hand to answer most questions.

Darkfall Default Controls

Please note: all of these controls can be changed ingame

Right Mouse Bring up / Close the User Interface windows
W,A,S,D movement: forward, strafe left, backwards, strafe right
Mouse Turn,mouselook
F -Use/ action key (vendors, mounts, ships, guns, vehicles,looting)
R -Sheathe / Unsheathe (equipped weapon or staff)
C Crouch
Space Jump
Numlock Autorun
L Shift +W Sprint
Ctrl(+ W,A,S,D) Walk
0-9 Hotbar Slots skill/spell selection
Shift+0-9 Hotbar selection(For fast access to the hotbar use shift 0 -9)

First Person Mode Controls (Ranged, Spells)
Mouse left button Fire

Swimming Controls:
W,A,S,D Forward, left, backwards, right
C Dive
left shift and movement key crawl-stroke swimming (faster
Space Swim Upwards

Special Controls:
To revive the character needs to have its weapon sheathed.
Z Revive (LMB/Attack bind to use)
X Gank (Press LMB/Attack bind to use)
SPACE Release(die) when incapacitated before the timer runs out.

Mount Controls:
F to mount/dismount
R Sheathe/Unsheathe a weapon on mounts
W,A,S,D move forward, turn left, move backwards, turn right
Mouse Mouseloook
Q,E Lean left, right
Space Jump
Movement +Ctrl Mount walks
Numlock Autorun
Left Mouse when mount is standing still Mount attacks Forward
Left Mouse + S when mount is standing still Mount attacks Backwards
Left Mouse + S when mount is standing still Mount attacks Backwards
Left Mouse+ W,A,D Weapon attack when mount is in motion

Ship Controls:
WASD move forward, turn left, move backwards, turn right
Mouse Mouseloook
Numlock Autorun

Cannon controls:
Mouse aim
Left Mouse Fire cannon

Warhulk controls:
F12 Change Camera Mode
WASD move forward, turn left, move backwards, turn right
Left Mouse If warhulk has a cannon for the driver: Fire Cannon
Mouse Rotates camera in secondary camera mode. If driver has a cannon, it rotates the cannon.

Source & Nice site for up to date info
Darkfall leaks



Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Looting on death is insta-fail; also not really a fan of the forced 1st person stuff, but at least they are trying something different I guess.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
hah, very similiar anyway :D
Also, Gene Simmons is doing the promo for this game or smt?


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Give me a good PVP/RVR game that will beat WoW.

Tried WAR and the quest grind is a joke.

DAoC all the way


Part of the furniture
Jan 1, 2004
Can't wait for this game as WAR isn't feeding my hunger and lets be honest its average and aint no daoc :) Just wish they would announce the inevitable start date delay so I can chill...*counts to 10*

Nice site btw :drink:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
seems a bit ambitious, hope it does well though, anyone remember how shadowbane promised to be the next big thing then flopped and died? :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hopefully they've hidden the grind well enough etc.

Age of conan seemed promising, and it wasn't(in it's general goodness, don't get me wrong), that good.

I'm not holding my breath for anothre sword/magic game being anything else then a runner in a 50 man run, but....we'll see.

Hopefully there's a good trial.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
I wish I was still playing NEOCRON, that game was epic!


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I wish I was still playing NEOCRON, that game was epic!

Indéed. They should focus on those sorts of steam punk mmo´s. But this Darkfall online sure looks interesting. Need something new for a change.

Vanguard is the only game whic i really enjoyed playing, but it seems kind of abandoned nowdays.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
2 major epic fails imo

Everything else on your character will be left on your grave when you die, and can be looted by anyone.

(Regarding quest npc's) Remember to sheathe your weapon (press R) before you interact.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
2 major epic fails imo

Everything else on your character will be left on your grave when you die, and can be looted by anyone.

(Regarding quest npc's) Remember to sheathe your weapon (press R) before you interact.

only for people who like to be hand held through the game :p, there are a multitude of mmo's for people like this. World of Warcraft, Warhammer etc..

The sheathe your weapon has to do with standings with npc's, if you have an aggresive stance towards them they will have the same back to you (bearing in mind you can kill anyone, npc's included in this game)

As for losing everything when you die, this happens in ultima online, eve online etc.. too and it works fine. It means there is some significance to you dying rather than just dry rinse repeating a quest too hard for you until you kill it eventually


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
seems a bit ambitious, hope it does well though, anyone remember how shadowbane promised to be the next big thing then flopped and died? :p

I liked Shadowbane! There was definitely a good game in there, shame the servers and software were so spectacularly unreliable.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
only for people who like to be hand held through the game :p, there are a multitude of mmo's for people like this. World of Warcraft, Warhammer etc..

The sheathe your weapon has to do with standings with npc's, if you have an aggresive stance towards them they will have the same back to you (bearing in mind you can kill anyone, npc's included in this game)

As for losing everything when you die, this happens in ultima online, eve online etc.. too and it works fine. It means there is some significance to you dying rather than just dry rinse repeating a quest too hard for you until you kill it eventually

This also happened in Dungeon Siege and people would use cheats to kill you, then take all your items. Now Darkfall may prevent the cheat programs, but I can see Random player A running around doing quests and then two little pricks decide they'll go take all his items via a nice bit of ganking.

So if you have an aggressive stance with an npc, why would you need to put your weapon away? If he's aggressive, surely he's not going to sell you anything but a punch in the face?


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
I don't really have a problem with the sheathing your weapon for npcs, in fact, I think it adds a lot more personality to an npc if they're more aware of the person interacting with them.
I won't be playing though with open pvp, especially with items dropping on death. Anyone who saw me playing warhammer (looking at you, bahu) will know how much i didn't get along with open pvp, so add in losing items and i've no interest at all.
That said though, this is a pvp game, and I'm not really a pvp player, it's more of a side interest if anything for me.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
If you guys have watched the "Cliché quest" comic, you will notice that it has many similarities to Darkfall Online. My bet is that it is less item/equipment oriented, thus less pointless grinding to get to a certain level and then continue pointless raiding, but to plot the downfall of certain individuals, kill them, loot them and dance over their corpses :clap: More fun if there is some risk of loosing your gear involved rather than /release and jump the person repeadetly til he dies aka Camlann.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
This also happened in Dungeon Siege and people would use cheats to kill you, then take all your items. Now Darkfall may prevent the cheat programs, but I can see Random player A running around doing quests and then two little pricks decide they'll go take all his items via a nice bit of ganking.

So if you have an aggressive stance with an npc, why would you need to put your weapon away? If he's aggressive, surely he's not going to sell you anything but a punch in the face?

report, ban
no more cheater :p

Aggressive stance = combat mode
passive = neutral

If you run at another player weapons at what would they do in return ? :p
seeing as npc's are suppose to be artificial emulations of characters it stands to reason they follow the same ruleset, personally i think it adds to character and immersion if guards attack you if you run in with your weapons out yelling battle cries


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
You'll also be item-less....

if you were stupid enough to carry all your valuable items, yes :p
until ofc you raise a ticket assumably they will deal with these things

Guessing at what might happen is a little silly at this point isn't it? seeing as there isn't even an open beta yet


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 1, 2005
I don't think losing items on death is all that bad, in EVE online it is essential to keep backup equipment in your bank and i think it works very well.
But of course you are going to be killed more if you are not part of a decent guild.
How many here are actually going to try the game?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
But of course you are going to be killed more if you are not part of a decent guild.

no your not, u'l be killed just as much regardless if ur part of a decent guild or not.

especially if the one that kills you is ALSO part of a decent guild. or an even bigger guild.

or just out to grief ppl as a solo player without a guild that just rerolls when he's on everyones KOS list.

many ppl today just dont care aslong as they can grief others, they will be happy to reroll.

i'l probably try the game, if nothing else then just to see how it plays, i doubt i'l stay playing it but i'l try it atleast.

and the significant difference with eve and this game that ppl havent mentioned yet is that in eve there are safe space, sure u can get killed there to but then its either because your corp is in a war or u pissed someone off really really much that they think a suicide gank is worth it.

afaik u wont have safe haevens in darkfall. or atleast nothing compared to eve's safe space.

and you can loot dead ships in eve to, but that will flag u for the items owner that can blow u up even in safe space, darkfall wont have that either.

not to mention that there wont be a clear class structure, everyone will end up running with the ultimate WTFPWN specc.

i doubt there will be many, if any pure healers in this game as most of the time burst damage > heals. and as theres no class structure in this game, everyone can and will get all the best damage skills.

its an interesting game for sure but in the end its gonna be like in UO, where only the griefers end up playing and the devs are forced to change the game so much that it will be nothing like they originally intended.

and then it will close not to long after.

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