Daox - Good or bad



Thought i would throw open the doors of debate on the use of DAOX . Who thinks its a good or bad thing? Personally i dont use it but its very big in the US. I can see it being handy for looking up quest info etc rather than quitting out game but do you think it gives an unfair advantage to those using it to facilitate buff bots on the same pc etc What do ya think guys? Anyone who knows the mythic/Goa policy on it?


Reason I would use it is that I rarely only play a game and have my brains 100% at it. When at my computer I do lots of other things, chatting, webbing etc etc. It's very hard for me to stay in the same DAoC-window for ours, I have to keep myself updated on other things. That's the reason I would use it. (maybe I do too, who knows ;))

I really can't see what advantage DAox would give you, it is allowed to have two computers, isn't it? Read somewhere that it would be easier to control automatic bots and such when running daoc windowed. Dunno :confused:

Methinks that what you possibly could control with one computer you could control over a network with an other, hence what would the profit be running daoc windowed opposite having one more computer?

Geez, think I lost my thread somewhere? :)


Im playing devils advocate , no disappointment to me. Just crossed my mind as i know many people on us who use it.

Shame on me must use the search tool more often 8)


i dont have need for it, but imo, yes daox is a good thing for people who wouldnt think of cheating, eg playing around with the memory of daoc.
but for the people who would :|


Myself I have my laptop as well, so I don't need daox. But for those who doesn't have or can't afford two comps I think it's a good alternative, however it's against the CoC. I hardly think that a majority of those who would or already uses it, would do so to cheat. Granted tho, daox makes it a lot 'easier' for those with ill intent...

Uncle Sick(tm)

... and that is exactly the reason why it shouldn't be allowed to use. There should be no suspension for users of third party plug ins- just ban them right away.

If you can't handle not being able to surf, chat, download etc. while you play... don't play.


daox is undetectable as it does not effect ne thing in game so there is no log of it.

I myself dont use daox or have every tried looking for it, i like playing games the way i first play them.


they just change the binary in a patch and get it to report if you've got windowed=1 in your user.dat or whatever it is it wants you to change and then they're pretty sure you are using daox or another hack :)


when there's a wil to cheat, there's a way....
those lamers are gonna cheat anyways.... my pc is not a DAOC machine.... it has an OS, and does other things that play games.... sadly I cannot take advantage of it when playing DAoC.... luckly I have a dinky laptop next to me if I need, though I really can understand why people play in windowed mode

Sharp Thing

i used it a couple of days just to test it and its quitte handy, i also tried if u could run 2different accounts at the same PC, one time it worked but VERY laggy (even on my "high end" sustem) and the other time it gave an error that daoc was already running


Originally posted by sickofit...
If you can't handle not being able to surf, chat, download etc. while you play... don't play.
Ever tried crafting? There is no way you can spend hour after hour just looking at a green bar growing without suffering any mental injuries :p
I guess most of the high crafters had an extra pc to do something interesting on while crafting...

And yes, I have low craftingskills :p


Daox is harmless. Sure it can be used to cheat, but it is the cheating that deserves the ban, not using a program that 'apparently' makes cheating possible in the first place. I have and will use Daox and am not too concerned about getting busted for it either. I do not use it to cheat, I use it to enable me to use my computer in the way it is intended while I play a game I enjoy playing.

Interestingly, there is an app called Daoc Tradehelper which parses the log file in your camelot directory and responds to certain events with sound files. It was developed play sounds when certain events in crafting happened, as currently when the creeping green bar of boredom has finished its journey, the player who has quite naturally gone afk/to sleep gets audio feedback. The functionality has been extended a bit such that it responds to other events from the log file. The author was keen to seek Mythics advice on the use of this program, you can see their official response on his site. (Basically they said 'no, we won't ban anyone for using this')

Seems to me that the use of Daox when no cheating can be detected is unlikely to ever earn anyone a ban. But hell will freeze over before Mythic/GOA state publicly that are not bothered by the use of any 3rd party programs.


Ok I give in , i gave it a try last night. It was cool as i could play my US account and euro at same time. So when i was resting one character other could fight. Litlle laggy though. Using it in crafting is a great idea.


This whole windowed / alt-tabbing issue is really a joke.
If I wanted to load a cheat program or do anything else, I could simply telnet onto my machine from another PC and run whatever I wanted.
I have DAOx but I dont use it, as I found the windowed effect slightly disorientating. Playing this game with the alt-tabbing restriction do nothing to prevent cheating and only serves to annoy users.


Originally posted by old.smurflord
This whole windowed / alt-tabbing issue is really a joke.
If I wanted to load a cheat program or do anything else, I could simply telnet onto my machine from another PC and run whatever I wanted.
I have DAOx but I dont use it, as I found the windowed effect slightly disorientating. Playing this game with the alt-tabbing restriction do nothing to prevent cheating and only serves to annoy users.
So true. Still haven't heard any real good arguments to why they've disabled the alt+tab feature. :rolleyes:


I am used to playing games in a window since the the early days of MMORPGs (Ultima Online etc.) and it really bothers me to go on a 5 hour streak of exping with nothing else to do... what about music? Oh sure I have a stereo but my playlist is way bigger then the amount of tracks I have on CDs sooo... but really, this only prevents the usual "script kiddies" who download a program and run it to hack in a game... serious hackers/cheaters find a way around the alt+tab no problem (most likely). I would love to see the percentage of DAoC players who use daox... could come as a shock to Mythic/GOA to be honest.


First we pay(laff) for Windows, windowed OS, where you can multitask, run several programs simultaneously. Then we pay to play a game that doesnt allow that and STILL runs in Windows, _only_. If someone wants to cheat, making the game crash on alt-tab doesnt help, it just provokes really. We could go on and on about this, there aint black and white, theres always the devious grey.


I know for a fact daox is widely used on both the english servers, personally I consider it borderline cheating but it is a real grey area. If people don't give real-time info regarding thier realm to other realms I don't have a problem with it but in truth probably 90% of the people using it can't resist gloating or telling thier mates that they are about to be attacked. I would never consider using it as I have seen it ruin RvR battles many times where our location/target/strength was already know and prepared for before we had attacked.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
If people don't give real-time info regarding thier realm to other realms I don't have a problem with it <snip>

Perhaps we should ban the use of phones/SMS/talking/smoke signals etc.. when we play daoc then.

That above is called spying, NOT cheating. Someone with 2 PCs/2 accounts can (and probably do) rat on one realm to another.It isn't actually cheating, its just dirty, lowdown and lame. But it has precisely nothing to do with the use of daox.


IMO this is a situation where everyone is resposible for themselves. If you use DAoX, dont reveal any crucial information in public, use any kind of hacks or trainers or whatever there is out there, its OK for me really. I cant see why I must watch hours of my character on a horse ride when I could browse Herald and learn some valuable information or chat on IRC with friends (not necessarily DAoC friends). No harm done? Except using a program which is banned.

Use it, get benefits that might make DAoC live a bit longer on your hands, dont use it, get bored earlier to the hours of waiting, downtime, horserides, camping Gorge waiting for single greycon hib to get slaughtered by a horde... Thats what I think about using DAoX. Im heavily addicted to IRC and some other things online. And i spend hours playing DAoC. I dont want to give up one to use the another, this would be a solution for me.

P.S. And those who dont use DAoX and have possibility to use 2 PCs, are using it to IRC on the same time. Weird isnt it?


i'd use it to stop the game crashing every time you accidently catch the windows key, that's so frigin annoying!
i have a second pc though which i can use for checking web pages, maps e.t.c
oh, and just for the record, it's possible to play daoc, and look at a web page at the same time on 56k. get a little bit of lag, but not noticably worse than usual


Originally posted by Meatballs
they just change the binary in a patch and get it to report if you've got windowed=1 in your user.dat or whatever it is it wants you to change and then they're pretty sure you are using daox or another hack :)

Windowed=1 has a valid use, you CAN run daoc non-fullscreen, and it will still crash if you alt-tab or change focus. At one point I used this to monitor irc underneath daoc, and then just quit daoc if I needed to reply.

What really makes me laugh is that most of the cheats out there you use in FULLSCREEN mode anyway - they just read the chat.log and parse commands from those, or monitor kb input for certain keypresses, then overlay stuff (dont ask me what, Ive never considered paying some script kiddie $20 :p)
If people are going to cheat, the saddo's don't need to use daox.

And for the record, at 976 armourcraft, I get through a LOT of books :p


Originally posted by fatgit
at 976 armourcraft
Change your signature mate :)

About the topic... I saw good points being made and yes I have noticed that it is possible to run DAoC without daox in windowed mode... so the windowed=1 doesn't prove jack as fingoniel has shown...



i think its very nice... if your resting or sumthin... you can just go chack out some webbys etc.. Dunno why they have a reason to ban ppl for it.. as its their stupid arses that made the alt+tab unavaileble


imho they should put daox up as an accepted third party program, I haven't crafted that much and I'm currently on 43X and after a little while I'm sitting infront of my comp singing teletubbie tunes... on the other hand, saw on the vnboards about a cheat that utilized daox and had a macro-program that did the crafting.. dunno how it was, but it used daox as a ground tool for the script...

daox = a very greyzone when it comes to the CoC (but will probably use it for crafting :rolleyes: )


Macro progs work without DAoX. Recording keypresses. Piss easy to make.

Wasnt it legal to use macros in Ultima Online if you were sitting infront of your comp, surfing or IRCing. What I heard that GMs just said "Hi!" or asked a question to check if you were there etc.

- Pathfinder -

I don't recall any GM ever caring about AFK macroing either :p TBH I find games without macros to be undeveloped, especially from a crafting perspective, but that might just be me ;)

DAoC's sad excuse for acros don't qualify, cough.


Yup... in UO macroing was legal if you were present at your computer... if a GM got no response from you and you were doing something they would pretty much ban you...

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