Daoc Windowed?



Originally posted by F.I.V
You're right, windowed mode will lead to problems,
On occasion I've considered trying DAoX, I was a user of EQW back in the day,
Unfortunately I'm too much of a coward to see if GOA have better tracking devices than Verant.

Anyway, I've heard rumours that we'll be able to play 2 chars at 1 time from the same account...
Likely that it wont be true but what can you do, eh?
Looks like I'll never PL that pbaoe wizzy ;)

Seems kinda risky to try incase I lose my account, wouldnt really be happy about that.
Usually I'd try, but I've worked my ass off on my Friar lately and I don't wanna lose all that time.
Consider how you would feel if you just lost your account cos of being a little over anxious...
Kentucky fried chicken time, gotta go ;)

Anyone here know if the above rumour is true?
Not sure myself, could be but then again I dont wanna get my hopes up.
Time to go, really!

nice one ;)

/em wonders if anyone is still ignorant of the real converstaion in this thread


All of this discusiion and referrence to 'rumours' or 'hear say' is a bit daft. Read the patch notes.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.59 Release Notes



- Windowed mode and the ability to Alt-Tab have been enabled in the Shrouded Isles client. Remember, you may have significant technical issues when you run the game in windowed mode; be sure to report any problems you find.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.60 Release Notes



- (SI Only) You can now run multiple instances of the client on the same computer simultaneously. You may not log into the same server on two different realms (except for Co-op and PVP servers). PLEASE BE AWARE that running two instances of Camelot on one computer is not recommended and will work with only the most advanced computer systems. You will be able to run two versions of Camelot simultaneously only if you have 512megs or more of system RAM. If you run into any problems with running two Camelot instances on the same computer, exit both of them and relog with just one client before calling customer support.

Sort of makes any discussion of the legality of using windowed mode a little mute when GOA have practically finished testing its implemetation and launch next week. Does however mean I'm sure we can look forward to more ingame info being 'blabbed' on IRC channels.


(SI Only) You can now run multiple instances of the client on the same computer simultaneously. You may not log into the same server on two different realms (except for Co-op and PVP servers). PLEASE BE AWARE that running two instances of Camelot on one computer is not recommended and will work with only the most advanced computer systems. You will be able to run two versions of Camelot simultaneously only if you have 512megs or more of system RAM. If you run into any problems with running two Camelot instances on the same computer, exit both of them and relog with just one client before calling customer support.

I think the rumour has come from the fact that there is no mention of the same account being used in the instance of the same server on 2 different realms. Obviously since you can't create chars on 2 different realms on the same server on one account (unless of course you mean Camlaan) it obviously lends itself to users of two different accounts using both accounts at once in two different realms. The real question that remains to be answered by any patch messages so far is "Can the same account be logged in twice?". So far GOA haven't mentioned whether this will be doable or not and nothing, as I said before, has lent itself to make you believe that this won't be a possibility.

I'd love it to happen that I could log in my Friar or my Necromancer at the same time as PLers for alts, but if it is gonna involve buying a second account it just aint gonna happen.


You won't be able to log in twice on the same account... but you can run two accounts on the same machine (like you can atm with DAOX)

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