Daoc Windowed?



Will they ever release a patch/program that will allow you to run the program in a window so u can check email's and change songs on wimamp

i read that they have done this with the game everquest will they do it with daoc?

anyone heard anything


soon :) well they're testing it and deciding whether or not to.

Teh Fonz!!1

D on't know if there is a program out there at the moment.
A s far as I know it's against the rules
o ther than what is said above I don't think you'll have much luck.
X ray's give you cancer as well.


Anyone else think the http://www.camelotherald.com/more/666.php file name for windowed mode is funny? I mean from the start they always said no windowed mode and then all of a sudden on 666.php they say they are looking into it.

I mean 666 mark of the devil an all that.... i dunno maybe im just in one of my odd moods


Yup - Everquest is now windowed though they are still working on letting you run two EQ clients at once on a single PC.

That is the main reason I perceive as driving the Windowed mode forward - If the average Joe with one PC who is hooked on the Game now has the capability to run a 2nd Account without buying a 2nd PC then guess how much money that can make them...

I think its clever the way Mythic will force you to buy SI in order to have the privilege of windowed mode :)


Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
D on't know if there is a program out there at the moment.
A s far as I know it's against the rules
o ther than what is said above I don't think you'll have much luck.
X ray's give you cancer as well.

C all me crazy I know but
o f course that kind of thing
C ant be very popular.

Teh Fonz!!1

Can't see why it wouldn't be popular tbh
Under the new Mythic way of thinking, window play might be allowed.
Not that I condone it.
To early to tell if we'll get it though. :(


Lots of users use daox. Mythic know this, and they wouldn't dare try and ban/punish users for using it (as alot of the hardcore players do).

They have stated in a press release that they will bring in windowed mode - so really you can't argue daox is against the CoC anymore.

The only problem with daox is you cant move the window, and you need a new version every patch.

DaoX != cheating.

Teh Fonz!!1

Who said anything about DAoX?
Anyway, it's totally un-detectable
No-one at GOA can test to see if you have it.
Knowing this, Mythic are considering using a similar system.
Everyone should be wary of using illegal software though.
Read the CoC before using any add ons . :)


Funny you should say that.
Unfortunately daox involves modifying the
Code. Which as you all
Know is something that's not allowed
With respect to the CoC.
It's your account though if you want to
Take the risk, rather than waiting.


More accurately DAOX requires an addition to one of the parameter files rather than any amendments to the code.

Speaking as a professional programmer I am amazed that people believe that DAOX is un-detectable - it doesnt take much work to check the parameters that people are connecting with?

I think the reality is that they know a lot of people use it but dont want to lose the money all those extra accounts are worth.

A CoC thats unenforced/unenforceable is a bit of a joke really.

Edit - actually its very similar to the situation when loads of people exploited the holes in the Zone walls - its officially bannable but in practice would have cost them a lot of their income so they didnt enforce it.


Someone is ignorant when reading fings and fonz replies :D


Originally posted by rynnor
More accurately DAOX requires an addition to one of the parameter files rather than any amendments to the code.

Speaking as a professional programmer I am amazed that people believe that DAOX is un-detectable - it doesnt take much work to check the parameters that people are connecting with?

I think the reality is that they know a lot of people use it but dont want to lose the money all those extra accounts are worth.

A CoC thats unenforced/unenforceable is a bit of a joke really.

Edit - actually its very similar to the situation when loads of people exploited the holes in the Zone walls - its officially bannable but in practice would have cost them a lot of their income so they didnt enforce it.

Lies, they do ban people who exploit zonewalls.

And AFAIK DAoX alters game.dll, removing few windowed checks, enabling it and creating a "window" borders etc.

It directly writes new stuff into game.dll. Or changes old.


ofcouse they ban
Lamers who cheat!

Tho i use daox all the time :/
hardcore is what i fell like!
is there no shame in life!?
some people on this thread might cheat too!

To get back to the x-ray
hot air might hurt your body too, making it all
red, and stuff.
eliminate dao-hax0rs i say!
and other people who cheat
don't stop banning!

roll a friar, they can alt+tab i hear, might be a rumour,
of course i don't know for sure.
count me in, if you are making an xp-team


At least try to make sure your
replies are a bit more coherent than
say, a drunk collapsed in a gutter somewhere in
Ealing. Otherwise, where's the skill?

Repent Reloaded

There's a program called DAOx that makes DAoC into a window, u should check it out, look on the albion gen part of BW forums and u should find a link.
it works too if u install it right :D
Just went and got the link 4 ya, its www.influenced.net/daox_euro_154.zip enjoy :D


Originally posted by -chancer-
Will they ever release a patch/program that will allow you to run the program in a window so u can check email's and change songs on wimamp

i read that they have done this with the game everquest will they do it with daoc?

anyone heard anything

Actually, Chancer, you can get a plugin for Winamp that uses key combinations to forward and reverse tracks. Not sure about the email checking thing, but load a big playlist, make it random and use the plugin to navigate from inside the game.

The plugin is for WinAmp 3 and can be found here


Post deleted coz someone said what i said anyway :p

Teh Fonz!!1

You're all bad, bad people...



DAoX does not write to any files - so there for it does not change code. And by files/code I refer to EXE and DLL or all other executable files.

It is a simple concept, it is using a system Hook from what I can tell (perhaps a DLL insertion), but that only allows it to do things with the data in memory. Surprise - this is what all programs do, modify data in memory to get things done.

Just FYI for all those of you guessing, and no I don't have anything to do with the program and its creation. Just educated investigation.

As far as I can see - if you run DAoC without DAoX as the launch mechanism and have that Windowed=1 setting in the appropriate file, the game still runs in a window - just without a boarder, and is still susseptable to the stupid ALT+TAB issue which then promptly crashes down the game. So stating that is the detection mechanism isn't really justifiable. Seems there has been windows DirectX code in there for some time, but the stability means to keep it there when you ALT+TAB has been removed.

Lastly, I would like to say that personally one of the first things I look for in a game is a Windowed and Full Screen mode options, depending on what my mood is. I am one of those people with 6+ items open on my desktop all the time, and I very rarely run anything full-screen, unless I want to. Otherwise what is the point of having Windows and multi-tasking? You might as well go back to running those games from dos, along with all the hastle that creates. Personal Preference. Sure, this application may not be liked by Mythic, but I for one would like to thank the author, because over a year later Mythic are adding that basic functionality to the core game. About time in my opinion. :)


I think that...

BEFORE !!!!!!!!
Laying out Mythic's or Goa's
Actions for the future,
Maybe, it might pay to wait, an
Example would be the..

Dubious way people jumped all over the proposed Mincer love
Either pro or con.
Really, I can see both sides of it.
Responsible people can handle windowed mode,
Irresponsible people might screw it up for everyone.
Catch 22




Being a person who always has lived up to the CoC, they will
ultimately have to change the rules when it comes to
letting people play in windowed mode. As
long as they are honest and don't use cheats
or hacks, there is nothing to worry about, and it CAN be monitored. So
cut the crap and stop the daox hassle in these forums cos
Kemor and the other people will have the final saying in this
silly discussoin.


You're right, windowed mode will lead to problems,
On occasion I've considered trying DAoX, I was a user of EQW back in the day,
Unfortunately I'm too much of a coward to see if GOA have better tracking devices than Verant.

Anyway, I've heard rumours that we'll be able to play 2 chars at 1 time from the same account...
Likely that it wont be true but what can you do, eh?
Looks like I'll never PL that pbaoe wizzy ;)

Seems kinda risky to try incase I lose my account, wouldnt really be happy about that.
Usually I'd try, but I've worked my ass off on my Friar lately and I don't wanna lose all that time.
Consider how you would feel if you just lost your account cos of being a little over anxious...
Kentucky fried chicken time, gotta go ;)

Anyone here know if the above rumour is true?
Not sure myself, could be but then again I dont wanna get my hopes up.
Time to go, really!

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