DAoC is boring+dieing, what do we need? Discuss...



its just that people dont hang around at the keeps waiting for people coz it could be for hours so they should put something in the keep that make you stay there.


Like the idea about making the Lord worth a few points :)

Who would get them though? The one who lands the final blow? Divided amongst those who hit him? All in the Lord Room? I know he is immune to magical attack so many pure casters would be pissed if they didnt get RPs from their efforts to take the keep.

Good idea though :)


Thanks for your input :)

1. The PvE content for me is more than enough as it is atm - i have no gripe with the PvE content, i'm just a bit disapointed with the lack of point to RvR - i started this game with the belief it was three realms at war, and you fought those battles. It's far from "at war" more like a dance in emain for a few thousand realm points.

2. I meant "realm point farming" as in the pointless zerging in emain - people go there for fun (and yes, it CAN be fun, ive been there quite a lot) but they mainly go there to increase their weekly realm points, increase their realm rank for RAs, and very little is to do with the actual conflict between the 3 realms.

3. Someone replied, "Go play PvP server if you want the Realm Invasion idea" - unfortunatley the PvP server is that, its PvP, NOT RvR. (theres no realm affiliation) The RI idea still holds the RvR concept in place, with immunity for low levels (level 10, maybe even 20) there would be no ganking of lowbies at prydwen bridge. It could be implemented, and could be done well - i'm just hoping if they do do it, its done on the main servers in a way which does not prevent the <20s XPing safely.

4. I do keep takes, with my guild too, yep they are fun but even so as Danyan said they do get <yawn> after umpteen times. Yes you can make up your own events but it's not quite the same....

5. Staying for friends: i maybe in a different situation here, where my friends in DAoC are mainly those i knew before daoc even hit the shelves and we played together. When those friends leave, get bored, i too get bored to some degree to. Maybe thats part of the problem.

6. I'm not taking any claim for any of the suggestions really, some are extracts from other discussions on forums and with my friends, others are my own but adapted by other people :) As for sending them off to Mythic: not sure if its worth it - do they actually listen? All they seem to listen to is the whinging americans on VNboards :(


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Gideon? You really leaving? :( What about the rest of SotL?
Gid's gone already. :p

1. The PvE content for me is more than enough as it is atm - i have no gripe with the PvE content, i'm just a bit disapointed with the lack of point to RvR - i started this game with the belief it was three realms at war, and you fought those battles. It's far from "at war" more like a dance in emain for a few thousand realm points.
The PvE content is laughably inadequate really. The main problem is that the DAoC world is too small. You can see the whole of a realm in about an hour. Another major problem is that the epic mobs are either too easy or too hard (and waay too few), there's no middle ground. At one end you have the realm epic mobs / DF princes which take 1-2 FG. Then at the other you have Legion, who takes 6-8 FG and the dragon who takes half the realm. There's nothing really for 3-4 FG to take out.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Aethelstan. Dream on gimp. Still waiting to catch you solo, unbuffed. But you always seem to have Graham holding your hand... does Myste know about this??? :flame:


Myste is married to Hendrick, not Aeth or Graham :p


Originally posted by Dannyn

Gid's gone already. :p

The PvE content is laughably inadequate really. The main problem is that the DAoC world is too small. You can see the whole of a realm in about an hour. Another major problem is that the epic mobs are either too easy or too hard (and waay too few), there's no middle ground. At one end you have the realm epic mobs / DF princes which take 1-2 FG. Then at the other you have Legion, who takes 6-8 FG and the dragon who takes half the realm. There's nothing really for 3-4 FG to take out.

theres quite a bit of pve content - but a lot of it is lower level.. so you miss it out first time round... I'm still finding new places with even my 6th albion alt ;)

I quite enjoy the PvE bit :) having a blast with my earth wizard... just cba xping with my merc :( I need to get a couple of good guild groups together and beat the levelling blues really :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Psy|:m00:

Myste is married to Hendrick, not Aeth or Graham :p
Still don't see anyone denying them holding hands... :flame:



Originally posted by Jenkz
... i'm just a bit disapointed with the lack of point to RvR - i started this game with the belief it was three realms at war, and you fought those battles. It's far from "at war" more like a dance in emain for a few thousand realm points.

2. I meant "realm point farming" as in the pointless zerging in emain - people go there for fun (and yes, it CAN be fun, ive been there quite a lot) but they mainly go there to increase their weekly realm points, increase their realm rank for RAs, and very little is to do with the actual conflict between the 3 realms.

The real point to RvR, I guess, is that (a) you win realm points - you might not enjoy that side of things, but others do; (b) you can come to this forum and boast :) or whinge about how the other realms are all overpowered :p

Mythic are looking at the question of keep taking etc, hopefully they will introduce some of the good ideas that people have mentioned.

Personally I enjoy fighting other players one hell of a lot, I don't mind that my actions will not have a long lasting effect on the game world --- it's just damn good fun.


Originally posted by Jenkz
3. Make Realm Invasions possible, obviously in a sensible manner. eg:

(A thread on VNboards outlines pretty much how this could work, but they asked for a seperate server. http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=37055543&replies=125)

- Each town in a realm has upgraded guards suitable for RvR encounters.

- If a realm owns all another realms keeps, and all its own, its border keep doors maybe taken down by rams - these doors autorepair after say 12 hours so the invasion is not permanent.

- Border keeps can be breached if a strong lord is killed once the "outer" door is down. This should be a strong encounter not just a weak keep lord. Once this lord is down the inner door can be breached with rams. The lord repops after a certain time - limiting the raids time to get the doors down. Guards at the border keep and guards inside the realm will continually repop even if the border keep is breached.

- You cannot bind, or logout in the enemy realm. You will zone back to your realm upon death or logout, or when the border keep doors are autorepaired so the invasion again is not permanent.

- Players under level 10 cannot be killed similar to the PvP server.

This would SERIOUSLY increase the long term interest of higher level players, a lot of work should be involved in getting inside the realm in the first place, but it allows the whole RvR idea to really come true, instead of some clinically controlled frontier with empty keeps...

This should not be added to another server, but to the main servers.

<sigh> if only, i'd love to go visit camelot... and urmm, well kill everyone in sight :)

i'd also love to go to tir na nog and join them in a watered down lemonade (i like hib's, but i still think their panzys :p)... then i'd kill everyone in sight

if they ever put this in it would make the game so interesting (atleast till we all got used to it and started moaning that their isn't enough to keep our interest ^_^)


Originally posted by =Shazzy=

Then you have more games coming out World Craft Worlds, i think Final Fantasy 11 is still in the making but it looks very nice, and there are some others.

one litle thing. FFXI is already done. BUT it is in japanese. i can speak and read it, but i know alot can't. and i do not know how to play over in europe on japaneseserver... well well, it is only the translationpart.... ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


I get more fun reading Fantasy Novels than playign DAoC atm, speaks volumes about how interested in the game I am now.

Only real reason I log on is to chat with my guild, if they made a app that lets /gu run outside the game, dont think I would ever log in :D

Not been to emain for a week, only logged in to say hi to some pees tonite for 15 mins, now logged out.

In my eyes its dying, regardless of how many classes and realms there are, the boring chore of killing things to advance is a nitemare. I get no sense oif adventure anymore.

I read Fantasy books and get totally immersed in the characters, in the plot, the storyline, leaving me gagging to read the next chapter all the time, and compare it to DAoC. There is no contest.


You compare Something that inspires your imagination to something that has everything laid out for you to see, with hundreds of other people who don't even try and make it seem real or put any backstory into characters that could be from hundred different places. I understand what you're saying by it, but it's like comparing a book to its movie counterpart...I much prefer my vision of books such as lotr and the vampire chronicles to the directors vision that is made for the masses. Even if it isn't, the film version would be for themselves and still look different to how i picture it in my head.

Ehm, I'm not the best with words, but then again, never was :)


You could always try roleplaying. Play a serious character. Develop some beliefs for him/her (hate/love the church, dislike Avalonians, always spare Lurikeens, do anything to kill trolls etc). Have in-character arguments with people in open chat in pubs. Instead of having Camelot the silent tomb we know it as, populated by isolated running figures, imagine walking the streets and hearing snatches of conversation coming from the taverns and houses. We could have guilds which are deadly rivals, a bit of high politics as various characters vied for seats on the King's council. Broken hearts, fast friendships. Sure there's no Guild housing yet, but Guilds can adopt buildings or towns as their own places to go rest, meet friends, craft and so on.

I've finished with PvE, and never want to go back, and while I still enjoy RvR, I wouldn't want to do nothing else. But there's a lot else to interest me. For example, Aethelstan happens to know Galatea's tragic past, which she confessed one night in the mists of Lyonesse while slaughtering liches. Aethelstan himself is lovelorn for a minstrel who finally broke through his gruff remoteness and then vanished. Jadow's bid for a place on the Templar Council was derailed by political rivals. Graham and Hendrick's rivalry resulted in titanic realm-wide battles with evil. Myste turned to the light from the dark for love. Shaeffer ran away when he realised he was in love with an unattainable woman, and is being pursued by dark powers from his past. Corranhorn and Icestorm were court-martialled for insubordination. Ociros is heading for confrontation with the generals - but what's behind his odd behaviour ? Redi struggles with pacifism. Lamont takes an uncompromisingly muscular view of spreading the church gospel while Gai is nearly excommunicated from the church for his womanising ways. Just a selection of stories from the Order.

In the Templars, we try to write our own books every day. It makes the characters more real, and adds a dimension which isn't the same old fighting. Of course, a lot of the chat is light-hearted banter, even if it's in-character, and some of the roleplay in the guild is still of the grandstanding "look-at-me" type (we are all central heroes in our own books, but sometimes people want to be the hero in other people's books too!). Some of it is just plain cheesy. But on other occasions it's very good indeed. DAoC isn't the best interface for roleplaying, and being a majority non-roleplay server makes it tougher. But it's possible.

Many people playing this game have read loads of fantasy/sci fi books. Use your imagination. There's 400 people a night out there who can help you write your own book.


This is the only mmorpg with rvr.

May move to swg but will wait for reviews.

We need.

1) Guild Housing as promised

2) Other things for level 50's to do, how about a pub of some sort that all realms can go to and chat in and if a fight starts you can go outside within a zone that allows only 1v1 engagement. Ohh gambling put gambling in pubs too, and wenches. Muahha <runs off to start his own mmorpg>

Im tired night

Brannor McThife

After being repeatedly gang raped by blue nightshades in Yggdra, and watching as it took 3 hours before any number of Mids pitched, I'm fucked off with this game. I couldn't even be left to try a champion one on one without some shitty little blue con NS butting in. :puke:

Sorry Malevolencia, at least the Mids respected my request and left us alone. Guess some of your realm mates are only in it for the RP's.

Don't look for me in the frontier tomorrow, I'll be playing Neverwinter Nights.

Hmm, someone mentioned that the 6 month subscriptions end in a week or so?


[EDIT: Yip...there we go. My account ends on 03/10/2002...no renewal...will try it again after tomorrow...if no interest...well, I'll go dormant till 1.53 gets here next year...]


Would be cool if you could economically starve opposing realms, possession of MK's could reduce material costs for your realms and up the price for your enemies.

How about supply wagons, similiar to the Courier/Intercept missions and these would also effect material prices. Maybe RP rewards from the guards or some craft materials.

Naval RvR would be fun :)


There are better platforms and game environments for roleplaying than DAOC. It can be done, and it can add interest I guess, particularly if you like lovestories etc ... but I enjoy my roleplay outside of this game.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
After being repeatedly gang raped by blue nightshades in Yggdra, and watching as it took 3 hours before any number of Mids pitched, I'm fucked off with this game. I couldn't even be left to try a champion one on one without some shitty little blue con NS butting in. :puke:

Sorry Malevolencia, at least the Mids respected my request and left us alone. Guess some of your realm mates are only in it for the RP's.

Don't look for me in the frontier tomorrow, I'll be playing Neverwinter Nights.

Hmm, someone mentioned that the 6 month subscriptions end in a week or so?


[EDIT: Yip...there we go. My account ends on 03/10/2002...no renewal...will try it again after tomorrow...if no interest...well, I'll go dormant till 1.53 gets here next year...]

:sleeping: Of all the reasons to quit/not subscribe this is the lamest excuse yet. You got owned by an NS while trying to 1on1 a champion. Well played Hibs. I kind of hoped that when you went out brannor, it would be with a giant explosion, not a pathetic whimper....


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Don't look for me in the frontier tomorrow, I'll be playing Neverwinter Nights.

NWN, the WORST rpg EVER. :puke: NWN.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


Did not read all the posts but as i see it some are going to SWG... and when going there u will only see that it will get as boring and dull as any other MMORPG is... i hope that SWG will get real nice and good but i doubt that it will be much different then this one... read the info on camelot-europe and darkageofcamelot.com and see that it is as much brag and "look-how-good-this-is" as all the other games... it is well known that EVERY gamehouse will post the "best-looking" SS and have the best comments about the game on the website and send only the goodies to the magazines and preview-sites on the net....

Damn that was a loooong way of telling that i don't think SWG will be any better then other games :D to bad i just realised that now when u (mabey) have read the post ...:eek:


Thats why we have World of Warcraft!

Now theres a game that rawks!

edit: or will rawk :)


a lot of people have told me "this game is what you make of it", meaning the roleplay side is very important.

i'm not a roleplayer, i've never really tried, as i said in a post above i played the game for the 3 sided RvR "endgame", and was mainly disapointed with that. (RP farming ahoy like brannor said above, more people are interested in their RP totals and their weekly RP totals and even in some cases their guild RP totals than actually having fun). Realm points are really ruining the point of RvR - that its a 3 way war with capturable objectives which benefit you, your guild, or your realm if you are in possession of the objectives.

I love the idea to have objectives effecting material costs... Especially the wagon trains being intercepted :)

As for other games, well that really wasnt the point, i know there are several other games appearing, some good some probably terrible, but the point really is unless mythic change policy from pleasing the VNboard whiners to actually moving the game forward in level 50 content terms (PvE and imho mostly RvR), the game will really just fade away, no matter how many roleplayers you have.


Warhammer looks interesting. Out in 2004 tho :-/.


Realm points encourage some people who have never RvR'd much to get out there and get amongst it. It also means that those individuals who RvR a lot have something to show for their efforts.

IMHO thats a good thing, and does not "ruin" it. The more people the better. What is a shame that RvR is mostly confined to Emain unless you're a grey ganker who likes to visit Yggdra regularly.

Some more areas to RvR in would be good, and some different scenery too.

As for Brannor's comments ... it's a war, why shouldn't realm mates join in to take out one of the enemy? Plenty of games available where you can fight 1v1 ... DAOC wasn't designed to be one of them.


im not saying realm points are a bad thing, im more saying the top 10/50/100 lists, the realm abilities based off realm ranks, etc.. all encourage "realm point farming" where you just sit in emain all day and nothing more - if the focus were to be taken away from the RRs for RAs and top 10 lists, but to make keep takes and the 3 way war with objectives more interesting...... emain gets so boring after a couple of months... even TPT agrees there.


I have some major hang-ups with daoc.....

The main gripe is the fact everything takes to long....
I just wanna fire up the game and have fun.
PVE is not fun and never will be....
I, along with 99% of the players, get my kicks from RVR... however RVR means traveling 2.5 zones to possibly die instantly...
virtually all class are forced into grping now (including my beloved gimped ranger) so take into account the 10 mins spent waiting forming the grp.... and the 10 mins burning to emain and that 20 mins gone already.... u die and you have to repeat this procedure.

If every player could break down there activities since they first start playing daoc. you would find that about 80% of that time has been spent travelling, 15% xp'ing to lvl 50 and about 5% engaging the enemy.....

I find this more and more frustrating.....

I know for a fact mystic mess up this game with there gimp bats....they really dont know how to balance the classes properly... Certain classes are overpowerd in ways they do not understand..... and the overpowered classes are the ones most people opt to play. I keep saying it, but they really have ruined archer classes with see hiden (and camoflage wont solve this)
but other classes have been hit badly to....

here is a list of the things that piss me off, to the point that im sure ill jump ship for swg to.

see hidden
realm zerg
lack of gameplay variety
Only assains and skalds can solo without buffs.
ooo did i mention traveling.

PvP will solve some of these problems, but it will create many new problems....


so far as i'm personally concerned one main reason this game's rvr is so damn boring is because it all takes place in a landscape only environment.

take the home regions for example, you have towns, dungeons, quests, horses, mobs which own various regions (the various siabra clans for instance) all sorts of things, then you leave ligen and go into the frontier, what's there? nothing, a few keeps and landscape, then randomly placed mobs, nothing else.

when i decided to start this game i basically had the impression that everywhere was like the homeregions, only difference was that in the frontiers other realmers could reach and kill you, i thought huge area's it'd take a long time to travel across to reach the enemy civilisation and once there you could travel through their towns and cities, attack/be attacked etc... or just go peacefully through them, i thought they're would be deep forests with small towns hidden away (all in the frontier's too i may add so anyone can get there), mountainous areas with perhaps a master sword maker living in isolation etc...

instead you get moderately interesting home regions, and dull lifeless frontiers with nothing in them exept keeps which are no actual use to anyone, what's the point???

my highest character is lvl 35, this is because by the time i'd solo'd to level 32 i was so sick of xping that i rolled alts, at least there were different play styles and abilities to explore, then i got bored of alts because it was the same thing, get to mid 20's repeate, same mobs etc... totally unchanging game world, then i went back recently to my eldritch and got to level 35, and while once upon a time rvr was about fun, now you can rarely ever get a group (got one tonight, but it's the first in a LONG time) because the only thing people seem to care about are realm points, and they view your lowbie 35 being in the group like they'd view you in an xp group, so they refuse to invite you.

the main thing is that realm points are what make the difference in rvr, after levels, those are the ONLY things that do anything, actual RVR has no discernable effect whatsoever, wooo you can get DF, great i can go got an item from there that may just alleviate the boredom of xping, woohoo :( still gotta xp and farm realm points to get to the point where i can survive a hit, even if i can survive what then? do it all over again for absolutely no reason?

relics: why do we care? they dont do that much at all, middie had it right when they didnt care about having no relics, simple fact is that they're not important enough, does rvr stop or hinder your ability to move through areas of the game world? only with patrols, but they're too easy, and if you have even very low stealth then they run right through you, so i guess they are only a slight annoyance.

simple fact is that the area's where you can interact with enemy realmers are far too sterile and boring (and SMALL!!!) a bunch of places to make it interesting...

am i the only one here who can still remember the time just after the game went retail when rvr had no realm point emphasis? rp's were there but nobody cared, they just wanted to enjoy themselvs :) i want those days back.

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