Daoc as my own thoughs. (Requiel read this if posible)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Zexxeh said:
We all know the situation in daoc atm not only in Excalibur/Prydwen cluster but in all servers over the world. I know I am not an expert in this criteria but I would like to show some points of view.
As far I can see daoc needs a change the times I got fun playing daoc is when in my 1 vs 1 others dont add or in 8 vs 8 there are not ass jams. There are people that dont add and thats fair but we can´t get rid of all people that play daoc so there are others that do so.
I find this solutions to improve pvp:

1. Make an arena for 8 vs 8 (big space), 5 vs 5, 4 vs 4, 3 vs 3, 2 vs 2 , 1 vs 1

2. This arena will work as instances so that will improve lag rates and
game will work better.

3. The game will become more competitive and events such as CPL will keep an eye in DaoC or maybe mythic can make his own events. These events means publicity, popularity... In a few words money and improvement of the game the 2 things both players and mythic want.

4. The PVE system will remain the same. Same lvl experience , master levels, artifacts, etc. (although classic server wont have such things)

5. The players that win this arena will get some prizes in game.

As for the game itself I would improve pvp New Frontiers and Labyrinth:

1. New Frontiers tend to make ppls camp a dock or attack towers and Labyrinth is fast easy rps /rel kill kill and again.

2. I dont think bring Old Frontiers back is posible but make Agramon as a full zone of 8 vs 8 fights would be better maybe you can place relics there like in labyrinth also Agramon will remain a port zone like a BG so guilds that want to play there will port there.

3. I would change also the buff system like it is on classic servers that will make that no longer we need a buff bot to play game which is absurd.

And for last thing its very sad to hear people that WOW and Guild Wars got VERY GOOD TEAMPLAY. Thats because they dont know DAOC because alll people here that have played both games know what I am talking about so...
MYTHIC wake up and show them you have made the best PVP game ever!!

No point mate, i already sent a mail to GOA and Mythic saying the same. They didnt even bothered to answer


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Eleasias said:
avalon has it basicly, its just so fucking awesome i cant stop to preach about it :D avalon IS the perfect server for everyone

Yeah, it just has 2 flaws...one of them affects 60% of prydwen/excal server wich its "German server". Dont understand a bit of german and cba to try and learn it.

2nd No char copy available so cba also


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Kinetix said:
Yeah, it just has 2 flaws...one of them affects 60% of prydwen/excal server wich its "German server". Dont understand a bit of german and cba to try and learn it.

2nd No char copy available so cba also

I believe with char copy most would leave excal and goto another server, it has to better than what we got right? but honestly I cant level up a toon on a server where I cant read stuff. (so starting fresh on avalon is a no no for me :(

I mean I got all the chars I want I dont want the incoming cow, so give charcopy and I'm outta here, even send me to the french servers I dont care a server full of horners to kill would make my day!.



Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
eble@work said:
Please no more Avalon whores here, I cant move my chars so I'm stuck! I dont want to know how great this Game is somewhere else I like my shitty little server and I'll try to be the 'Last man standing' tho I think I will be fighting a wild frenchman with probably three DI bots by then.


Was not really to be an avalon whore tho.. was more because i see so many posting ideas on what should be CHANGED and that it is the game itself that is flawed. When i post about avalon it is because it makes me wonder. If the game is so flawed howcome it is working to perfection on another server?

I think it all comes down to population, and the UK cluster became too small to work as intended along time ago imo.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
No, no and no. Those suggestions are not going to do anything else than ruin DAoC PvP as we know it. It is also totally unrealistic expectations for a cluster that has been dying for a long time now, population is not even sufficient for current PvP situation.

Your suggestions sounds like WoW pvp system, which is WAY WAY WAY inferior to a working DAoC pvp.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Coldbeard said:
Your suggestions sounds like WoW pvp system, which is WAY WAY WAY inferior to a working DAoC pvp.
sounds like it because it's a carbon copy of it and that the reason i left wow because PVP suck's.

i would this server to sort it self out i would love to come back full time but i cant see it happening tbh i rolled a frair on us server 4 days ago it now lvl 50 rr4l5 has 30p + in a top notch guild, tbh i only log on to excal to talk with freinds

poppulation is 1k + even at there 3 am


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
-*-Lothlorion-*- said:
Just have an area where you port in , and type the command /duel challenge ect but works vrs other realms... i think it could simply be done.. and as an above poster wrote... it just lets theese people that want to duel get it out of there system.. sure thay will be back in real rvr ... as a kill in the duel zone would be worth NO RPs ...
as i said before just an idea :)

I would welcome an arena, but the problem is you could port in but there is no guarantee that an enemy group would be in there. Unless these group duels were arranged via outgame communications, it would be impossible to be sure you'd actualy have a group to fight. Without a way of actualy setting up these duels beforehand you'd end up with for instance a RR3 group ending up having to fight a RR10+ group.

Guildwars has an arena systems, but there people can actualy communicate with eachother in game. "My group vs your group ?" "Sure, 10 pm tonight ?"

Technically making an arena area wouldn't be all that difficult, but getting it to work fluently would however be very difficult.


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
At least I learned something about post in a forum. You will get 20 answers without reading what u´ve writen and ull get like 5 answers that have read ur post and can get u some feedback.
Well thx to that ones that have read my post. And to all others that say wow pvp system please:
1. read
2. think
3. talk


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Zexxeh said:
At least I learned something about post in a forum. You will get 20 answers without reading what u´ve writen and ull get like 5 answers that have read ur post and can get u some feedback.
Well thx to that ones that have read my post. And to all others that say wow pvp system please:
1. read
2. think
3. talk

Learn to comprehend feedback then perhaps?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Well in my opinion building arenas for different kind of player vs player 1v1 8v8 etc ... would interfear with the concept of Daoc.

Daoc is # Realms fighting for Glory Keeps, Towers, Relics and Darkness Falls.

Its Basically a Realm war that brings u the oppertunity to play solo fg Zerg and all that this brings with them ...

How Players choose to compete varies alot .. Some just see the enemies of the realm and kills ... the Soldier way .. dont leave an enemie behind u .. others try to be gentlemen and aviod adding zerging and the likes ....

this is 1 of the great benefits of this game that we all love ... u get to choose how u like to play this game and u can even play it differently on different chars ...

My conclusion to this subject is greating arena's would bring down the spirit of this game and not contribute to it only to the few that wants the game to be designed as they like it and not as it was ment to be.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Why do we have at least a dozen post asking Requiel to do shit or answer shit?

Let me tell you, Requiel is just a mere dummy with a sticker on his head saying 'English GM GOA!'. He has absolutely no say in what happens with this game and the only things GoA can change are things which they create and the accounts.

I don't know why people don't get it, GoA can't control the future of DAoC. It's Mythic who make this game, it's Mythic who create all the content and GoA just translate it and host it on their servers.

I mean come on, it's like 5 years since this game started and you still don't know who the fuck does what.

Earth calling random noob :<


Oct 26, 2004
"Requiel please read this"

Fucking lol, not laughing with requiel but with you tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004

If you buy a new apple computer, and it breaks, who do you contact? Apple, or the store that sold you the computer?

If you think the design of that apple computer is wrong, and you send an email to explain this to apple, they wouldn't care so much, because you are only one customer, and they have alot of other stuff to take care of during their workday. However, if the store you bought the computer from, sends in an email as to how they could improve the computer, and thereby sell more computers and keep people interested in apple computers, apple would listen. Cause this chain of stores handles alot of their business, and they speak for alot more than just one customer. If this store does not like the design of the computers, they might stop selling apple computers, which is something apple don't want to happen. They have a bigger chance of taking action.

Game atm is like less and less people buying apple computers. And a larger and larger ammount of people getting unsatisfied with their apple computers. We, as apple fans, want to do something about it, so we try to make apple change something. With the help of the store-chain, we have a greater chance of success.

Anyhow! Who wrote the CoC? Can GoA change the CoC? Can they decide that people don't get banned for arranging duels? Can they reset relics? Can they make a difference in the way we play this game?


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Old ideas that I suggested on an old forum over two years ago and were looked at by the GM's but not implemented. Kind of suggests that you should be looking in another game for that type of fight. Coldbeard is right in what he says. You need arena pvp? Then go dungeons and dragons online and you will find it. Enough said.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Basicly, you want to remove the roleplaying out of a mmorpg? Making DAoC more like the godforsaken WoW? Go play WOW!

Arenas is just making it all a freaking routine.. First it might be quite good action, but it will just get fucking boring.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2005
Huntingtons said:
what i dont understand is how come mythic didnt implent the much needed changes before people started leaving? that would have kept a lot larger player base :/

This is not woot makes ppl leave and the pop lower on all servers. Its coz the player base is getting older, having kids, jobs ect or just the grind getting to them after 5 years of daoc. We all know ToA(not like today but on release), and the lack of offencive promotion of the game killed it. Noting to do about it now - but to cluster woots left pref. US servers.

To the arena thing - sure give "I nerver add - only on BD's, Scouts, Wl's, Sorc's ect" a zone where they can /hug that we may be rid of there posts on FH. Just aslong as its will not grant them rp's. After all the game is RvR - and not grp vs. grp ect. That the good stuff u don't know woots gonna happen next - never safe...


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
It has for me become a chore to do anything in Daoc rvr wise and doing chores when you are meant to be having fun just don't mix, there is not even enough people on the server to have fun with well maybe there is but you go out onto the rvr zone and die instantly by fgs + , come on is it any wonder the game has gone the way it is today? boredom, chore like same old bollox that never changes and don't even after you have a two month break then come back to it. You do hold a certain part of the game which is kind of hard to explain for me kind of like an xfactor of gaming, the competitive part of rvr is the bollox and hard to beat but lets face it Wow and others are catching it up, its time to face up and change it or loose it forever or maybe its to late! whatever happens i still think this game has IT whatever that IT is, lets hope someone at mythic HQ reads what the gamers has voiced about it.

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