Sycho said:Someone on mid excal has 2 mithril and 4 mansions i was told, better not say who incase i am wrong or some players make lv20 alts and beg like mad at him xD
remi said:but, id say TOA caused a inflation or something, 40plats aint much these days...
cHodAX said:Jeez, 1 Mithril. That's an insane amount of farming, impressive![]()
Seriously doubt that, Tesla is an official E&E reprecentative for Mid/Pry. said:i bet he got few pc's and macroing tons of MP items.
Chrystina said:zZzZzZz ... you can't have 1 mithril on 1 char and there are a few people with cash bots coz they hit the limit on several chars![]()
Devaster said:didnt meant he used macro progarms to skill up or make items, i just thought he made MP items on some factory scale sizeSeriously im sure making tons of MPs rf/chain will bring more money then farming some mobs. And its not hard with dual loging on 2 pc's with like 4 accs with every caft. More its mid/pryd like mid/exc prices are insane sky high, everything worth odd alot.
as about ml9 ye, maybe its worth but only if u are soloing all with 4-6 dual loged accs and dont share loot.
Straef said:I guess if you'd be lucky enough to make like 6-7 mp chain bp's a crafter could... tho farming items deffo better ^^
Stop spreading idiotic and baseless accusations around, you total dimwit.Devaster said:i bet he got few pc's and macroing tons of MP items.
No, it wasnt. But it was for hib/exc guys, not mid/exc.cHodAX said:That is because Mid Excal is awash with money due to the larger playerbase and a ridiculous amount of TG focus farmers before the focus nerf, some TG stuff was selling for 50p an item and even the crap was fetching 10p. Also if I am not mistaken wasn't their a bit of a scandal over the worm in DF being bugged and it's adds were dropping the full loot list, so people were making silly amounts of items/seals an hour? Or was that just a rumour?