DAMN FA needs to be fixed



I was killing a hib in DF, didn't get hit nor hit him for at least 6 seconds, in that time I tried to use FA (was getting kinda low on HP)

2 seconds!
1 second!
2 seconds!
1 second!
2 seconds!
1 second!

and I WASN'T being attacked nor was I ATTACKING

the guy ran out the portal before he or I died, where 6 seconds later, my FA kept resetting, what the hell is with this? why can't you use FA for 6 seconds? surely if the timer runs out when you're not attacking anyone, nor are they attacking you, it should work? grrrrr


I use FA extensively and it never fails me. Perhaps because I am never in 'melee-combat' myself (meaning: put the stick out).

Did you have your stick out? Because then it doesn't work.

BTW: It's bugged indeed: I shouldn't be able to use FA (or MCL) while I am being hit, but I can.


heh thats why i use a slow weapon on casters


hehe wait till next patch when it cant be used until 20 sec after combat, THEN you'll be crying.

- The Realm Abilities First Aid and Mystic Crystal Lore can no longer be used in combat. Using them in combat was a bug, and it is now fixed.


yeah that mcl thing is freakin annoying

FA needed a nerf, but mcl is ok in its current state imo


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
hehe wait till next patch when it cant be used until 20 sec after combat, THEN you'll be crying.

I'm crying as I speak :p

what I really need is a realm respec.. if it's gonna be after 20 secs, what's the point if I can just heal myself :p


i like FA tho its useful when i fall off milegates (something which happens too often for my liking)


Ill get use of FA after next patch to. When assasins attack me I'll use it first of to load some PA damage up. Therefor the nerf doesn't effect me that much :eek:.


you are attacked by xxx and are hit for xxx damage!

you attempt to use First Aid (2)

you cannot use this ability for another 20 seconds!

this is how it's gonna work I believe :\


Originally posted by skile
Ill get use of FA after next patch to. When assasins attack me I'll use it first of to load some PA damage up. Therefor the nerf doesn't effect me that much :eek:.

u wont b able to if you need to be out of combat for 20 seconds.....it'll ionly b useful if resting for mana and very much down, thus MCL 3 will b usless MCL2 close and MCL only useful for pve really


I think it's 10 seconds...

it's the same as the runspeed and the stealth timers - if you have runspeed you can FA. (and no if you SoS you can't :p)


at lest we will only have to zerkers twice after the fix ;p


i get the same thing with my IP, always at the worst possible moment too. in fact this very bug (and the FA nerf) is making me think seriously about dumping IP, lost count of how many times ive hit it repeatedly when its up and its not fired for this message. be very interested for an answer...


i get the IP to saying u must wat 3 secs to use this




Originally posted by kirennia

u wont b able to if you need to be out of combat for 20 seconds.....it'll ionly b useful if resting for mana and very much down, thus MCL 3 will b usless MCL2 close and MCL only useful for pve really

Heh. I'm not in combat if I'm not attacking? :p SB/NS attacks me. B4 using anything, b4 slam, b4 sword style ill use FA. And then /stick + slam. Then it's used NOT in combat mode and for a good purpose :eek:.


Originally posted by skile

Heh. I'm not in combat if I'm not attacking? :p SB/NS attacks me. B4 using anything, b4 slam, b4 sword style ill use FA. And then /stick + slam. Then it's used NOT in combat mode and for a good purpose :eek:.

The whole point was that they change it in 1.55 to be not useable in combat. That means if you are attacking, or being attacked. Just like you cannot stealth if someone whacks you.

Next patch, FA = pointless.


Gonna get it back as lvl1 for post-combat healing though. Hate carrying tons of pots around.


Originally posted by Pin

The whole point was that they change it in 1.55 to be not useable in combat. That means if you are attacking, or being attacked. Just like you cannot stealth if someone whacks you.

Next patch, FA = pointless.

Is that certain? There are different ways to look at "combat". My point is that, I have not engaged combat. I have not attacked, therefor I'm not in combat. I did not read the patch note, but it could be possible that it can only be used 10 secs after GOING out of combat mode? :eek:


you count as in combat if theres any combat going on ;o

i.e you stand still while some1 hits you, your in combat etc
to be out of combat youll need to sprint away probs and keep runing unhit for 10 secs, then u can use it


Originally posted by K0nah
i get the same thing with my IP, always at the worst possible moment too. in fact this very bug (and the FA nerf) is making me think seriously about dumping IP, lost count of how many times ive hit it repeatedly when its up and its not fired for this message. be very interested for an answer...

As far as I was aware you cant use IP or any other insta effect whilst stunned or mezzed. It is quite possible that your opponents were holding back using a stun style until you were low on health for the sole purpose of stopping you using IP.


Originally posted by skile

Is that certain? There are different ways to look at "combat". My point is that, I have not engaged combat. I have not attacked, therefor I'm not in combat. I did not read the patch note, but it could be possible that it can only be used 10 secs after GOING out of combat mode? :eek:

Its like the stealth and run speed timers, you cannot use FA or MCL for 10s after you take an offensive action or are the target of an offensive action. Quite simply, Mythic originally intended FA/MCL to be used to help recover hits/power between fights. The versions that were intended to be used during fights are Ignore Pain and Raging Power.


Originally posted by shilak
As far as I was aware you cant use IP or any other insta effect whilst stunned or mezzed. It is quite possible that your opponents were holding back using a stun style until you were low on health for the sole purpose of stopping you using IP.

a hero can still moose (50% heal) when stunned or mezzed. ah but thats a hib isnt it :rolleyes:

yes im aware of that "tactic" however that isnt the explaination. i'm on a modem and i suspect its a lag issue, alot of times when it happens i'm pressing IP in the last ~2-3 seconds before death and it fails giving this message (on my screen i am still alive) when i scroll back it sometimes says "You can't use this ability when dead" or such. very, very, annoying.


Originally posted by shilak

Its like the stealth and run speed timers, you cannot use FA or MCL for 10s after you take an offensive action or are the target of an offensive action. Quite simply, Mythic originally intended FA/MCL to be used to help recover hits/power between fights. The versions that were intended to be used during fights are Ignore Pain and Raging Power.

You don't have to explain mate. I understand, but none has really answered. Maybe it's cause of bad rhetorical. I'll go look on patch notes, sometimes thats better than communication ;o.


Originally posted by skile

You don't have to explain mate. I understand, but none has really answered. Maybe it's cause of bad rhetorical. I'll go look on patch notes, sometimes thats better than communication ;o.

Well, it was only explained to you 7 times. The patch notes were posted in the thread, and you still didn't believe/understand what was being told to you.

Ah well, I expect to see your posts 2 weeks after patch crying that you can't use FA when you haven't attacked anyone yet, and asking why nobody told you this was changing :rolleyes:


Just for the notice, Are you capable of reading? I said I don't need an explination, only a answer. And again, due to the fact that I presented a theory, which showed that a missunderstanding by many, is an actual reality. Therefor i was only searching for a 100% answer, someone who just read the patch notes, or something. Maybe someone did, and answered yes, but not mentioning that they just doublechecked. This leading to me being doubtful about the answers. Do you understand now?

And ofc, you are wrong about me. So, work on your psychology, Mr.Pin..


Originally posted by skile
Just for the notice, Are you capable of reading? I said I don't need an explination, only a answer. And again, due to the fact that I presented a theory, which showed that a missunderstanding by many, is an actual reality. Therefor i was only searching for a 100% answer, someone who just read the patch notes, or something. Maybe someone did, and answered yes, but not mentioning that they just doublechecked. This leading to me being doubtful about the answers. Do you understand now?

And ofc, you are wrong about me. So, work on your psychology, Mr.Pin..

Post number 2 states it's currently bugged, shouldn't be able to use while being hit.

Post number 5 has a cut-paste of the patch notes saying this bug is fixed in 1.55.

In post number 9 you state that you'll still be able to do what post number 5 tells you you can't.

Post number 10 tells you you are wrong.

Post number 11 tell you you are wrong.

In post number 16 you ask again if posts numbers 10 and 11 are telling you how it works, saying again that you will still be able to do what you can now, and ignoring that you have been told it was being fixed in 1.55 in post number 5.

In post number 17 I answer you again, saying that this is a bug which is fixed in version 1.55, as had been stated in previous posts.

In post number 18 you ask the same question again, even though it had been answered 5 times previously, that the bug is being fixed in 1.55.

In post number 19 you are answered again.

In post number 21 you are answered again.

In post number 24 you say that no one has really answered your question, even though posts 2, 5, 10, 11, 17, 19 and 21 have already told you that this bug is fixed in version 1.55.

In post number 25 I sarcastically answer you again, stating that you had already been told 7 times that this behaviour is changing in the next patch.

Now in post number 26 you still seem unable to read and comprehend that you have been answered 8 times previously that this bug is fixed in 1.55, the bahaviour is changed, that you will be counted as in combat for the purposes of FA and MCL if you are taking or receiving an aggressive action (i.e. attacking, or being attacked, having a spell cast on you, etc).

So you ask for an answer, rather than an explanation?


Now, have you been able to read this post? Or are you going to post back saying that no one has answered your questions yet?


Originally posted by K0nah
a hero can still moose (50% heal) when stunned or mezzed. ah but thats a hib isnt it :rolleyes:

You can also moose while you're dead or dying, and you have to click it to see when you can use it again... Often spoilt moose that way :p

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