Dagda Siege



its a pity albs had to suicide :( i was enjoying the siege at dagda earlier :) i see you tried the takeover approach to a relic raid :) guess you have to raiding a hib relic at primetime :) unfortunatly for you it got you quite a force waiting :D

ah well, till next time ;) (hopefully you can wait till primetime tommorow rather than going at ludicrous hours)

Herbal Remedy

we knew you would be inside in a large force we counted on it that why be brought enough of us to take a large force of hibs inside the relic out - as was shown by us nocking 1st door down and everyone still alive or rezzed , then came news one of your realm m8s had thought u lot couldnt cope with us so ran liek the pussy he was to irc to get the mids to help

shame really wouldve been fun taking a defended relic - or failing but both mids and hibs didnt give us the option

as for time no more flames we will be round when theres no chance of either realm running to irc and ruining our raids probabily very late at night

you flamed us for late night raids we do it primetime and you go do something that forces us to take relics late at night :(


Whine Whine

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

And btw,we have nothing to do with the Mids,if they raid in your frontier then it is not our fault!Just go and defend and stop whining!

Icebreaker<Celtic Fist>


WE dont need to do it late at night we just need slightly revised tactics and more participation. I personally wont be tagging along on any "moonlight" relic raids unless its done to us first.


Like i said in another thread

Originally posted by Release
Notice how Albs are crying their arses of because another realm took advantage of the situation.
Now you know how we felt when we did our 'primetime' hib raid and found that there was a ton of Albs blocking mmg on our way back, but did we fail? :p

btw: the raid was already planned way before you even started attacking Hibs, was planned just after the first failed.


Originally posted by Release
Like i said in another thread

btw: the raid was already planned way before you even started attacking Hibs, was planned just after the first failed.

Don't worry m8....methinks Herbie is a bit tetchy. IRC? Do me a favour :)

Raid was planned at (if I remember) 6pm gmt. Probably before the Alb one. And as to "defended/undefended" what good tactician would wait until the Albs were all back at home? Defended = saw us coming and Undefended = didnt. End of story.

Grats to the suiciders for getting back in time en masse. Still got 5k RP for my troubles though...


sorry ppl but i saw screenshots of #nolby, someone went in there and said that we were under siege and that alb woulda been empty at teh time :(

herbal : i hope you try again in primetime rather than going back to twilight raids, its much more fun for me to be defending a relic rather than to wake up and find the battle fought, and im sure its much more fun to fight for the relic rather than to just waltz in and grab it :(


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

you flamed us for late night raids we do it primetime and you go do something that forces us to take relics late at night :(

Maybe if you had refrained from the lame late night shit in the first place you wouldn't be hated enough for the few hibs and mids that might do the IRC spying merely to spite you.

It's bullshit anyway, the mids were already raiding you regardless of what someone said on IRC but now you use the actions of one person to justify lame acts by your realm?



Originally posted by Aeiedil
herbal : i hope you try again in primetime rather than going back to twilight raids, its much more fun for me to be defending a relic rather than to wake up and find the battle fought, and im sure its much more fun to fight for the relic rather than to just waltz in and grab it :(

Well said.

I've had quite a bit of fun defending / sieging today / yesterday.

I just wish everyone would stop the incessant bitching. At least I attempt to inject a spot of humour when I bitch ;)



It is very easy to create a fake irc screenshot, I am not saying it is fake, but I would like to see it first.





Prime time, lmao, u play the game when u play the game, if u moan about prime time, close the server after u little kids need to go sleep.

The game is on 24/7 raids can be done 24/7 its summer, u got holidays, play when u like, no need to moan about clock and time.

If u r tired, go to sleep, simple.

if u woke up at morning 6 relics poorer, well bad luck, make plans to get them back, what ever time.

And about the the thing that peeps had to suicide at hibbios reliccios because middios hairy assios r on Excal .....

Well only what we can blame is those guys who just opened Sunblock can to make more tan and opened new bottle of beer/soda ........called also XP:ing somewhere of something...And those guys r ineery realm.....

so STFU U -BUNCH OF NOOBS- and play the game =)

And if u dont behave and shhhhhhh, i sent the boys from the hood


Well we planned this raid as it was executed. We took a strawl trough emain at PRIME TIME, walsed over every keep we came accross on our path, even double backed on dun crauchon to pick up a missing beak that we used while taking renaris back a little earlier and then continued our evening walk to dun scrat. After farming some RPs (thx for the hibbies for showing up there) at dun scrat we quietly relogged, rebuffed and knocked down a rellic door and were about to start on the 2nd when the messages rolled in that mids were making a serious attempt at excali (yes we knew you were on excali earlier but the report of 20 mids on excali only seemed like an attempt to draw is away from dun dagda. ... I was reluctant to give the order to suicide on our alliance channel but did it anyway and it turned out to be a good descision since we arrived just in time to trap mids inside the keep and save the day.

All albs can be proud we have proven that we can gather a prime time rellic taking force in no time and walk around through emain untouchable. We also would have been the first realm to take a defended rellic at primetime if the middies would have minded their own business. Big congratulations and thx to all the albs in that big army for listening to orders, never running off and performing exelent in combat. Hope you all had as much fun as I had and we will see what we can come up with next time, maybe if mids are so keen to help hibbies we will have to raid both frontiers at once in this fashion, who knows.


wud j0 lajk some cheese wit dat whine mr newbies


Ohhhhh want a rellic ? I'll split my coockie with you though.


Originally posted by A Delusional Paladin

All albs can be proud we have proven that we can gather a prime time zerg, this is very hard when you have the majority of server players in no time and walk around through emain while hibs still think we are only the normal zerg that is there every day, while they are still exping. We also would have been the first realm to take a defended rellic at primetime if i didnt have some bullshit excuse to make for not succeeding. Big congratulations and thx to all the albs in that big army for sticking the closest enemy and entering combat mode, because hey, can we lose in those numbers? Hope you all had as much fun as I had and we will see what we can come up with next time, maybe if mids would be as stupid as us and not use a tactical advantage when we have one. We will have to raid both frontiers at once in this fashion, who knows, because atleast we got the numbers for it!
That's more close to it


Originally posted by Arthwyr
We also would have been the first realm to take a defended rellic at primetime if the middies would have minded their own business.

You know .. I think they have medication to treat delusions of grandeur now .. maybe you should ask your doctor for some.


1) Hibs zerged our power rellic on the last failed attempt with over 120 players. And we albs posted comments like "nice raid", "wel done" etc ...

2)When you did get the rellic back in hibbie land did you find any mids knocking on your rellic keep doors ? If not, why not.

3)I dont like getting my words twisted in a quote, if you want to comment on something i wrote, please do so without editing text and then adding "originaly posted by arthwyr"

4)I dont like getting zerged every day in emain and then coming here to read that albs zerg. Get your facts straight plz

5)If you do think you are the one being zerged do something about it and get more players to go RvR instead of posting on these boards day in day out complaining about fictive odds.

6)5 does not mean firing up IRC and begging another realm to bail you out of trouble

7)Play the game as it was ment to be instead of twisting every written and even unwritten rule to your advantage/defense and then still come here to complain about albion because you are unable to deal with us as it is.


Originally posted by Arthwyr

All albs can be proud we have proven that we can gather a prime time rellic taking force in no time and walk around through emain untouchable. We also would have been the first realm to take a defended rellic at primetime if the middies would have minded their own business.
Yes u can walk around emain untouchable when u outnumber everyone 10:1. Easy, any realm can. No big deal there. You also seem to forget that u didn't take the relic and no excuses about middies changes that fact. U DID NOT GET THE RELIC. Simple, its called a failiure, suicide or not. Your objective was to come to Hib, totally own and walk out with a relic. What u succeeded in doing was 1 door damaged, loads of rp's for the hibs and 2 doors at your own keep to repair. That to me sounds like a total and utter failure.

Hibernia did take a relic of u Albs today though, and in prime time. Nice.:D


Originally posted by Arthwyr

2)When you did get the rellic back in hibbie land did you find any mids knocking on your rellic keep doors ? If not, why not.

4)I dont like getting zerged every day in emain and then coming here to read that albs zerg. Get your facts straight plz

5)If you do think you are the one being zerged do something about it and get more players to go RvR instead of posting on these boards day in day out complaining about fictive odds.

2) Because Mids were trying to intercept our relic carrier in HW
4) Sorry but you dont really RvR enough to comment on what happens daily in Emain, for the few last days hibs have been coming to RvR quite well but before that it was pure Alb zerging
5) We did and took a relic, what did you do?


2) Because Mids were trying to intercept our relic carrier in HW
all they really did was killing alb reinforcements and setting up for their own rellic raid on Excalibur forcing us to concentrate on the defense of the keep instead of blocking HW. It was a nicely executed raid and I congratulate whoever took part in it but still the midgard attack on excalibur 10-20 mins later casts a shadow over your succes.

4) Sorry but you dont really RvR enough to comment on what happens daily in Emain, for the few last days hibs have been coming to RvR quite well but before that it was pure Alb zerging
Well I have over 100K RPs wich, believe it or not, is not bad at all for a gimp class. And I know damn well whats going on in emain every night without having to be present there 24/24. And no I am in emain less now cause I am leveling an infiltrator, 4 days played level 30 including some crafting and thidranki. I'll be looking for you soon.
5) We did and took a relic, what did you do?
Played tourguide all evening for an army of albs that took down 5 keeps and a rellic door, then suicided to prevent mids getting away with another rellic, defended crim (where we got zerged, thx for 2000 Rps in 10 mins though) and finaly we took back the keeps in our frontiers. Then I came to these boards to see wich whining our evening excursion brought along. Hope that beat your hide in a wall and shoot some people routine.


FFS, in other threads I see nice to have a raid and stuff, but then I look in here, and what is it, personal flaming, set a time and a place and a pair of boxing gloves (or just skipp em) and bash the shit out of each other instead of filling up the boards with meaningless flames

We tryed to zerg back our power relic, we failed
Mids trying to take back there strength relic, we got there in time, they failed

I wish I could say gratz Hibs for being the succeding realm this day, but I cant thx to all these arses u seem to have in your realm (I know, they exist in all realms, but in connection with relic raids they seem to come out more)

Only thing I can say, good job albs for atleast trying and a good work in stopping the Mids


Originally posted by Arthwyr

Well I have over 100K RPs wich, believe it or not, is not bad at all for a gimp class. And I know damn well whats going on in emain every night without having to be present there 24/24. And no I am in emain less now cause I am leveling an infiltrator, 4 days played level 30 including some crafting and thidranki. I'll be looking for you soon.

Played tourguide all evening for an army of albs that took down 5 keeps and a rellic door, then suicided to prevent mids getting away with another rellic, defended crim (where we got zerged, thx for 2000 Rps in 10 mins though) and finaly we took back the keeps in our frontiers. Then I came to these boards to see wich whining our evening excursion brought along. Hope that beat your hide in a wall and shoot some people routine.
You can make 100k in a good group in a week, max 2, no matter what your class is. (I think Ceixava has more than 100k and he's a BM :D) Good luck with the infil as you need to be atleast 46 to have a chance at 1v1 though, dont think you need to 1v1 at all since we're outnumbered in stealthers like mad as it is. Define soon ^^. And once again another idiot who thinks I've actually shot someone from a wall, odd they all (well, both of them) seem to be albs claiming that without any proof :/ So in the end of the day you didnt achieve anything, but lost a relic and had to pay over double the money for door repairs than hibs!


At least one Hib I'm starting to like. Good sport m8. At least you don't lie. Grats to Aeiedil


Yes big thumbs up to aeindel. Shame your realm mates are so lame to do such a thing. We really must have put the shits up you mustnt we, and you know we would have got a least one of them relics in there.

I was all against the late night raids, but after all that IRC crap i say go for it. Lets do it alb style and attack at 3am every night this week until we have every relic. Only themselves to blame.



Don't succumb Aki, you of all people should know that we are not all dicks. I don't cheat, I don't team and would personally take the opportunity to piss on the stupid arse that posted that in IRC.

I was involved in both the defense and the raid and I swear on my honour that there was no mention ever of getting help from or teaming with mids.

To the idiots that throw hib's name away, I wish you would just fuck off and reroll on some other server, relics are not more important to me then my pride. If I find out who that was that posted that in IRC, I will make it my personal goal to ensure you get banned for good by GOA. You make me sick.

There are loads of decent people in Hibernia, and it pisses me off that dicks like you get to throw our name away.

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