Obscurity said:Lol you solo hahaha omfg quote of the year
I'm amazed why people don't show their gratitude to you for raising the intelligence level in these forums.Obscurity said:Another idiot
Obscurity said:Lol you solo hahaha omfg quote of the year
behatch said:Yes ive seen him solo hundreds of times,he is the only solo infil i can think off
Wish you had a rr9+ ns? Hm im to shit for it i cant even make 1 50 So i whine here that he sucks cause im the Pwnz0rzGrymdaal said:wow watched that movie..what can i say... piece of shit.
perhaps you should lower your ego otherwise you wont be able to leave the room.. oh and on some of those "Flawless" quotes.. they werent u were on 96-98% hp.. but still.. if you prefer FPS's i suggest you go back to playing Quake and UT2003.. i hear theyll stroke your ego some.
Diar said:I wonder if his RR has something to do with the range from where he sees other infs/SBs
or if it's just bug abuse, or some arti thingy...
Ogen said:LOL seriusly people stop crying.. RA abuse? wft is that? If you could abuse an RA it wouldnt exist. RA are here to be used.
lmao :touch:
And lets say he does have TOA stuff and they dont.. So what if hes the first to get TOA stuff? Then he shouldnt be allowed to enter the frontiers?
tbh you guys are way off ...
Righthandof said:RR doesn't effect the range, as long as you have the same stealth, which is capped at 50.
he saw them 'coz Ring of dances / Stealth lore
Diar said:he's a NS imotbhfyiafaik
Aybabtu said:I am?
Diar said:nerf at 12 pages long threads hehe, get's messed up in my mind ^^
sowwy for calling you a ns
Gorre said:as most stealthers movie: boring to watch
and for the UT sounds: how old are you?
give more movies like censi's one ^^
Righthandof said:only a very few PA's,
Dawn said:he didnt have cs spec in whole movie