cya all



time has come for me to say goodbye to everyone i have known from beta 2 until now. it is time to give an end to this game because i think 18 months are to much for me.
i would like to thank all of my friends* for all the good and bad memories i have from this game.i wish you enjoy the rest of the game and i hope i see you again in world of warcraft.i will contact with all real friends by phone for one meeting coffee btw.
farewell all my friends and gl
*i will not forget my first friends gwidoc+pogo and many many ppl from roual guards guild.

patroclus paladin 50lvl
giatros cleric 40lvl
servieta minstrel 50lvl
gria necromancer 45lvl


what's this, everyone seems to be leaving :(

bb and gl irl



most people find out its not worth playing this game with this much zergs, and assasins everywhere

Hit ^_^

bye bye.

ps. we got 3500peeps on the server so i cant realy say its bad ppl are leaveing. too bad its many good old players doing so tho.

Jarahl Valinor

Bye Bye Pat :( I will always remember our hunts down Lyonesse!! Telamons4tehwin!!!111oneoneone :D I will give your regards to Pogo and Gwidoc, since I dont think they read these boards... Stay cool m8, have fun with real life, but remember !! /release doesnt work out there :(




we got 3500peeps on the server so i cant realy say its bad ppl are leaveing. too bad its many good old players doing so tho.

thats exactly the problem ... For every good/nice ol' chap there were already 3 ubah l33t kiddies:rolleyes: . Imagine having a ratio 1 to 6, that will make even more good players leave and by that the ratio will go 1 to ... etc etc, you get the point

I really think this summer will be decisive for daoc, if they make it through these months it's gonna be alright. That's also why the timing for the rvr expansion is badly timed: it should have been june so we had all summer to try new things.

Now chances are big alot of people will at least try the new online games awaiting and staying there if they like it.

Afun Mindbreaker
Thy local sorceress forseeing cloudy weather over the daoc front
First Cohort

P.S. Never knew you Patroclus but i wish you the best :)


erk..! :p

FU and return into the game ASAP...

To many mids/hibs are out there waiting for our arcaniums ;)

Don't believe him...

ill torture him to death if he refuse to enter the game again.! :p

btw Mythic must do something ASAP, Sony prepare ubah games.
DAoC need a change to RVRing some Battles on horses, some Siege Vehicles and other stuffs like that...

If is able a voice chat for groups will be AWESOME :p


Well Pat im very sad to c you leave the game, as many others i can c of this post. You are a great guy mate and we sure have had some fun in there.

Hope indy remember to give you my email...

Have fun in what ever game you deside to play mate.

P.S. i do tend to read these forums... but there is almost only whine posts here.. ( a little whine from me :p)

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