custom games



Anyone tried these at all? ie. skirmish mode... big map, you and some AI.

Tried about 20 times now, 1 vs 1 and the AI stomps me every single time. Not just "beats", but utterly stomps. Humiliates. Points and laughs at me.

I just don't get it... I've tried loads of different tactics - early rushes, hit and runs, 1 hero, 2 heros, turtling, multiple bases, the lot and every single time I find the AI has heros several levels above me, or 2 heros the same level as my 1 hero, despite me going hell-for-leather for the creeps to get my hero leveled up.

I've tried advancing techs & tiers, I've tried low tech zerging, I've tried mixed balances all to no avail.

Why on earth isn't there a "difficulty" setting since ewither the AI is unbeatable in a 1-on-1 or I'm fucking useless :/


To get ur hero to high levels fast send him + a few soldiers out to kill all the monsters.


hehe - u can spank me sometime m8 if u like :)

(in a game !!! :eek:)


Yeah, it does seem unfair sometimes. I was in a similar situation to you and lost my first 20 odd games against the PC until I managed to suss its tactics.

Build up defenses on your home base - enough to repell a medium attack.

At the same time - get one of your Heroes and a few good troops and go marauding against creeps etc. If you can get another mine and use this marauding party to protect it until it becomes self defensive.

All you have to do then is build up your army (and upgrade their abilities) until you feel you can launch a telling onslaught.

What I find is that the PC lacks the ability to build up its army after a certain number of units has been reached - so you should be able to win with a larger army no problems.


Ah yeh, sounds similar to Starcraft against the AI.


Starcraft against the AI wasn't has harsh as this game is... I'm still getting whipped by the bots :( My hero's get to around lvl 4 & his are lvl 9 :eek6:


I dont like the way the campaign mode gets your hero really high in the human campaign and hard, only to have him become a death knight and low level again! :(


yeh but it's a fun plot twist. actually has a good story - like SC and SC-BW.

huzzah for blizzard :)


the ai plays about a bnet skill level of 6-7 max. play a little. switch sides with the AI then save a replay and see how the AI would start the game in your stead.

the AI opens game at about 90% efficiency speed, maybe 95%. analyze how the AI does it and do likewise and improve on it.

currently stopped playing NEs vs AI because the AI can t win, still use it for improving my undead skills.

Finster- lowbie at 8

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