CS, OK its here, so what do you think?



"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They should'nt have changed anything. I wanted them to add new weapons and mission scenario's, not downgrade the classics , like the Colt carbine, "what happened?", this was the perfect all around , compact rifle and they crippled it's long range capabilities in exchange for stealth."O.K.", modifications like that I can handle, but at least make up for the damage done. Add more guns to the line up, how about "rpg's or "laser targeting", anything to ease the suffering. "Trip wires", "tear gas", "signal flares","door charges"(rainbow six style, and plaese dont make me play that'),"variations per weapon", 'where's the silenced MP5?, or a silenced sniper rifle, maybe for the steyr scout(which needs some lovin). And why the hell can't I carry more than one grenade(has anyone seen the professional?), "remote explosive charges", and that smoke grenade needs a little work but I appreciate the effort." where's the M203, M79(Scuba gear???),"Gas masks", "colored smoke screens". C'mon guy's, you people created a masterpiece of a game, don't fall short of these highly "wargasmic details". I am a loyal gamer, If this is the closest I'll get to war , I want to have the right tools for the job. Congratulations to the Counter-Strike team, I am wishing you the best on the development of the game. My expressions are of friendly critisism only and in no way wish to discourage the CS team. My views are for me as well as loyal gamers who agree with me. To Counter-strike fanatics all over the world, "I,d be happy to kill you some day"........"SNEAKYBASTARD, SIGNIN OFF","OVER AND OUTTA HERE".


I have to say that on the whole, it's pretty good - many real lol's... Lurrve the opera in Italy as well!!

However, anyone put me in touch with a reputable barn door seller, mine is falling to bits with age, not damage.

Has anyone changed the lag thang and noticed a real improvement in aiming/accuracy?!?!

Carpe Carbine


I've been messing with all the settings, so far accuracy still isn't there. However I seem to be hitting where I am aiming with 1st shot at least. I think the weps are still accurate but the recoil fx are more violent. Try firing a full clip at a wall or something, grouping is terrible :)
I found this link posted earlier by N.O.M.A.D. to be useful: http://www.savageuk.com/ucconnectionguide


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