CS, OK its here, so what do you think?



So finally we got it, 2 hours downloading at 128k , servers and ftp sites puking everywhere :)
First impression? Could be mistaken, was I really playing Rainbow 6?
I "think" I like it, jury is still out. Couple of points though, they have ruined the colt for the sake of a silencer animation, and it is WAY to easy to die, the new scoreboard is as ugly as an ugly thing.
The slower play and immediate death may not be a bad thing, it should lead to clan match style play.
What do you guys think?



Yeah. I mean... it feels more mature, it's nicer. But I am not sure about the balancing... The cheap guns are crapper. I used to be happy with an mp5 but now it's a bit too crap. Need to get used to rifles now, but at least they upped the money levels.

My first impression was, it is too easy to die. But then I was playing on a 20 player server and only one person had a ping higher than 100!

It's a lot less deathmatchy, you just can't get away with deathmatch tactics any more. I guess that's good.

I have graphical bugs, like some textures go wierd and the water goes all white if you bob on the surface. I heard some people have screwed up skins too. Also if I go back to the menu from a game, I can't get back in the game cos the renderer dies.

I also noticed that it is near impossible to get out of the water in docks. I don't know if that is a bug or not... On the CT side you can use the boat or the ramp, but on the T side there is only one tiny bit that I can get out of the water.

Need to give it more time...


Well shotguns rule. The SMG's are a bit strange i found i was firing from about 6ft away and missing with all shots. Most annoying.

Overall good though certainly alot more polished.


They had to go and release the damn things in the middle of my exams, didn't they?

Still, I managed to get in a quick game last night (within about 10 mins of BW putting up the new servers) and I thought I'd give you a few of my random observations. I'll probably have found that all of these were wrong a week from now, but here goes anyway:

The P90's new price is a lot more reasonable. It feels slightly more powerful than the beta6.1 version, although not as evil as the Beta5 version.

The new maps seem a mixed bunch. Cobble looks excellent, as does Tundra, but a couple of the other new maps, such as Italy and Aztec haven't really grabbed me yet. Still... best give them time.

I play on Ethernet, so I don't tend to notice lag all that much, but the prediction is noticably... well... different. Not sure if this is a good thing yet.

I, like many people, am not too sure about what they've done with the carbine. It seems awfully powerful now, when used unsilenced.

I'm not keen on the changes to the AWP. They seem to have made it too effective on maps where one side doesn't need to move all that much. I was playing cs_siege last night and the Ts were just pinning the garage down by sitting still with rapid-fire AWPs.

The new sounds rock. Nuff said.

Whoever the owners of the mansion on cs_mansion hired to do their interior decoration should be shot. Ugh... that wallpaper's giving me nightmares.

The changes to the pistols certainly seem to quite well. Pistol combat is a lot more realistic now and seems to take a bit more skill, even though the rof of the pistols has been increased. A lot of people don't seem to notice that the pistols become less accurate when fired rapidly.

Cs_747 actually looks as though it could be worth playing now. The new rear entrance to the plane really seems to balance things.

The changes to de_dust are probably fair, but I haven't really played it enough to be certain.

The smoke grenades seem nice. They drop my framerate a bit, but they've added quite a few new tactical options. Now... if a few people could just start spamming them about a bit less.

Guess that's about it...


After a few hours play I still find it too early to make a considered judgement IMHO. That will take a few eeks when people have got used to the maps and weapons. But I definitely like cobble.

The tweaking to assasination - no borrowing of other sides weapons on pain of death in the next round - may improve playbalance a little but whether it can be rescued as a game type by that sort of fix ...

What has really impressed me already is the new netcode. Typically I find myself averaging about 30-40 below my previous ping and it certainly improves playability. As an lpb in the first place I now consider myself a slpb - last night I was getting in the 50s on a full server. I assume that the ping is being calculated in the same way though.


Well guys I've had about 4/5 hours play on the new CS. I have 2 points to make one about CS and one about the new netcode.
OK CS, it's very nice, improved graphics and animations, some pretty cool new maps too. OK it's full of bugs I know but I'm sure they will soon be sorted. I have one critisism to make and thats about the scoreboard. It is intrusive and unreadable. I know I'm not alone when I say that I use the scoreboard a lot in game, it helps me know how may enamy are left and if I have any team-mates left. This is very difficult to see quickly with the new board.
OK now the new netcode, it is appalling. I fully support a move to make the game fair for HPW players, I used to be one so I know what it's like. However when I can open up on a HPW with a full clip and he is fine yet I die with one or two pistol shots it makes the game unplayable. Before the HPW players say "well it's coz you have no skill" heres an example. On one of the new maps (aztec I think its called) I had an AWP, someone was sitting in the gun turret thing. I was crouched behind a bush on full zoom, I fired slowly a full mag at his head and body, thats 20 shots, everyone of them on target. The guy was uninjured, yet he got me with 2 shots from an AK at about 200yds. That to me is bullshit, no other way to describe it.
Another example, and this happens a lot, playing docks, i have a colt the other guy a pistol, we are battling around the crates near the T base. I spray him with bullets, reload and spray him again, he pops out and hits me with one shot while jumping ffs and I die.
I've read over on Wireplay that Gooseman even thinks the new code is bad, and to top it all the fucking skin cheats still work and there is now a fakelag cheat.
Valve need to be hung drawn and fucking quartered. LPB's are hardcore gamers who have spent money and time getting good at their game, they should not be penalised for this. I will reiterate that I agree with making the game fairer for all but to give HPW a strong advantage is really asking them to leave in droves.
I now have some time to see if I can finally master Falcon 4, the silver lining to the cloud. I'll probably pop into a game of cs every now and again but see no point in paying for a phone call to play a game that although I can still win (did I mention that I can play against the odds? :)) is no fun at all.
When valve fix the shambles I'll be back. (heard that somewhere before :))



Hmmm, i dont have counterstrike but did notice some commands for 'lag compensation' to do with the new netcode.

Commands are 'cl_lc' and 'cl_lw' if thats any help. Theres a description of them in the updated guides, closest to home is http://www.savageuk.com/ucconnectionguide look in 'game specific connection tweaks'.


I agree re the the new HUD for exactly the reasons that Yuck Fou Gives.

I also noticed in my first few sessions the same sort of issues re hitting opponents where I thought I had let off a full mag into someone but with little effect, and then I was was being offed by a couple of rounds. OK I may simply be a crap shot (OK I admit it), but after resetting the pushlatency there was a considerable difference and I seemed to be hitting and killing once again.

But surely the point is that the average Joe should not need to muck about with this sort of stuff to have a decent game.


I like the new CS so for. The new netcode is great!!!! Playing TF 1.5 online is much better with the new netcode also. I hope all future online games would utilize this new code!!


[This message has been edited by [30+r]Matador (edited 12 June 2000).]





<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [30+r]Matador:
I like the new CS so for. The new netcode is great!!!! Playing TF 1.5 online is much better with the new netcode also. I hope all future online games would utilize this new code!!


erm, ROFLMAO. (yes thats all I wanted to say.

btw, img code doesn't work in sig links.


Aha! Looks like I found a way to make the netcode ok. Check my other post, looks like Falcon 4 might have to wait a little longer after all :)



where ya all play ?, caus i want to show off my new HPB skillz to ya all


here i have an idea, why dont we arrange game for people who come here reguarly ?


Atomic Rammer

Whats your prob kez?
Is that any way to welcome a new member

Hi matador!

Theres a lot of people who like the new netcode, me for one so there was no need to be so condecending like everyone agrees with u. I dont love the new code but it is a bit nicer. If there was an inbetween state for the netcode (if u know what I mean) I would have been even more impressed.


When we are all LPB's there will be no need for lag compensation server side, well maybe one day :D.


Excuse me? I'm sorry, I didn't realise making a passing comment with laughter in it counted as mistreating.

Its a shame I can't make the "I bet you're a Cunt0rStrifer aren't you" comment because practically every bugger is, and I'd get jumped on by a horde of pe0nz, no matter, I'll swan off back to my nice wireplague ubb.


I think most of us play on BW CS servers.



my first impressions of this new code were good i played it for awhile after spending 5 hours downloading it at 1.89k/sec but hey..got there eventually....but now i keep on getting server timeouts on every server i know that this is a graphic card problem open gl does not work at all but software mode is fine but thats not good enough ive tried updated my drivers well to the best that it lets me cos ive got a diamond stealth 3 s540 32mb agp card and its not worth selling so please if n e one knows the problem help me out here


Believe it or not but CS improved when i reinstalled HL, Then got GO!ZILLA from zdtv.com and got a completely uncorrupted D/L
AT 3K!Took 1h,35min.!And on 56K with BT!
The answer to ur woes gents is in
planethalflife.com scroll for the tweaking guides. Their amazing!
Sure the netcode now is a little (well...)
wonky, but rather now then in TF2 which we'll
have 2 pay money for! Lets just wait and see
what valve pull out of the bag...iIve a feeling they won't be content with this..


or you could of just deleted the file


its called custom.hpk

and thats the only file that grows, so theres no point in reinstalling it again and buring your HDD to hell.



indeed, but at the time I failed to remember which file(s) need deleting, so I took it off :)


its always best to reinstall every couple of months, coz of stupid cached files such as decals etc (can't remember name of file) that load up every f'ing time you play, its taken meh up to 3 minutes to close hl once, that was with a 130mb stupid file that contains all the shit from the net... reinstalled (thus removing it)... about a second to quit, much better


This is pathetic i cannot connect to any game on the server as it keeps on timing out on me what the hell is wrong a few days ago friday to be exact it all worked fine in open gl the lot!!! bit jerky but i did'nt moan none but now i can't even get a fix from cs/hl or op4 tfc either this is wrong ive tried to mail valve,sierra,here,cs.net everyone i can think of to try anf get some help
this is my last option b4 i lose my temper and smash all sierra products to bits!!!
(just an idle threat)
please n e 1 got the answer to end my pain??


anybody got an idea y i keep on getting server timeouts now as i never got them b4 its doing my head in i aint had a game of cs for 3 days now
HELP!!!!!!!!! :MAD


thats what i was going for ....yeah still aint sorted out my server timeouts problems though it just aint right


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They should'nt have changed anything. I wanted them to add new weapons and mission scenario's, not downgrade the classics , like the Colt carbine, "what happened?", this was the perfect all around , compact rifle and they crippled it's long range capabilities in exchange for stealth."O.K.", modifications like that I can handle, but at least make up for the damage done. Add more guns to the line up, how about "rpg's or "laser targeting", anything to ease the suffering. "Trip wires", "tear gas", "signal flares","door charges"(rainbow six style, and plaese dont make me play that'),"variations per weapon", 'where's the silenced MP5?, or a silenced sniper rifle, maybe for the steyr scout(which needs some lovin). And why the hell can't I carry more than one grenade(has anyone seen the professional?), "remote explosive charges", and that smoke grenade needs a little work but I appreciate the effort." where's the M203, M79(Scuba gear???),"Gas masks", "colored smoke screens". C'mon guy's, you people created a masterpiece of a game, don't fall short of these highly "wargasmic details". I am a loyal gamer, If this is the closest I'll get to war , I want to have the right tools for the job. Congratulations to the Counter-Strike team, I am wishing you the best on the development of the game. My expressions are of friendly critisism only and in no way wish to discourage the CS team. My views are for me as well as loyal gamers who agree with me. To Counter-strike fanatics all over the world, "I,d be happy to kill you some day"........"SNEAKYBASTARD, SIGNIN OFF","OVER AND OUTTA HERE".

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