Crouching Xtro, Hidden Llama



Recently changed a lot of my certs, and changed roles from reinforced shotgun grunt to advanced scout so am on my own a fair bit (which suits me fine tbh atm the mood I'm in thanks to work).

Started playing early before work for an hour or so each day and am suprised how many are on - this gives you lots of chance to have small fun skirmishes around towers etc.

Anyway I digress.

Today I took my Mosquito and scouted out a few bases where VS and TR were slowly trying to grab stuff back from NC (didn't seem to be many NC awake).

I landed my Mosq near some mountains overlooking a base, was about to leg it to the base when I heard a sniper but he didn't aim for me. So I scouted and found him. Decided to crouch behind him and watch the VS freak carry on. After 5 mins he still hadn't noticed me so I sent him /tell Hi mate, do us a favour - you got the time? and knifed him in the back as he was typing *arf arf*.

Then I ran down to the base, grabbed an AMS and parked up near the tower that was presently TR. All quiet, so started to hack - had just taken it and a VS freak shot me in the back. Grr. Anyway spawned at AMS and eek, a Sunderer with about 4 people stood by it. It was about 10m away. I saw the 4 go in the tower so immediately got in the AMS and was about to drive off - I reversed a bit to move off and they came out. RAH VS SANDWICH - ran over all 4 \o/ Parked the AMS a bit further off and deployed. Sure enough they came back, ran over 3 again, pissed myself laughing as the 4th was trying to run away. Got out, hit him with Phoenix 3 times, stuck surge on and I was running sent him /tell Run Little Pig, Daddy's Gonna Stick Ya!. Scootered up to him, he turned and tried to whack me with beamer but Jackhammer > VS freak.

Anyway just felt like sharing this as this is an example of having a *lot* of fun on your own and is one of the main reasons I like PS.


I was soloing on Sunday night, and got 5000XP for a cap...have they changed the rewards again?

Nice story, though I always go for a AMP to the back for snipers myself.;)


Hi mate :)

Aye on Sunday evening I was *having a recreational cigarette* and didn't feel up to squadding so was tonking about on my own. Wandered into huge 3 way fight, made a ton of xp from shotty kills and got 5k too for a cap. Don't think they've changed the rewards (5000 is the celiing AFAIK).

As for AMP, I've only *just* started bothering with carrying a pistol at all.


When I was an Inf, I didn't have much choice about carrying a pistol.

I'm currently respeccing as a grunt/Vanguard driver. Though since I only get to play for about 1 hour a week, that is going to take me a fair wee while.


heheh, I started playing on Sunday morning and am br7 already \o/

Joined an outfit last night and we capped a TR base and I got 5K exp for doing pretty much fuck all, not bad. I had some really good games Sunday night with some random squad, the leader was very very good. We just kept gal hot dropping onto towers and bases, capped a fair few with just the 10 of us. They didn't know what hit 'em :D

Really enjoying this game, my ingame nick is Reeves so if you see me say hello, I /tell'ed Summo last night but he didn't reply. I hope I got there's another Summo running around and he wasn't ignoring me :(


Mank! Check your PM's ffs I sent one earlier :)

Glad you're back ;) Does this mean you are VS though? :/



Great to hear your playing this! I do hope you're Vanu... Cask, Scooba and I tend to get together (we're all in the Enlightened Dark outfit, which I'd recommend) and it'd be great to have you along for the rrriiiiiiiide! (Get your motor runnin', Head out on the HIGHWAY!)

Sorry for not replying last night. I honestly didn't notice a message from you.

I'll add Reeves to meh buddy list and I'll track you down...

edit: Doh! Just checked your sig. Welcome to the Sovereignty of Love. ;)


Gah, VS suck donkey's arse tbh. Pop pop ploopy pop ploppy pop went the beamer...


yaaaaaay! Barry's people \o/

I shall be playing pretty much all day once this new hdd has finished formatted, so gimme a shout if you're around :)


In my 'Hackfiltrator' *(c)2003 me* setup I carry both automatic and standard pistol along with 2 clips of ammo and a REK, can retrieve more ammo from the corpses I make easy enough.

Use auto for when I'm up close and easy kill, standard pistol for when I can't get right up to em and have to blat em from a short distance, the accuracy diference between the two pistols is huge.


Crouching Xtro, Hidden Llama.

Love that title. :ROFLMAO:

Nice story.

Was having a LOAD of fun earlier as an infil sneaking up behind a group of NC and hacking their towers out from under them.

Died a few times to the few that had DL, but was still fun for once.

Is also fun doing a 2-man heavy tank squad, I find. And damn good exp. :p


Originally posted by Omniscieous
In my 'Hackfiltrator' *(c)2003 me* setup I carry both automatic and standard pistol along with 2 clips of ammo and a REK, can retrieve more ammo from the corpses I make easy enough.

Use auto for when I'm up close and easy kill, standard pistol for when I can't get right up to em and have to blat em from a short distance, the accuracy diference between the two pistols is huge.

Actually you can snipe with the autopistol if you fire single shots, surprisingly accurate :)


Hehehe, you can indeed, crouch, zoom and away you go, i find terran pistol better for it tho, had 13 at last count in my locker ( you guys just leave them everywhere).
Makes me laugh when i do that, don't need the kill, i get more satisfaction watching them looking up and around :D

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty


Having fun by yourself Xtro! didn't you sprain your wrist last time u did that :p


My favourite tactic at the moment is to park an ANT somewhere where it will be found... then wait for some itchy-fingered enemy jacker to come along. They'll look at it, walk around it, look around them, then attempt to jack it. When I see the little red light... I give him half a magazine, of Vanu's finest lead, in the back! :cool:


Originally posted by Cadire
My favourite tactic at the moment is to park an ANT somewhere where it will be found... then wait for some itchy-fingered enemy jacker to come along. They'll look at it, walk around it, look around them, then attempt to jack it. When I see the little red light... I give him half a magazine, of Vanu's finest lead, in the back! :cool:

You switched sides? :eek: that makes you my #1 target, feekin splitter!


Originally posted by old.Styx
Having fun by yourself Xtro! didn't you sprain your wrist last time u did that :p

oi oi :)

How's Evercrack you wee scots monkey? :p


You switched sides? that makes you my #1 target, feekin splitter!

I'm afraid so :cool: I found TR a little too excalibur-ish for my liking. However, being a contrary so-and-so, a realm change again is a distinct possibility :)

...and I was 2 feet away from pumping you full of lead last night, but some myopic MAX decided to pound you instead :cool:


I don't die! I musta been suiciding to get somewhere in a hurry (the spawn point) :p


Must admit, I like neaking around a shooting peeps in the back of the head. Followed one sniper for 10mins while he manuevered up a mountain to get his vantage spot on a base we were hacking.

As he crouched and zoomed I sidled up and blue his nuts off :)

Not the best xp ever, but soooooo satisfying :D

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