Crossrealm spying



Sub, forget about Pomka. He's not a spy. I know.


Looks like this thread is a discussion of who is lowbie and who is not.. What about keeping it to the topic?


Sub i'm 2 tired of talking, cause talking cant affect stonebrains like u. U want to get owned from lvl 44 minstrel? lets make a duel and i'll show u how it's done, so every1 will c that how lame u r ;p. In a couple of weeks i will mez stun and kill that lowbie as i always do.


The lamest topic ive ever seen at EX. Seems ppl know nothing about RL friendship and trust. Or somebody cannt believe that he sucked and tries to finf a spy behind each tree. We owned albs at the evening, they owned us at the morning, we owned hibies, hibies owned us. Thats RvR game, isnt it?
To all realm "guards": Do you think good RL friends, who play for different realms, will ruin the game for each other????? Or may be i play wrong server :( ?


I think spying adds another dimention to the game that not many forsaw (sp?) :p


I think this thread just ended up in the biggest flame-contest I’ve ever read on this forum.

Spying is lame, and people should be decent enough to stay away from this. On the other hand I don’t think the relic raid attempts made by Mids or Albs were alerted by spys. The relic raid I attended last time was probably alerted when the SB group I was in got spotted by some lower lvls taking an expedition inside mid mg. We killed them, but I think they saw more mids than us 8 SB. When we finally got to Exalibur around 13.00 I looked inside, and there could have been no more than 10 there all together, but that was nearly an hour later than we were first spotted. Then after fighting for 30 min more albs came.

Same thing can be said for raids made by albs, we have scouts camping Odins and even smaller raiding parties get reported. I think Atrox has bought a cabin up there…lol

A bit off topic here, but Anarki I nearly owned your lvl 44 butt last night with my lvl 40 SB. To bad you got away L I don’t know how you would kill a lvl 50 tank rofl….


Ehm all remember the CoC? Be carefull with what you say against other players.. They could see this as a harasment...

Sure I don't agree with x-teaming but there is so little to do against. It doesn't even have to be exchanging accounts. Someone could even be on irc, icq, aol, aim or whatever and just do a little send and then it's done. No one knows about it, no one can blame you because no one knows.. So in my point of view it is impossible to stop..

-> Spying Mids -> Telling Albs/Hibs about raids -> Albs/Hibs win raid each time -> Mids stop RvRing a lot (or are not easily turned down and go on) -> Albs/Hibs rule the server -> RvR gets boring.

The only thing these people do is ruining the system of RvR and they will drag even their own realm down with it.. And for those people who only see the joy in dragging other players down by doing this and ruining others people game: I hope they get bored real quick and go away, so the "real value" players can play a game they like.


And... if some1 interested in... we (our guild) will take a look at the situation more closely and inform U all about the results.


Runolas, nearly owned and owned are 2 different things. You are a SB, u stealth and w8 till u can win 100%. Bet u was sure u will kill me then, but recieved ur deserved stun, mez and bye bye :p
Tank are killed ezy in duels, run around on speed and DD em to death. Mez and rest 4 mana when needed


Originally posted by Anarki
Runolas, nearly owned and owned are 2 different things. You are a SB, u stealth and w8 till u can win 100%. Bet u was sure u will kill me then, but recieved ur deserved stun, mez and bye bye :p
Tank are killed ezy in duels, run around on speed and DD em to death. Mez and rest 4 mana when needed

Hehe…think you missed my point. If I can pull off one hit with my PA on you with some poison and that alone gets you down to 15-18% hp…what would a lvl 50 Zerker do to you? A lvl 50 Zerker has a good chance smacking you down in one hit. Actually taking on a lvl 50 Zerker is something different than telling us how you are going to do it.

I never expected you to do anything else than run, either way I got what I wanted. If I had got your rp, that would have been a bonus. Both you and I know that in a dual you would have killed me 100% of the time (lvl 40 vs lvl 44), but last night I got you off guard just after you killed Nydi. You were sitting and were close to 100%.


Originally posted by Uger
Delete ur char / uninstall DAOC and go play porno-tetris ( i hope that ammount of brains u have is enough for it)
OTHERWISE ill try me best TO KILL U with all possible means
U ll get killed / ressed and killed just in 1 sec i wont care about RP
and it will last for ages! [/B]

yeah, you come off as real bright.



Runolas this thread isnt about that, yes u can 1 hit drop me to 10-20% of health, u'r a SB, if u couldnt do that that would be more interesting. 50 lvl zerker can do same with 1 hit. THe problem is to do that 1 hit!
P.S Ofcourse i ran away, or u wanted me to stay there and say hello while u finished me off? ^_^


Õåõå... À ÷òî åùå âçÿòü ñ ïîñëåäîâàòåëåé Êèíû ;P

Sorry, Couldn`t resist ;)


Originally posted by subbiz
ok, lemme quote a little post from last friday:

This raid was held very secretly, only selected guild officers were informed, and that was done Friday, the day before the raid (AFAIK, maybe it was thursday).. And still, the realm of albion had already been informed a day before the raid..
This pisses me of big time!

Im not blaiming the failure of the raid on the spying, but its damn sad that it has to be like this.
I am sure that we have some bigmouthed players in middie who lack brains or something. I want to know who's doing this, and thats why I've started this thread, so help me out with any info u might have.
Albs, show some real pride, make us respect u big time, tell us who this weasel is.

The rumours I've heard so far is the following:
Pomka: middie
Uger: middie
Anarki : alb

Pomka & Uger is playing anarki.
This is what I've been told.
Possible spies
(I hope my info is right on this, pls dont kill me if its wrong ^^;;)

Another possibility (besides some1 else that I havent heard of spying..)
crossrealm account lendout...
HUGE risc of ie. an alb and middie swapping acc for a day or 2, and then an alb who's playing the middie acc hears about relic raid in guild chat and abuses this..
Solution: 1) DON'T lend out your char to other realms, if done, this should result in being kicked from the guild that the char is in. If the guild fails in doing so, the guild should be kicked from alliance and not be informed of future raid plans (Finster (c))
2) /gc quit before lending out any char, and then get an invite when done..

I prefer first method, but the 2nd might work too..

post some flames, infos, ideas, whatever info/comment/oppinion u might have, and lets do something about this incredible lame way of war.
(war is war, but there should be drawn a line somewhere, and if these things will keep on going, rvr will die on excal, and who would want that?)

And remember.. we all love our relics, we all want our relics safe, but this is a game, its based upon rvr when u get to high lvl, and the most exciting thing about rvr is the relic raids imo.

i think cross realm spying sux and all who do so should be banned ,, as for my post it doesnt take much working out that u middys were going to reaid relic on sunday ... ffs you midddys had attempted it 3-4 SUNDAY mornings on the trot ,, afaik NOBODY had solid proof/info you werre definatly comming on sunday morning ... its called a calculated guess , and judging by your reaction a pretty damn good guess also :p as for most the times u get found out early .. afaik it has NOTHING to do wth cross realm spying . its called great scouting there are a few scouts who are always in pennine area 's or hadrians .. i personally have a lvl 1 alt who is parked in excaliber permanantly and i log into excal every 30-40 mins and sit there for 5 mins to check its safe ... other big give aways r ...... large numbers of middys in emain mostly lower lvl and non of the so called big names .. this always a lil worrying and i always log in my relic char to keep look out for inc.. when u take boenowyc we know middys dont really bother with keep raids . and only reason that may spring to mind as to why u want it . is for siege for relic raid . hence same i log n load relic alt . cple of others also but im not goin into that cos im not giving u tips how to avoid being spotted .

only thing goa can do to prevent cross realm spying is to check there financew accounts and check where they all playing so basicly if for example your credit card shows 2 accounts and they both seem to have chars on server but different realms . then imo one of those accs should be blocked making them unable to play both .. but i dont think it ill happen cos the more realm spys who have 2or more accs are giving goa money and prolly goa dont wanan turn away custom due to there crap service so are rabbing every penny they can :(


I see from earlier posts in this thread that people publicly admit to lending out their accounts. Hope they get banned soon, as I'm sure they read the following in the CoC:

You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account, whatever the circumstances.


Uger ... now you are sounding like a jerk...

and i have to take you down

1.. Even though i at times get very very very pissed at anarki, then i still dont think anarki cheats... cause 1 time he had been on pomka and heard there was a relic attemt on albs ... and he didnt tell any1. (untill after the relic attemt was repelled)
mind the word think

2. But we have caught Uger in using Anarkis account as a spy in emain... the story is in short

Uger hides in tree close to ATK... Anarki is plantet at ATK..
When Taunter(armsman) moves forward from ATK uger allmoves forward to kill ..(but from where Uger is he cant see taunter, we know becuase Brommix the infiltrator was playing same place as Taunter and was in stealth there)
when Taunter went back to ATK uger went back to hide.....

no matter what you yell and scream Uger, then this was still to stupid...

And Sub ... i 100% agree on the spying part ... if i find the name of the alb spy in midgaard, then be assured i WILL post the name here on the boards


BAH FILIP .. dont be such a STUPID like SUb is

u was not there , so logically u cant post such a thing
u just heard that some 1 said .. bla bla bla

The thing was i logged as Anarki to Invite my friends to duel
I invited Huma / Dherkova | Also to duels were invited Novamir/ Wuren
but they were quite busy and said they could not come
If u dont believe me , ask them .. they will tell u the truth

About spying :
I have been as a guest at Anarki place lots of time and i have seen lots of messages about ALbs were going for a relic raid , i could have phoned my mids friends and warned them about Rraids , BUT I DIDNT coz IT S NOT MY BUSINESS
And im a fair player i NEVER SPY !

About crossteaming :
I have seen Albs+Mids | HIBS + MIDS | ALBS+HIBS
IT was officialy said u can crossteam as long as there is an outnumbering REALM and it has happened on USA servers and was going to happen here as well MIDS + HIBS but the divorced in the end ;p

As for me playing Pomka + Anarki at once :

I logged as POmka and Anarki .. made /stick on Pomka and started roaming around in emain trying to find some Hibs , eventually i found MISS + some HIb and i killed them ( tho some ALb shooter HELPED me ( Legendz or Kinad .. dont remember)

THEN the GREATEST PARIS spotted me with anarki and attacked ANARKI , I told him not to kill Anarki
But that dork did and said i was a multy-accounter

In 5 minuted Hibs arrived and killed All Mids...
I was MAD

Infozwerg :
Anarki already was booted from his guild in Albion, time to boot Uger and Pomka now, or boot their guilds.

Pomka will never get a ban from Blackcompany becouse he is respected there
Im not in any guild , so i dont care
Anarki is a good player and he will find and join any good guild he wants!

Infozwerg :
) Pomka sells his account

account probably will be banned.

Now tell me for what ?
How can u say such a thing | U dont even care of other ppl feelings | IT s so easy to say DELETE char he is a cheater .. WTF prove it first!


There r 2 persons ( A and B)

A doesnt like B
A posts some shit about B bad behaviour ( It might not be a truth)
Now B is in a VERY SHITTY POSITION , coz he has to prove he is not a GIRAFFE
No matter the post is a completely lie U HAVE DISCREDITED HIM

Another example :

Once Mids ( 8-10 ppl were trying to take DC from ALbs)
We almost did it , but then a BAD pull and we got ganked
We released and came back
We were staying near the Fort and then Pomka suddenly Spotted Gromit staying in some bushes , we killed him | Later Gromit accused Pomka using of some RADAR programm ( WEIRD SHIT .. never heard of it)

So ppl tell me what do u think a person should do to prevent THEMSELVES from ACUSSING of any shit , that might not be a truth ?

Subbiz :

pls do so I rly believe in u are the big leader of all russians and they all wil listen to u

Russians are a big family , if some good player finds it reasonable to start hunting on u , TRUST ME THEY WILL!

Subbiz :

now all stop the flaming.
this thread was ment to be productive.

I will stop now too ^^

U think u're smart ?
THERE IS A LOGIC in ur actions?

FIRST u post that me / anarki / pomka r PROLLY SPYs , at least u was told so and u was not sure if it s a truth ( WHY POST THEN ? WHY BITCHING ?)
SECOND u want ppl to stop flaming ( BAH u're dumb i think this post will hit 100 ANSWER mark for sure

Sub dear it s still not late to go playing Porno-tetris.The more u post here the dumber u're

About Filip post that Anarki bla bla bla

He had over 100k RP at lvl 43 , he is a very good player and i kinda feel sry that he is playing for Lame Realm


I wont post a single answer to this Thread any more, and i dont find myself being guilty of anything
So u can keep accusing/bitching/ telling bullshit all by urselves


Herregud så mye drittsnakk og dårlig engelsk, bleh

(cant be arsed to translate :p )

old.Bee Man

Pomka will never get a ban from Blackcompany becouse he is respected there

it's truth.

The lamest topic ive ever seen at EX. Seems ppl know nothing about RL friendship and trust. Or somebody cannt believe that he sucked and tries to finf a spy behind each tree. We owned albs at the evening, they owned us at the morning, we owned hibies, hibies owned us. Thats RvR game, isnt it?
To all realm "guards": Do you think good RL friends, who play for different realms, will ruin the game for each other????? Or may be i play wrong server ?

it's truth

I know much russian's in Albion and Hibernia. I can call them almost anytime. If i wish, i can play as Ministrell or CS Hero. So, I'm Spy then?
Think no,
coz i love Midgard,
coz i like play as Skald,
coz i play with nice mid's
and i realy try make Midgard stronger.

don't try find reason your fault in another ppl - just do what u do best. And happened what must happened.

P.S. if we all make Midgard Powerfull, 1000 spy's don't help another realm. Don't speak - just do it.


Originally posted by subbiz
Bedwin: if he can make such a logical deduction on such perfect timing, then he is the ultimate "spy" coz he dont even need to have a 2nd acc to know every single move u make, pls come back to earth. its not possible to make such a perfect deduction.

and as I said I dont blame the failure of this relic raid on the spy, what Ive heard is that the travel to excalibur took way too long, so the albs had lots of time.. and I wouldnt whine about u having a scout at hadrians etc, we middies have scouts at odins alot too, thats just how the game should be like.

However you are not supposed to be warned a day before the forces begin to gather coz thats just not possible, without "cheating" (read: spying with 2nd acc, or the mouth-to-ear chain)

IMO its clear that SOMEONE is telling a little too much crossrealm. and it kills the fun.
Despite all the conflicts we may have had about relics, the first relic raids was still done without the needs of any exaggerated unfair advantage.

IMO the night-raids when ppl sleep is.. well its nasty but heck, its just tactically.
From that piece of tactic to spying, there is, imo, a burning hot golden line to cross, and step over to become a cheater.

actually, if u draw it up a bit drastically, you are wasting alot of hours of those people who is trying to attack a relic, because u from the start already have an unfair advantage, the possibility of warning ur entire realm.

The good thing about spotting a raid early, ie. at hadrians is that ur realm is tested. How fast can you build up a defense and counter-attack ?

whats best:
spying and be warned a day ahead, OR
scouting 100 invaders 20 mins before they are at relic, and then build up a defense and counter-attack?

If u agree to the first part (spying) u dont belong in this game.

I am happy that so many, even albs, agree on my point of view about this spying sh*t. atleast we've already gained something from this post, we know that many agree that spying is wrong, even if its in their own "advantage"

Lmao if you think im a spy ... Just because you mids are so dumb and VERY PREDICTABLE . as stated in above thread that in the last 3-4 weeks EVERY SUNDAY MORNING you have attempted a relic raid . so obviously "guessing" that u would try same thing again . at roughly the SAME time u had attempted the last few weeks -12 noon . has nothing to do with being a spy . spying fucks up rvr and makes it shit for everybody else .i think hib is shit so i dont need to play on that realm and i play midgard on prydwyn cos its easier "and cheaper" than buying a 2nd acc and playing on same server different realm . those people who do spend extra money just to play on enemy realm on same server imo is a very sad person . and must have some sort of complex about how bad there realm sux if they cant scoput there relic well enuff .. so please dont try saying im a spy cos i think everybody knows its a load of bs and prolly had same ideas as me that u dumb ass mids would try relic AGAIN at SAME TIME SAME DAY as u had previous weeks .
also LMAO @ Ultimate spy hahahaha ,, its not my fault u mids cant put a raid togther properly on excaliber and u get spotted a long time before you reach it ... or your so predictable that u come same time same day every week . now its been established that u come on suday mornings for relic i PREDICT you will prolly switch day to sat morning :p i saying this in hope you not planned it yet so i can not be acussed of spying

p.s you must have some sad inferiority complex and paranoid delusions if you think all folks who predict your next move are spys.

p.p.s i still agree with your comments though spys are lame and should NOT be allowed to play 2 realms on same server .


Originally posted by subbiz
Bedwin: if he can make such a logical deduction on such perfect timing, then he is the ultimate "spy" coz he dont even need to have a 2nd acc to know every single move u make, pls come back to earth. its not possible to make such a perfect deduction.

btw how do you come to the conclusion that my original thread was PERFECT deduction ? all i said was see you mids tomorrow morning cos its last 3-4 weeks u tried it at same time .... and also how do you come to the coclusion i know in your own words "EVERY SINGLE MOVE U MAKE" i think your just clutching at straws and trying to blame people and make them look bad cos your relic attempts keep failing .i thwart u once "btw any person with 1/2 a brain woulda thought same thing" by predicting a raid at same time same day as previous . and now i know ALL your plans and moves ? :p hehe its cos i aint dumb and mids are quiet predictable .:m00: :m00: :m00:


rofl this whole thread is one big joke

organ makes a joke, saying the mids would probably go on a relic raid again. kind of funny how the mids try the same day/hour week after week and then get frustrated when someone predicts their next attack...
then sub posts here, giving uger/anarki/pomka a bad name just becuz they switch accounts once in a while

its easier to blame others then admitting planning raids on same day/hour everytime is stupid.....

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