Crossrealm spying



ok, lemme quote a little post from last friday:

Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
btw ill be seeing you middys tomorrow morning when u attempt another relic raid on excal i think its 3 or 4 weeks on the trot u have trieda raid on excal . so no doubt albs will be ready n waiting for ya :p as we have been so often. a scouted keep = virtually impossible keep to take ., imo i think we albs shoulda went for hib relic tonight and not mids.

This raid was held very secretly, only selected guild officers were informed, and that was done Friday, the day before the raid (AFAIK, maybe it was thursday).. And still, the realm of albion had already been informed a day before the raid..
This pisses me of big time!

Im not blaiming the failure of the raid on the spying, but its damn sad that it has to be like this.
I am sure that we have some bigmouthed players in middie who lack brains or something. I want to know who's doing this, and thats why I've started this thread, so help me out with any info u might have.
Albs, show some real pride, make us respect u big time, tell us who this weasel is.

The rumours I've heard so far is the following:
Pomka: middie
Uger: middie
Anarki : alb

Pomka & Uger is playing anarki.
This is what I've been told.
Possible spies
(I hope my info is right on this, pls dont kill me if its wrong ^^;;)

Another possibility (besides some1 else that I havent heard of spying..)
crossrealm account lendout...
HUGE risc of ie. an alb and middie swapping acc for a day or 2, and then an alb who's playing the middie acc hears about relic raid in guild chat and abuses this..
Solution: 1) DON'T lend out your char to other realms, if done, this should result in being kicked from the guild that the char is in. If the guild fails in doing so, the guild should be kicked from alliance and not be informed of future raid plans (Finster (c))
2) /gc quit before lending out any char, and then get an invite when done..

I prefer first method, but the 2nd might work too..

post some flames, infos, ideas, whatever info/comment/oppinion u might have, and lets do something about this incredible lame way of war.
(war is war, but there should be drawn a line somewhere, and if these things will keep on going, rvr will die on excal, and who would want that?)

And remember.. we all love our relics, we all want our relics safe, but this is a game, its based upon rvr when u get to high lvl, and the most exciting thing about rvr is the relic raids imo.


as theyve said its ok if u have 2 copies of a game to play on 2 realms on the same server .. ..

cant see what your trying to acheive if ppl want to spy they will.


Originally posted by BJ|Bored
as theyve said its ok if u have 2 copies of a game to play on 2 realms on the same server .. ..

cant see what your trying to acheive if ppl want to spy they will.

as long as its not used for gain of any of the realms u play on, yes.
I know this sound completely retarded, coz its hard for all ppl not to use this advantage, and I know that we cant rly flame ppl for having accs on 2 diff realms on same server coz no1 wanna play alt on a french server ^^

but we can find out who's doing this and make their life miserable on the realm that they are spying on.
And some1 knows who is doing this and I want them to tell the community so we can have fun instead..


If I havent reached any sollutions to this by the end of thursday, I will report to GOA and ask them to check their logs or something.. should not be too hard to do a ctrl+f <relic> and spending a few hrs reading ;)


remember a spy can always turn on ur realm and give info to the others.


all it takes is 1 person to have heard of a relic attack tho ... how you gonna find via logs about that ? their hardly likely to have done '/send me again any1 relic attacks i need to warn alb about this week' are they ;)


Originally posted by BJ|Bored
all it takes is 1 person to have heard of a relic attack tho ... how you gonna find via logs about that ? their hardly likely to have done '/send me again any1 relic attacks i need to warn alb about this week' are they ;)

this person would prolly do something like /gu I've heard from randomgit that middies will do a relic tomorrow

or so.. worth a shot imo.. im gonna try report if anyways.. if we dont find out who's the black sheep(s) soon.


Weeee Gambit is TOTALY right here, if people want to spy, they will and no1 can stop em ;p I personnaly think that spying is low and unfair, and NEVER did it, and never will. I swapped chars only to have fun playing other chars witohut exping em. I dont really care what other think, cause this is only a game, and i'm here not to prove some1 i'm NOT a spy.
P.S: i know many more ppl who has passess from chars on others realms. So are we all spyes here? :p


Originally posted by Anarki
Weeee Gambit is TOTALY right here, if people want to spy, they will and no1 can stop em ;p I personnaly think that spying is low and unfair, and NEVER did it, and never will. I swapped chars only to have fun playing other chars witohut exping em. I dont really care what other think, cause this is only a game, and i'm here not to prove some1 i'm NOT a spy.
P.S: i know many more ppl who has passess from chars on others realms. So are we all spyes here? :p

Fair enough but could u atleast tell the public who's actually playing anarki? coz I heard those "spy" words alot from different peepz yesterday.. so for ur own reputation.. If u please ^^


i spose theres a chance ;)

but i seriously doubt they will read reams of logs...


altho with regards to spying ..

ive never heard in my guild or /as chat about a 'possible raid' only when ppl were already at doors ..


Anarki: Of course we know we all can buy two accounts just to spy for the good of our realm but wtf is the point with that?
Let's all ruin gameplay and RvR 24/7 with our spying, yeah that's fun. (Ironic if someone didn't get that)
I hope for the good of the game and further RvR on Exca. that spies stop their lameness and quits guilds/alliances when they play a alt. on a different server.
Is it cool to know when and where your enemy is going to attack a keep or take back a relic? Isn't it cool to see who is the strongest force ON the battlefield, not just see who has the best spy and all that shit.

Be noble guys, play with honour, be clean.


Anarki is played by swapped passwords with Uger and it is not a secret in Albion casue he was tired of RM and i was tired of minstrel. Now Ugers account isn active for like 2 weeks, cause he quit daoc and selling it, thou havent payed GOA.
So it's seems to be simple.
P.S I already mentioned i treat SPYing LOW and not fond of it. I cant prove some1 i'm NOT a spy, and i wont even try to do that cause i is pointless. If peple wont to treat u as a SPY they will.


Haha Sub :p
Never understimate the powerl of stupid people !!!
Ill post twice here
First will be about how lame u're and second about the real stuff concerning pomka / uger / anarki

1) Well once again u're a dumb person without any doubts , u know nothing about the game ( just stupid pressing nearest target and entering warmode and when u enter warmode u're prolly going to break root / mezz) U have proved it many times
2)As a human being u're loads of shit .. concerning Exp stuff / rvr action / and ur stupid posts here
3) u deserve to be /ignored
4) And believe me there r a lot of ppl who know that im not a spy and play well my Rm

About how it's possible for me to play these 3 chars!

They r my real friends and sometimes let me play in emain
Why im not a spy :
1) Becouse i dont give a shit about relic and u know why ?
Since ALbs started attacking our relic at mid-night time and we have no defenders at this particular time i stopped taking care of relic for like 1 month ago and only have been playing in emain
2)There is nothing wrong with me using Pomka
3)About Anarki .
I use him either for calling Albs to come to emain and have some duels or just for sticking him to pomka and trying to kill some hibs
When i did it once PARIS ( <--- powerlvl Skald with lack of brains thought i was a multy-accounter and said he was going to report GOA or whatever .. i just wished him good luck and /ignored him
So this scum prolly spread this Rumor About multy-stuff what never exists , now pomka is getting LOADS of stupid messages about SPY-stuff | Ppl dont message him , HE DOESNT SPEAK ENGLISH)
4)Anarki DOESNT KNOW THE PASS FROM POMKA! , it s only me the evil genius
5)U're a faggot for sure .. u just ruined well-being of those PPL

Pomka & Uger is playing anarki.
This is what I've been told.
Possible spies
(I hope my info is right on this, pls dont kill me if its wrong ^^;

Now tell me u're SICK PLZ .. becouse if u're not im going to kill myself



Delete ur char / uninstall DAOC and go play porno-tetris ( i hope that ammount of brains u have is enough for it)
OTHERWISE ill try me best TO KILL U with all possible means
U ll get killed / ressed and killed just in 1 sec i wont care about RP
and it will last for ages!


hahaha ok about the personal stuff:
U dont even know what u're talking about, if u think all I am good at is playing berserker, u're wrong, u have no idea which alts I have.
about mezz breaking and exp'ing, how would u ever know? the closest we've been to playing in the same group is the time when u leeched of us coz u felt like it.

and u wanna try kill me? LOL? like I would ever die to anarki.. that minstrel is only good for killing lowcon green and below.. hahahahah omfg pls!

ok so u say that we should not be conserned about pomka/anarki/uger be spying.. but if u dont care about relic, then thers even a bigger chance that u would be warning the albs if we'er going on a raid, coz as u said, u dont care.

I donno about pomka as u said he dont speak english but I just feel very uncomfortable knowing that 2 middies in 2 diff guilds with access to lots of info is also spending loads of time on alb.. I guess we have to rethink who to alert when going on raids in the future.


THe most SAD thing is when u're not sure about something , dont post it , becouse u either will look silly or make other ppl look silly LIKE JUST U DID
Thx a lot


Uger ... now you are sounding like a jerk...

and i have to take you down :)

1.. Even though i at times get very very very pissed at anarki, then i still dont think anarki cheats... cause 1 time he had been on pomka and heard there was a relic attemt on albs ... and he didnt tell any1. (untill after the relic attemt was repelled)
mind the word think

2. But we have caught Uger in using Anarkis account as a spy in emain... the story is in short

Uger hides in tree close to ATK... Anarki is plantet at ATK..
When Taunter(armsman) moves forward from ATK uger allmoves forward to kill ..(but from where Uger is he cant see taunter, we know becuase Brommix the infiltrator was playing same place as Taunter and was in stealth there)
when Taunter went back to ATK uger went back to hide.....

no matter what you yell and scream Uger, then this was still to stupid...

And Sub ... i 100% agree on the spying part ... if i find the name of the alb spy in midgaard, then be assured i WILL post the name here on the boards



Sub: i'll just run around and DD u to ur death. Easy and simple, and u wont even 1 hit me :p
Filip: Very very very vey pissed like yesterday? It's only a game every1 can make mistakes......and who knew that hibs will chainroot from wallbug :p


And one funny thing

After i read what u had written i was about to give MAJOR ALERT for all RUSSIANS to start hunting on u .. Just imagine U WOULD HAVE GOT THE BIGGEST AGRO on this server
mezz / death / res / mezz / death / res / should i continue ? :p

But then i thought it would not be fair .. u would have accused me of some shit again :( So rest in peace | and stop smoking weeds .. really it seriously affects ur health ( brains :rolleyes: )

Ah almost forgot

DOnt accuse POMKA of anything

He is very fair Troll , and the one who doesnt smell BAD :p ... take care of him BRAVE MIDS


Originally posted by subbiz

ok, lemme quote a little post from last friday:
Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
btw ill be seeing you middys tomorrow morning when u attempt another relic raid on excal i think its 3 or 4 weeks on the trot u have trieda raid on excal . so no doubt albs will be ready n waiting for ya :p as we have been so often. a scouted keep = virtually impossible keep to take ., imo i think we albs shoulda went for hib relic tonight and not mids.
This raid was held very secretly, only selected guild officers were informed, and that was done Friday, the day before the raid (AFAIK, maybe it was thursday).. And still, the realm of albion had already been informed a day before the raid..
This pisses me of big time!

if you took the time to READ Organ-Grinders post you would see that all he is doing is making a logical deduction,

fact 1. mids have for two weeks attacked our relic keep every sunday

fact 2. mids have trolls = not as intelligent :p

conclusion. mids will try another relic attempt this sunday, so we better be ready for them

that is what Organ-Grinders post said, alhtough he left out the deduction and just posted the conclution, try relicraids at wednesday morning around 10.00 am (or the likes), and not sunday like you have done for 3 weeks now...........

come on, blaiming someone for spying because O-G posts a logic statement isnt really a very mature way to go about things, naming some you may THINK is spies is even worse, no matter what they have done, if you dont have any proves shut it :) ifg you think there are spies, plan a relic raid, make sure the one you suspect is being told and have a stealther at the relic 1 hour before the raid is supposed to take place, IF the enemy realm gets a number of large forces there, you know he is a spy (or someone else is, maybe even a person you dont suspect.......

oh well time to do as Herbal always does

Ill shut up now :p


To clear something up about detection of mids sunday relic attempt:

I was hunting in Hadrians Wall like i do so many a times when i see a norseman inc, we start dueling and i bite the dust... (pet was low on health and i casted some wrong spells grrrr) 15 seconds later, still face down i get enormous lag and see the middie army wallhugging towards pennine.
Needless to say i informed the major guilds from albion and u all know the rest.

Maybe some people knew about the raid maybe they didnt but i am very sure all the people i contacted didnt know anything about it and werent even close to excalibur.

U can be sure that for this specific attempt there were no people that used (abused) 'prior knowledge of the raid' for the gain of albion.

Afun Mindbreaker
4x sorceress
'crusaders of albion'

Herbal Remedy

excals checked regular as clock work ive never heard about a relic raid by hibs or mids till theyre spotted so doubt theres any spying -hug lag and death msgs give it away


Anarki already was booted from his guild in Albion, time to boot Uger and Pomka now, or boot their guilds.




Originally posted by Uger
And one funny thing

After i read what u had written i was about to give MAJOR ALERT for all RUSSIANS to start hunting on u .. Just imagine U WOULD HAVE GOT THE BIGGEST AGRO on this server
mezz / death / res / mezz / death / res / should i continue ? :p

But then i thought it would not be fair .. u would have accused me of some shit again :( So rest in peace | and stop smoking weeds .. really it seriously affects ur health ( brains :rolleyes: )

Ah almost forgot

DOnt accuse POMKA of anything

He is very fair Troll , and the one who doesnt smell BAD :p ... take care of him BRAVE MIDS

pls do so I rly believe in u are the big leader of all russians and they all wil listen to u
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :m00:


Estat think b4 u do pls.
1) My guild splited
2) Uger quit daoc
3) Pomka sells his account
and 4) No wonder u r lowbie......


Bedwin: if he can make such a logical deduction on such perfect timing, then he is the ultimate "spy" coz he dont even need to have a 2nd acc to know every single move u make, pls come back to earth. its not possible to make such a perfect deduction.

and as I said I dont blame the failure of this relic raid on the spy, what Ive heard is that the travel to excalibur took way too long, so the albs had lots of time.. and I wouldnt whine about u having a scout at hadrians etc, we middies have scouts at odins alot too, thats just how the game should be like.

However you are not supposed to be warned a day before the forces begin to gather coz thats just not possible, without "cheating" (read: spying with 2nd acc, or the mouth-to-ear chain)

IMO its clear that SOMEONE is telling a little too much crossrealm. and it kills the fun.
Despite all the conflicts we may have had about relics, the first relic raids was still done without the needs of any exaggerated unfair advantage.

IMO the night-raids when ppl sleep is.. well its nasty but heck, its just tactically.
From that piece of tactic to spying, there is, imo, a burning hot golden line to cross, and step over to become a cheater.

actually, if u draw it up a bit drastically, you are wasting alot of hours of those people who is trying to attack a relic, because u from the start already have an unfair advantage, the possibility of warning ur entire realm.

The good thing about spotting a raid early, ie. at hadrians is that ur realm is tested. How fast can you build up a defense and counter-attack ?

whats best:
spying and be warned a day ahead, OR
scouting 100 invaders 20 mins before they are at relic, and then build up a defense and counter-attack?

If u agree to the first part (spying) u dont belong in this game.

I am happy that so many, even albs, agree on my point of view about this spying sh*t. atleast we've already gained something from this post, we know that many agree that spying is wrong, even if its in their own "advantage"


you were kicked from praetorians before they split, and you were kicked from praetorians cause you crossteam
I dont crossteam, Serra just did precotion b4 she left and i was leaving 2 so i treat it tihs way. I dont crossteam so u can beat it lowbie.
2) Uger quit daoc .......good news
Sorry to hear u treat it like that. Uger good m8 and good player, u r just a sleffish bich :( imo
) Pomka sells his account ....... account will probably be banned
As i wrote b4 i think b4 i do. U dont know 4 sure pls shut up. 2 selfish 2 do that? beat it.
) No wonder u r lowbie...... My clerik was higher then your minstrel when i delete it
My thane was lvl 41 when i deleted it saw i suppose i had gr8 time in emain owning ur clerik :clap:
U r destined 2 b lowbie :)


Originally posted by Anarki

Sorry to hear u treat it like that. Uger good m8 and good player, u r just a sleffish bich :( imo

good player? on mars perhaps.

As i wrote b4 i think b4 i do. U dont know 4 sure pls shut up. 2 selfish 2 do that? beat it.
oh thats sad.. if u really think about what u say, u must not be very smart, considering what u actually say :clap:

My thane was lvl 41 when i deleted it saw i suppose i had gr8 time in emain owning ur clerik :clap:
U r destined 2 b lowbie :)

I will laugh my ass of when he aemezzes all ur mates in emain in a couple of weeks, and then walks over and gank u with his nonspec-able hammer.. HAHAHAHA :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


now all stop the flaming.
this thread was ment to be productive.

I will stop now too ^^

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