Crellero solo Hero vid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
Well i trayed to get some good fights in the irvr at berk - beno, but this fights were the only 1v1 i got. And if i hadd a good 2v1 or even 3v1 then the warder zerg came and wtf pawned me. But thats the hard side soloing ;)
And yes i whanted more fights agaínst some other classes, but couldent find any and i thought making a vid whit what i had.
I can say that next movie im making will be better, more classes and not so long fight ;)

often the long fights can't be avoided due to the nature of your class ^-^ not often much you can do about that.

aye it is ashame when you "want" to make a movie you often end up rushing the release of it - not the editing wise (if there is any) but the collection of good footage. Thats what you see in too many movies that have been released over the years e.g "Footage recorded between March 6th and March 12th"

tbh I think even I could of waited out another 1-2 months to collect better footage in my movie but I just wanted to get it out there.

but still nice attempt at the first movie :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
normal proc on my thane is evrything from 250-480 depending on enemy's resist ofc

well yea, was kindof what i thought which leads me to question this statement..

The fact is that 50sword is less needed than 50SC, and since u cant really have both ...

I mean.. wth?

Only for a zergsurfer can 50SC be worth it i think? With hammahs of doom allover the place, or something.. Or CBgrapplebugabuse+spells ofc.. :wanker:

I really dont understand your logic here at all Nuxtobatns... explain please :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Ragna proc dmg is like 200 dmg more than Polar Rift... when and if u can position yourself behind and enemy.
So...u can spec 34sword thus keeping a pretty decent dmg, and spec 50SC where u get DoomHammer, better smiting power , cap self str/con buff that cant be sheared and the lol dmg-add increase.
And u also gain 5% more base defence than 50sword/38sc.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Yeah, IF landing ragnaroks one do about 150-200 more dmg per swing.
Now ofc, if mainly camping a bridge and doing close courter fighting all the time, 50sword,42shield would likely come up on top - But then again, mainly fighting at bridges makes it all very boring :]

Thus going 50sword, 42shield, 38sc the gain of those 150-200 exta dmg per 3-5 swings, at the loss of(if 34sword,42shield,50sc,20parry):

# DoomHammer (500 - 1000 dmg at casters, 400(+) - 700(+) at none-casters, with 2-hander.
# Best ranged spammable single nukes in the game (1800+).
# Best ranged spammable ae nukes in the game (1700+).
# Castingtime with nukes about as good as pure casters, 1.1 sec with single and about 1.5 sec with ae.
# The 250-450 dmg per nuke, is quite decent for an chainwearing, anytime style dd proccing with 42shield and 20parry.
# Red instas(helping to even out the after slammed/behind enemy ragnarok dmg).
# Red dmg proccing debuff, making nukes, dd procs, DoomHammer and instas hit all the harder(also helping even dmg out).
# Red self dmg add buff(alot better then cl dmg add or blue/yellow self dmg add, and sometimes there ain't a shammy nor RM around to rb the dmg add - so while not important in the large picture, still handy).
# Large radius with last AE-nuke(so with moc1, together with slam, DoomHammer, ST, instas an incredible interruptor - Ae nukes could interrupt target as far as 1900+ range away, if only one target stands around 1700+ units away).
# Rooted or grappled, or slowed? Fear not! Read the line above and se how thats really not a problem for a thane.
# Better parry/defence rate (especially since parry got a boost vs several enemies).

Ragnarok IS great Neither me nor Nuxto dispute that :)
BUT truly, 150-200 extra dmg on one enemy you HAVE to be behind versus all of the above?

But one should play what suits the playstyle the most. Atm I'm enjoying 50hammer, 50sc, 27parry,7shield(for engage vs arrows/melee) and if the (melee) enemy don't have an all too great of a defence (like Sacre, lol) the melee dps is through the roof vs many opponents(lots of moparry to go with that spec, hehe).

Fun and working, but ofc hardly optimal :)
(just as a 50sword,42shield spec is alot more rewarding for a valk then for a thane)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Watched it now, nice one :)

If i remember correctly i tried to slam you like 6-7 times in a row early on, no luck there :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
whoho sticky!!

saw it at bf's place, cant you just send it to me on msn? ;D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003

hmm ok, so I assume that for group where a great backstyle works well 50sword is better and for solo a lower swordspecc is a tad better. At bridges, eh, who cares, only loosers camp bridges anyhow (imho ofc).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Well, playstyle matters alot, but let me phrase it this way:

A druid/caster/eew bansh being BG'ed by a Warden with pbt and insane blockrate with hots and heals etc...
150-200 dmg per hit you actually managing to get behind warden and hit through pbt, while bansh/healer/caster do their stuff?

Or ae dmg each 1.5 sec? draining DI ALOT faster compared with yellow ae nukes, and doing decend dps, especially if enemy boxed.
But thats just one scenario ;)

Yeah, get me stunned and my 2k+ hp goes down fast - rr11 or not (wish i had another 1k hp, as the heavy tanks, or 700-800 more hp as light tanks...), or do as a champ, debuff me to the toes, and 3-hit me ;). BUT thats the price i pay for being able to both melee, have nice defence AND kill a solo caster in 3-7 sec at 1800 range :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
Watched it now, nice one :)

If i remember correctly i tried to slam you like 6-7 times in a row early on, no luck there :/

Yes you did and i blocked the most of em, but i trayed to slam alot to but you blocked them aswell ;)
But was a nice fight, and my side style chain do alot of dmg on you Eithor ;)


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
didnt watch the movie , only time I saw you in rvr is when you were either in a duo with a warden and killed my rr2 valk or when I was running from 3-4 hibs in crau bridge today and ofc you just had to join in.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
A bit dark in places, and sometimes there were a few too many paladin fights :> But a great little luri mini-moosing video :> I love the little 2h hammer of doom that really injures people :)
Like the others said, maybe get a little more footage, compress the audio, and the next vid will be even better. But this one was really good, I liked the comments, the fights, people running away who were much highter RR and I was thinking in one of the first fights, get some end potions! but you seemed to have lots of them the rest of the vid.

Nice stuff :> Same again for the next vid and a few multiple fights thrown in perhaps as you gain rank in RR :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
didnt watch the movie , only time I saw you in rvr is when you were either in a duo with a warden and killed my rr2 valk or when I was running from 3-4 hibs in crau bridge today and ofc you just had to join in.

What can i say, well i like playing solo, duo, trio, fg and pve ;)
And if its irvr its irvr so it all a zerg party.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
A bit dark in places, and sometimes there were a few too many paladin fights :> But a great little luri mini-moosing video :> I love the little 2h hammer of doom that really injures people :)
Like the others said, maybe get a little more footage, compress the audio, and the next vid will be even better. But this one was really good, I liked the comments, the fights, people running away who were much highter RR and I was thinking in one of the first fights, get some end potions! but you seemed to have lots of them the rest of the vid.

Nice stuff :> Same again for the next vid and a few multiple fights thrown in perhaps as you gain rank in RR :>

Oli - Illu

Note taken, and as for every one else.
Next will be much better, i hope ;)

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