Cowards, 80% cowards.



as for retreating...
don't bother unless you are within sprint distance of apk

you may just as well fight and try to take the enemy down with you otherewise you are simply a coward afraid to die.

This game is about living and dying the poor sad gits who run away die anyway while some of us actually get a few rp's because we stand our ground and fight.

We live and we die...sooner some people learn that the better for albion IMO


Originally posted by minnie
go back to emain and your zerg you hair splitting little cretin :)

Hair splitting, fair enough.
Little cretin, can take that.

But I dare you to ask me to go to Emain again!
I double dare you [insert commonly known swearword, used with great success in the Quentin Tarantino movie "Pulp Fiction" from 1994]!


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