Copy of EVE for sale


Old Nicodemus

Sorry to hear you can't continue playing Tom. Not sure on the rules but I thought selling games on the forums was frowned upon.


I think he needs to use the phrase "You are paying me for my time in acquiring skills/items and all skills/items remain the property of CCP. Any subscription time you purchase is from me and remains my property until the transaction is finalised". Feel free to assume that is what he meant and omitted from this post - they can get you for that Tom believe it or not :rolleyes:

Anyway Game aren't going to give a a toss as along with everyone else they've discounted it in an attempt to shift the boxes. Given the past couple of weeks (GM fuckups and seriously buggered back-end dbs) I would suggest that trying to get rid of these boxes is like trying to sell umbrellas in England right now :D

Which is a shame because the game had so much going for it.

However they grabbed some volunteers to act as first line support and if you think of DBs in a really really bad mood then you may just be getting close to the average moderation level of their forums. Criticise the game/Polaris/GMs in any way and the thread will be deleted - or if you're lucky it'll only be locked. Petitions? Waste of time for anything other than "stuck" - in fact they changed the interface to make it more difficult to file petitions that weren't to do with being stuck. Think of the very worst of SoE/Verant, and the mob who're running the PlanetSide servers in Europe (can't remember who they are right now) - hell think Jolt :p and you aren't even close to the depths of customer "support" with Eve. Had your credit card charged twice - heh I wouldn't wait for any response given the posts you can see on their own forums (obviously got missed by the mod squad who appear to have deleted loads of billing moans).

Don't do it. Seriously. Just don't. It is a game that has the potential to be huge but it is run by absolute muppets. The devs know where they want to go but the GMs/Polaris/customer facing side of things haven't a clue. I suspect that given free rein people like Jase and Nat would have "dragooned" a bunch of people, got their logs and presented those to the devs with a "fix this crap" sticky on it :D The devs really don't have a clue about the bugs - witness a recent CSM chat where all of the devs were unaware that you didn't get a mail when a skill had trained anymore. Bad bad bad quality control/documentation/testing.

Anyway - enough. If you're playing it and enjoying it then savour the moment - it won't last. If you're around in the first week of September then get in touch with me (agrizla in-game) as I'm going to be running events with prizes and/or giving away random kit/ISK before I quit.

Neural Network

I thought umbrellas were selling good at the moment as sun shades



i'll buy it if i can just clear some stuff up.
what carrer or you at the moment, can your name be changed, and when you say the account is valid to, do you mean in laymens terms 'me no pay money till january'?


Forgot to mention - you can use whatever exploits you can find in this game without any worries. The current one is an exploit for pirates to enter newbie systems and kill everyone they want. Another one is the now well-known market exploit - been going on for months now. You won't get banned as they're desperate to reduce churn - but the way they do it is self-defeating :rolleyes:

The devs are good but they really have no clue at all what is happening on the live server. They seem to find out weeks later and then take a couple of weeks to do anything about it. Which is odd because their response has all the hallmarks of a "knee-jerk" response and actually creates more problems than it solves.

Oh and the back-end db (MS SQL) sucks - this results in horrendous lag when some records (systems) are accessed - think 20-30 seconds at times and you won't be too shocked.

Old Nicodemus

Whatever were they smoking when they decided to use MS SQL? ... jeesh must have been some seriously bad stuff! Most people doing databases of this sort use Oracle.. it would eat all of their problems for breakfast!

Game really lacks a Dev or GM with a finger on the pulse.. one of them has to step forward and be seen to be "the man". At the moment it's all cloak and dagger stuff in the background and the player base is running around confused and bemused.

The game still has a huge amount of potential but the lack of support and feed back could effectively kill this game off by Christmas.

Still.. I love it to bits.


Neural Network

Yeah, the corp channel only listed 25 members for hours today. And this is a starter corp mind you. It's never been that low before :(


Originally posted by adslrizla
Forgot to mention - you can use whatever exploits you can find in this game without any worries.

The current one is an exploit for pirates to enter newbie systems and kill everyone they want

Yep those same people that whinned like good un's in the forums to be allowed to to enter empire space, are at it 'again'.

All there numerious arguements fly right out of the window yet again....

CCP, Polaris, the gm's or whoever are absolute jokes, what short memories they seem to have.


Well done Tom - I think that is definitely a result for you :clap:


Originally posted by Old Nicodemus
Whatever were they smoking when they decided to use MS SQL? ... jeesh must have been some seriously bad stuff! Most people doing databases of this sort use Oracle.. it would eat all of their problems for breakfast!

Game really lacks a Dev or GM with a finger on the pulse.. one of them has to step forward and be seen to be "the man". At the moment it's all cloak and dagger stuff in the background and the player base is running around confused and bemused.

The game still has a huge amount of potential but the lack of support and feed back could effectively kill this game off by Christmas.

Still.. I love it to bits.


IT might help your understanding if you realised that the only thing that CCP have done in the past is VRML-type apps. They have absolutely no clue how to deal with a playerbase - never mind the game that they coded :rolleyes: TomB is probably the guy who realises what needs to happen (witness him getting involved in forums other than the patch review) but I suspect it's way too late for that to help. Oh and Papa Smurf too for missions. Shame that Pann is a muppet and the moderators of the "official" forums (where BTW CSM chats don't get announced - you have to go to eve-i for that) have all the moderating skills of dBs with a stunning hangover :D

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