Congratulations Wisteria On RR8


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Hmmm, oscar speec time...

I'd like to thank:

My parents, without whom I'd never have grown into the fine, people hating freak I am today and hence would have never started playing...

Kinag for the wonderful rez last night!!!
Kinag said:
You never thanked me for the rez I gave you tonight

My dyes for making me so damn pwetty that everyone can't help but love me
Lorimez Shadowblade said:
A great reaver and great guy . . . shame about ya dyes!

Graendel for being the an AOE nuke whore... Remind me what it was you were saying on TS about not being able to 'get it up' last night?
Graendel said:
Glad I found a pl spot for you!

The reaver bomb, afterall I know everyone else loves it as much as I do
Coldbeard said:
grats, reaverbombing failed miserably today eh
Lupa said:
as usual....
Ya cheeky gits!!! <hugs> Don't write me off, I'm just a little rusty. The timing will come back to me sooner or later (I hope)

But seriously, ty to all those who kick my ass in RvR for making it fun :)

And BIG thanks the guys and girls I've run with in RvR for making it a great laugh and something I want to keep comming back to even if you do sometimes scare the hell outta me with your banter on TS!!!

:worthy: Manisch ,Evita, Graendel, Martok, Catherine, Smellysox, Darion :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
lol what you think this is a eme?

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