Congratulations to IRONHEART!



wish someone would remove the quote function, sure half the flames would stop then ;)

btw nc1 on relic albies, good work :)


Re: forgiven

Originally posted by ironheart

forget the whole problem peeps, if u come in confrontation in game ; work it out there, to put it simple everybody know tanglers spot, ok, more pull lanes, or whatever u call em, keep in mind u never pull alone, and if someone asks something politely, answer in an according fassion, don't use ur best english to give em hell and start misery, think b4 u react, cause reaction will be = to ur action, get my drift

greetz and have fun

lvl49.67 wiz

i asked you twice, once in main - once in send. you didnt bother responding to either.


Economical with the truth ...


You didn't "ask" us to move, you told us.

Though the words may be wrong, the gist was...

Move along, let the big boys play. Then abuse like "I will come over and piss on you ******** etc.

Well mate, my 10 year lad plays this game, and if he ever portrayed the attitude you showed to us, he would be banned from the PC!

So I hope Mummy and Daddy Ironheart find out what a dick you are and you get your just deserts.

So sorry my friend, I do not flame, I don't take the game that serious ... but the abuse you threw at 8 innocent people was un-called for and totally disrespectful.

I even received /tell's from many asking me what your problem was.

The Ni Ni Ni bit was after we died, when you took the piss, so don’t come the innocent. I too took a number of screenies which adequately demonstrate the abuse you saw fit to hurl our way. However, I have decided to take a step, back because I know from experience, it is difficult to reason with a 10 year old!

Have fun and remember there are people the other side of the PC screen, and I suggest you show them the respect they deserve.





mate, listen up,

i told u one thing, i would not post the log of ur mate his chat he had with me.

well, i still won't, it is not my intention to make things worse, i am trying to solve these things.

first thing i ain't an XP junk, i fucking love roleplay, and if u can't male the difference between an OOC chat and a IG chat, i suggest u find urselve another game to play.

OOC= out of character
IG = in game

and yes i used the sentence: pls move out of the way, let the big boyz play.... reason: it is one hatefull sentence, even if they should telll it to me, but fuck it, this is what the game is about and if would be writing a page full of crap on this forum for every time i was confronted with that type of expression OMG, i would be awake all night. As u should be realizing by now that the only reason i was telling u lads to move a bit is the fact that uw were in straight line of charge of the goblins from the aqueduct and ur party would get wiped after a simple mistake with da F8 button, no problem for me in real life, ur mistake, but as a roleplayer i take care of other ppl. I know how it feels to be biting the dust every other hour cause of some stupid mistake a party made over there at tanglers. Pressure start rising cause it way to overcrowded, ppl start taking risks just to get that one last pull from one spot before it is drained, critical pulls accure, loads charge, wipe out, another party nukes the wrong gobbo, the other parties mistake becomes their problem, result possible second wipe out from that party. FUNNY ain't it. it still is to me.

BTW ur groups possition was terrible, u had rear attack all the time from the scouts from aqueduct position, but u didn't realize that did u. Did i nag to u when smaked one of our messed gobbos by accident? it did happen did it, lucky for u all were mezzed and i nuked em dead by the time they could attack u otherwise i could have NI NI NI a bit ealier... BTW that type of remark just show me that i know what the knight do when they encounter a foe, maybe u all could be roleplaying like the real knights of NI instead of using a guild name cause u just had lack of inspriration at that moment.

when i comes to ur ten year old lad and this type of remarks, if my daughter would be doing the same thing, i would tap her on the back and tell here she's an ace roleplayer and i would pay for her subscription. Don't forget ur not the only OLD guy here mate.

as i previously wrote, all is forgiven, mistakes happen, but it won't change the way i act in here as a roleplayer. sorry for the inconvenience to u then. And get ur mate to tell u the truth on what he said in there, so u can see why a character with a temper just felt like blowing of steam ofter his remark in PM to me.

so lets just put this to a rest , ok

greetz, DeaD GuRu
aka ironheart


harhar llama .... its like 20 posts from u.... dont think ne1 cares any more ehahehiahieheiahehaieha



Originally posted by Negura`
harhar llama .... its like 20 posts from u.... dont think ne1 cares any more ehahehiahieheiahehaieha

must be, u still replied, harharharh, masta lama

hehe :p


I dont know ironheart too well, however in his defence, i was grouped with him and a few others during our mighty relic raid on thursday, and there was no problem, except when he linkdead and i spent 30 minutes trying to find him again to get him back into group.

Still there is always 2 sides to every story, coin , dice


Same here, whenever I grouped with Ironheart I had no problems. And the post from him seems to be sensible too. The only thing I see is flames and insults against him.

Reaction is maybe always caused by action. :touch:

cu around


Arf why didn't i lvl together with ironheart when he was lvl 42 a month ago ^^
O and gratz on lvl 50 ironheart :clap:


Originally posted by speshneeds
wish someone would remove the quote function, sure half the flames would stop then ;)

btw nc1 on relic albies, good work :)

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

nerf speshneeds!



Ive grpd with him several time back in the day as it were, i play a scout alt, and he wasnt too nice, used to get nasty sometimes.

But i've met worse and more obnoxious ppl in this game, who try to substitue a game for real life, and think that crafting is their real job ;) (no offence) (scout haters) lol

But the bottom line is he might be a twat but there are bigger ones out there!

/em gives no names

;) ;)

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