Congratulations to IRONHEART!



For being the most obnoxious git I have ever encountered in this game.

He is 49, I think, and acts like he is 70. He shows up at the Tanglers and announces, to our group, “move along, and let the big boys play!”

Then he hurls insults at us because we decide, that as we had been there for 3 hours, we didn’t want to move.

Then he watches us, and another group get wiped out, and laughs.

So congratulations idiot, you have my award for “Dick of the week”!


Sounds like my old mate from TFC, Braveheart :) I quite like that old coffin dodger. Very funny bloke.


Yea, he's a prat. Used to get on well with him when I first started, very polite and nice guy, but then one time I was killing stuff in LB as my scout with a friend and he came along and attacked our mobs and yelled abuse :rolleyes: got /ignore from then on. He was being pl'd by some guildies so maybe he thought it made him look cool.....


Sounds like my old mate from TFC, Braveheart I quite like that old coffin dodger. Very funny bloke.

ooo another TF face shows up, who be you then?


I agree, Ironheart you are a twat, and a guildless twat at that.

Yesterday I took my 38 sorc to Tanglers. Beeky is specced 34+2 mind 14 body atm and as such has the lvl 34 AoE mezz.

Having successfully taken part in a tangler group the night before, with very few resists I may add, I politely asked if I could group with Ironhearts group, as they had a spare slot. This was a bad move as Mr. Twatto decided to ridicule me saying that my mezz was crap, even thought I hadn't even been accepted to group. I pointed out to him that the lvl 34 mezz was quite good and I would be able to cope just fine, he basically took the piss. Needless to say I left the Tanglers.

About an hour later, Mr. Twatto appeared at the goblin hill with a m8. They proceeded to pull the entire hill. I sat and watched, couldn't do anything else as our group had no mobs to pull, as Uberlametosser and his m8 killed about 3 before they both died. I was tempted to go and sit with their corpses and rip the piss out of the way they were specced, but then that would make me a lameass too.

Bit of a rambling post but the point is, IRONHEART YOU ARE A LOSER, A LVL 49 NO GUILDED LOSER, GET A BLOODY LIFE.


i always thought his aggrogant bravado was some kind of alcohol infused madness :)

sad that he is actually taking himself serious!!

interestingly he is the only 3spec wizard i have ever met.


Can you please stop that insulting thread? If you don't like him, then just ignore him. That's nothing that is worth to be discussed in a public forum which should be there for constructive topics.

I am not defending Ironheart here, I just hate this "omg, this guy is so bad"-threads. :rolleyes:

So, now do whatever you want, flame me, bite me, hit me. :flame:




first of all this, if chat log is required , i will post it, i won't do it now to protect the guild, the knights who say ni.


all started when i politely asked those ppl to move a bit.

reason, my and a bud were pulling from aqueduct at tanglers, the other group was in direct line of charge of the gobbo's. I asked em first to meve politely, the answer i got from that stupid prick from NI was ; we were here for over an hour so we wont move u &é"&é"; is that the way to answer politely, i got pissed, cause i hate it when a kid from 15 years old tells me to sod off.

Do u think i asked them to move out of the way cause i wanted to get that type of responce, no , i did it cause those fighter only know one button in attack, ;;; F8,, nearest target, would be one from our line, result, our line charges their group,,,, result,,, possible wipe out,,,, SO WHO'S the idiot now???

if some of u ppl would be playing this great game to learn about it, and to see what is needed to make things work right, like what type of tactics is needed to be succesfull, u wouldn't be nagging.

call me what u will, i don't mind, BTW, this is a ROLEPLAY game, and i might be roleplaying the biggest basterd there is, i know what the word means ppl, DO YOU???? guess not, all u know is XP'ing
maybe u'll start thinking when ur running around in RVR with 20 no good character, they might be the perfect template players , they don't know shit when it comes to party creation, nor do they know what to do in rvr.

next point, the reason why i am guildless

i wass a former member of a verry good guild, Flemish lions, they have a great GM, i left for the same reason as i got from those KNights, some idiotic powermad geek from 15 years old thats wanted to tell me to sod off, pls ppl, get ur act together.
oncei reach 50 i will join another guild, it will be one with ADULt roleplayers or with younger ppl with mature personaleties, not multiple personaleties :)


sharpend won't u never learn

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
that prat used to be in our guild and we finally kicked him after a while bc he didnt listen to the leaders and did things like you describe; and yes, he is a twat! :)


Re: sharpend won't u never learn

Originally posted by ironheart

tommorrow i'll rejoin the guild and u will be kicked mate, i havent been kicked, I LEFT, and to set this straight u were the reason



Originally posted by ironheart
first of all this, if chat log is required , i will post it, i won't do it now to protect the guild, the knights who say ni.


all started when i politely asked those ppl to move a bit.

reason, my and a bud were pulling from aqueduct at tanglers, the other group was in direct line of charge of the gobbo's. I asked em first to meve politely, the answer i got from that stupid prick from NI was ; we were here for over an hour so we wont move u &é"&é"; is that the way to answer politely, i got pissed, cause i hate it when a kid from 15 years old tells me to sod off.

Do u think i asked them to move out of the way cause i wanted to get that type of responce, no , i did it cause those fighter only know one button in attack, ;;; F8,, nearest target, would be one from our line, result, our line charges their group,,,, result,,, possible wipe out,,,, SO WHO'S the idiot now???

if some of u ppl would be playing this great game to learn about it, and to see what is needed to make things work right, like what type of tactics is needed to be succesfull, u wouldn't be nagging.

call me what u will, i don't mind, BTW, this is a ROLEPLAY game, and i might be roleplaying the biggest basterd there is, i know what the word means ppl, DO YOU???? guess not, all u know is XP'ing
maybe u'll start thinking when ur running around in RVR with 20 no good character, they might be the perfect template players , they don't know shit when it comes to party creation, nor do they know what to do in rvr.

next point, the reason why i am guildless

i wass a former member of a verry good guild, Flemish lions, they have a great GM, i left for the same reason as i got from those KNights, some idiotic powermad geek from 15 years old thats wanted to tell me to sod off, pls ppl, get ur act together.
oncei reach 50 i will join another guild, it will be one with ADULt roleplayers or with younger ppl with mature personaleties, not multiple personaleties :)

sorry for typos, iain't english :)


Originally posted by Kralen
Can you please stop that insulting thread? If you don't like him, then just ignore him. That's nothing that is worth to be discussed in a public forum which should be there for constructive topics.

I am not defending Ironheart here, I just hate this "omg, this guy is so bad"-threads. :rolleyes:

So, now do whatever you want, flame me, bite me, hit me. :flame:


thx kralen, at least u know what al this is about, we played together, we haven't had prob either,

thx mate


what ate u???

Originally posted by elbeek
I agree, Ironheart you are a twat, and a guildless twat at that.

Yesterday I took my 38 sorc to Tanglers. Beeky is specced 34+2 mind 14 body atm and as such has the lvl 34 AoE mezz.

Having successfully taken part in a tangler group the night before, with very few resists I may add, I politely asked if I could group with Ironhearts group, as they had a spare slot. This was a bad move as Mr. Twatto decided to ridicule me saying that my mezz was crap, even thought I hadn't even been accepted to group. I pointed out to him that the lvl 34 mezz was quite good and I would be able to cope just fine, he basically took the piss. Needless to say I left the Tanglers.

About an hour later, Mr. Twatto appeared at the goblin hill with a m8. They proceeded to pull the entire hill. I sat and watched, couldn't do anything else as our group had no mobs to pull, as Uberlametosser and his m8 killed about 3 before they both died. I was tempted to go and sit with their corpses and rip the piss out of the way they were specced, but then that would make me a lameass too.

Bit of a rambling post but the point is, IRONHEART YOU ARE A LOSER, A LVL 49 NO GUILDED LOSER, GET A BLOODY LIFE.

hmmm, u sound like someone that keeps posting msg to get rid of frustrations mate, get a shrink pls, get it sorted out there


well I know ironheart pretty well I think

Inside and outside of the game.

I never had any problems with him at all, he can take and give a good joke and is an excellent member to any xp group.

I think maybe the tanglers mob mentality has set in again.


I´m just posting to up my postcount ;p

naa seriously, anyone can say anything about everyone and noone will no the better, it´s all a matter of POV (point of view), I like taking the piss on people, not to make them mad but to make them laugh, sometimes I run into people without humour that instead of laughing and "pissing" back starts /sending me abuse, <sigh> usually I just tell 'em It was a joke and they should lighten up, and if that doesn´t stop 'em well thank god (and mythic) for /ignore :)


see what i mean ppl

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
im not going to answer to this, you dont deserve my time... :eek:

as i mentioned i was talking about kids, well, take a look at this reaction from this kiddo, wouldn't u get pissed at such an annoying kiddo, he just can't handle the truth, he is a pain in the arse.

and i didn't get kicked, i left cause of this dude, so ppl if u meet : sharp thing
sharpend steel
or whatever nameless sharp thing, u know what to do



Originally posted by cplcarrot
well I know ironheart pretty well I think

Inside and outside of the game.

I never had any problems with him at all, he can take and give a good joke and is an excellent member to any xp group.

I think maybe the tanglers mob mentality has set in again.

thx lover, i knew u liked me wearing purple ;-) joke

thx for sticking up for me mate


Re: Re: see what i mean ppl

Originally posted by Sharp Thing

the only reason why u left was bc we were going to kick u, you left one minute before our GM could do it bc he was in emain.

and talk about a kid... but im not going to sink to your lvl, you just keep thinking you are uber and all :puke:

sharp u really are full of it , but thanks for ur oppinion kiddo, i appreciate it, u just confirmed it all, i'll ask TIJL who is GM to post a reply with the truth once he feels fit mate, so u can go to ur beddy boy, got it??

or will u apollegize now?


Iron and Sharp
Told u 2 to take this personal thing in private, no1 cares.

And Sharp, u werent there, read my msg, u know where u can find it.

To put one thing straight: Iron left and was invited 5 mins later (declined for personal reasons and some more time).

My advice... close thread.


THX tijl

thx mate, cya shortly in guild
in game ;-)


when you started pulling goblins from the aqueduct you could at least have moved more than 2 feet away from us.



Originally posted by old.kedal
when you started pulling goblins from the aqueduct you could at least have moved more than 2 feet away from us.

forget the whole problem peeps, if u come in confrontation in game ; work it out there, to put it simple everybody know tanglers spot, ok, more pull lanes, or whatever u call em, keep in mind u never pull alone, and if someone asks something politely, answer in an according fassion, don't use ur best english to give em hell and start misery, think b4 u react, cause reaction will be = to ur action, get my drift

greetz and have fun

lvl49.67 wiz


Re: forgiven

Originally posted by ironheart

forget the whole problem peeps, if u come in confrontation in game ; work it out there, to put it simple everybody know tanglers spot, ok, more pull lanes, or whatever u call em, keep in mind u never pull alone, and if someone asks something politely, answer in an according fassion, don't use ur best english to give em hell and start misery, think b4 u react, cause reaction will be = to ur action, get my drift

lvl49.67 wiz

As long as you take your own advise, np


This isn't just about tanglers m8, I have had good friends telling me of you being a prat at lower levels. e.g. A cleric in your group was going to rez ppl less than a minute away and you demanded that they stay put despite the fact that the cleric wanted to help and you were in downtime anyway. Try to remember that some people actually play the game to help others not just play for themselves.


again I defend ironheart

If u picked any player in albion, me included we all have these frustrated moments, and times we do things we wish we didnt

If u were honest with yourself u would realise this

As an infiltrator I have found it a bitch to find people who will group with me, and SHOCK HORROR Ironheart when he was level 47 actually spent hours grouped with me a lowly level 42 inf, to help me level at no personal gain, just cos we have fun in groups I am in.

So please lay off the guy, just cos he has become the target of the tanglers fury for the week isnt really fair.

well thats my 2 cents anyway.

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