Congratulations Midgard



I think its a sign that there still is some pride in midgard that people are willing to die over and again than have a level 10 keep with a CS in our frontier, even if the tactics can be called into question lol.

Lol i felt the sam way about the many days at Renaris :)


suggestion if u want to open DF.
./who skald 50 for example.
pm them if they wanna help to get DF.

1, you get the rams from bledmeer ( if we dont have it u need to get crafted ones)

2, best suggestion if u have 4rams in your vault and then u can tell i have rams etc if u wanna come and help take keeps to open DF.

I think tbh i would almost have no problem at any point at day to fix DF if i would want to and need it badly. /who 1 20
pm everyone
wanna help take df back? join my public cg(example)
and /who 20 30 etc
so u dont get to many matches etc.
and yes ppl that have a level 5 char might have a level 50 on the server, IF u wanna take keeps to open DF its tbh no problem, IF u have the determition, take keeps thats far away. like hurburry,surs, or in hibbi DC is good if its possible to take it cause middis there often that able to defend to.

so all about how much u wanna put into this.


Iarnvidur's Lair is good for cash if thats what you after. not as good as DF but still good non then less. made ~700g in an hour and half there from loot and salvaged drops. Ofcourse if you dont have a buffbot or cant get a healer/shaman to help forget farming there.. 50 min disease > you.

Roo Stercogburn

Basically agree with what Blej said. Just takes someone to roll up their sleeves and get on with it.

Originally posted by old.Emma
50 min disease > you.

This is quite the most stupid thing Mythic ever put in a dungeon by far and away the most. I'd dearly love to strangle the moronic little dev that thought this up. Basically made the dungeon unsoloable, which is pretty unfair and made it a home for buffbotters.


Originally posted by Xeanor
And you're adults who cry like babies when a hugely overpowered char like zerker is changed to do damage on par with mercs/bm's ? :m00:
But wheren't they supposed to do more dmg since we are the melee realm?...or we where......


Ouch I agree with Blej...

/em gets his head checked.

Still agree.


i balme it on Derric.... its all his fault... what where we talking about again?...

ohh thats right Stinkos whinetread of us not having DF... guess you should have farmed that plat a month back when we had DF for 3 WEEKS (allmost continuasly, think we lost it to hibs a day and 2days to albs)....

i really just dont think that anybody in midgard needs DF right now (except you that is) just wait a week or so. We have been able to hold DF before and it will come again just relax and wait for it... prehaps you could go farm some other place?...
how about raumarik, kill some Windswept Wraiths, or get a group going and take a few WoW's get some nice loot and sell it to other players, or go to TG and hope to get some nifty uniqe drops / "revised" epic bits and sell them, hell you might get a weapon dye or something like that..
even just running solo in spindel for some dull asterite stuff, would make you a plat fast, might get some glowys that you can sell to all the FoTM /lvl toons so they can go show off in BG1... thats a fast way of making a plat ;)

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