

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
General Conduct
Respect your fellow forum users. If you want to take issue with what they say then do so by sticking to the point, not by using your well honed skills in 1337 5p34k.
Well thats the cs forum gone then.

Personal attacks will not be tolerated, if you use the forums to wage virtual war you aren't just a very sad individual who probably likes to bash the bishop to streaming goat pr0n but you will also not be welcome here.
And the quake2 forum.

If you need help ask for it, but search the forums first in case your query has been asked before. Oh and make sure you post your question / plea for help in the right forum, if you don't then you'll get moaned at. A lot.
This is surely inviting a novels worth of posting from uber, about every minor health problem.

If someone shares a little personal information then please respect this and don't take the piss out of them for doing so.
Except when its wolfy, his definition of personal information goes beyond ALL boundaries.

Posting Stuff
Posting should be done in English. Drunken English is also permitted so long as we can make sense of it without having to use a crack team of ex-KGB code breakers.
What about scottish?

Strong language is okay, but fucking try not to fucking swear all the fucking time cos it is fucking annoying

Racism and extreme political views are a no-no.
Bah i'll vote for the tories if i want to!

We permit image posting but use your common sense - vulgar, obscene or graphically pornographic images are not okay.
IE anything wolfy has emailed round is out.

Posts that are generally harassing, offensive, abusive – especially those aimed at sexual orientation, gender, race, color, religious views, national origin or disability – will not be tolerated.
Hmmm and i was about to post about my hatred of the colour beige.

Spamming is evil because it clogs up our forum with needless messages and eats away at the bandwidth we use to download pr0n. Spam and you will burn in hell, probably get banned or, at the very least, have your post count edited.
This means u emb.

Copyrighted music, film or other similar material is not permitted to be posted on our forums, neither are links to such files or links / details of methods of obtaining such material via online or offline means.
Does a scooter mp3 count as music?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Having thought about it, its not a huge problem, the chances of a scooter mp3 being the subject of widespread filesharing are pretty low.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
bloody scooter, they get everywhere, like a bad smell they wont go away! :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
You turned up on the AQ server, i thought i'd return the favour and turn up on the forums emb. I think both events are equally rare :)
You stone kicker you.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
(And i got bored senseless at work with nothing to do)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Utini said:
(And i got bored senseless at work with nothing to do)

This is just the place for you then ;)

You will see me on the AQ2 servers again......I had planned to do it some time a go but finally commited to it with the BW closure.

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