Computer reboot problem?



This thread is for fellow readers wich may have same problem as me...

When playing Dark Age of Camelot, my computer suddenly freezes or reboots without warning. I have 512 megs of RAM or more in my computer. What could be the problem?

This is a known issue with Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition , Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition , Microsoft Windows 98 , Microsoft Windows 95 directly from Microsoft when there is 512 megs of RAM or more installed on your PC. There is a workaround, which is the following:

Use the MaxFileCache setting in the System.ini file to reduce the maximum amount of memory that Vcache uses to 512 megabytes (524,288 KB) or less

Users have to remove the additional RAM temporarily to allow the system to boot before the procedure can be performed.

Remove enough system RAM to bring the total below 512 megabytes.

Restore the power source.

Start the computer.

Locate the SYSTEM.INI file (usually located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM.INI).

Right-click the SYSTEM.INI file and select the Open With... option.

Select Notepad from the program list.

Click the Ok button.

Locate the [VCache] section in the SYSTEM.INI file.

Change the MaxFileCache setting to a value less than 524288 (kilobytes).

Example: [VCache]
MaxFileCache=523264 *If there is no MaxFileCache entry, please add it and set the value as show in the example above.*

From the Notepad menu, select File > Save.

Close Notepad.

Shut the computer down.

Disconnect the power source.

Reinstall the system RAM removed in Step 2.

Start the computer. It should boot normally.

Hope this help :)


Errrrm, i have Windows XP, 768 DDR Ram, Gf4 Ti4600, and 1.4 Tbird (running at ~1.6) and it restarts itself during daoc all the time anyway! (its not overheating.. ~55degrees while playing)


hmm my computer rebooted when i got SI, didnt reboot once while playing original DAoC...

And not overheated maybe but your computer aint working with right configurations since you run with that many RAM?

I dont actually know, but i hoped this might help someone..


I had the vcache problem with my Windows 98SE when I went from a 16MB Voodoo3 to a 128MB GeForce3 with 768MB of RAM - but the symptoms were nothing like "DAOC runs for a while then crashes". As soon as I booted the machine was unstable - the antivirus, firewall and sound card controller were crashing during the boot, no game whatsoever would run... DAOC wouldn't run at all.

Setting MaxFileCache fixed everything immediately for me when that happened, so it's worth trying, but it doesn't really sound like it this your problem.


lmao, dont know how many times i have heard that now.. :bore:

I have updated VIA 4in1 drivers, downloaded Nvidia's newest graphic card drivers and all, nothing helpes me...

My game runs fine for about 5 min then it reboots, or it can work for whole 2+ hours before rebooting, or it may reboot at once i move in-game...

Im getting pretty tired so im willing to try everything, including this if i dont mezz my computer more up :rolleyes:


My problem sounds exactly the same as kinag's sometimes it runs absolutly fine for about 3 hrs then crashes.. other times i just log on and it crashes, and dont give me the "DRIVERS" crap please, i have tried every Detonator release back to July 2002 same problems with all of them, also updated all my mobo drivers, still.. it breaks!


OK, how 'bout this -

Driver related, imcompatiblity between 2 drivers in the system, imcompatible hardware?

I have the same problem occasionally, can be fine for 5 hours, can fall over after 5 mins - normally back to windows desktop, once or twice before i've had the delight of nipping to get a drink and the PC has reboted.

I doubt ppl will ever solve this issue at all tbh, its one of those ongoing problems we all tend to get from time to time, even on shop purchased systems, EVEN VICTIM WORLD PCs ;) ( cringes at the mention of 'Packard Bell'.....)

In my time spent testing, downloadnig and re-testing drivers, for XP , its not necessarily the latest drivers that are the most stable.

But i do believe one thing - GEforce drivers arent all they are cracked up to be and do have issues with other hard ware drivers in the system.


If its any help, im gonna say 'VIDEO DRIVERS' again.

Honestly, I have been a programmer of PC games since they invented the damn things and I can tell you that 99% of problems turn out to be your video card drivers.

Only the other week I was talking to a guildy that has been having major problems like these, he was convinced he had tried the latest and best drivers too.... and yes, it was drivers again...

The point above about the latest drivers often having problems is a good one. Drivers can be too old, too new, installed alongside other drivers, partly installed, wrongly installed or just the wrong drivers...

Sorry to tell you want you dont want to hear, but I would bet money that its your video cards drivers.


Kedela, i think we should try what RightNow suggested, dont u agree? :)

Edit: And speaking of the "Video Drivers", if you are so sure it is that wich are causing the trouble, can you please help me find a driver that will make this problem go away for me? :)

Gainward GeForce 4 TI4200 128DDR Ultra/650-8X TV (my comp is 4X, but the store i bought it in said it would work good on my comp anyway) and that store is a great store so they know what they are talking about..


depends on your OS a bit.

I would suggest

and pick the most appropriate one for your OS.

But knowing these things its quite possible that the previous revision is better than the current one, though I cant seem to find the driver history in my 30 secs of looking ;)

I know my friends problem was that the latest set of drivers didnt install properly (missed out one important file or something). He rolled back a version and it worked ok.

Hope that helps.


:( i downloaded that for a week ago, didnt help a bit...


Well, ive still got my money on drivers...

But.. you could try removing bits of hardware in turn to check if something hardware wise is broke / upsetting things. In the 1% of cases where it isnt video drivers its gonna be soundcard or memory hardware fault (pray it isnt your motherboard)

Try removing your soundcard.
Try using only half your memory, then only the other half.

Check you have plenty of free disk space on your swap file / system drive.

Oh and check your windows event log. See if that gives any clues as to what crashed / failed when your DAOC quit.


Got a built in Sound Card, and i have a feeling that it is something about my motherboard... dont know what but it might be something, dont wanna mezz around in my computer, tho i installed graphic card and RAM myself... but didnt destroy anything then hehe...


Although people usually say Graphics Drivers it's also worth checking the Soundcard Drivers, it's amazing how many problems they can cause that look like they're nothing to do with them...


you mentioned via 4in1 drivers.
this means you are on an AMD?

i read somewhere about how you need to change the agp setting in bios to make nvidia cards work properly sometimes.
cant remember if its x2 or x4 you need to set it to.

this was from a tribes2 board so you might get better info by checking out some tribes sites.


well, i have just tried the thing RightNow said i should do wich i posted on first post... It didnt work at all...

And i got AMD Duron 850mhz 512ram 4X AGP bus (Gainward Geforce 4 TI4200 128 DDR AGP8x card)

So i need to check my bios?


possible sollution

This reboot-issue is a matter of what chipset you have. if you have a VIA-Chipset, you might get these problems. Alltho you might allso experience everything working smooth without you knowing what you did right and vice versa.

I've investigated this problem and figured out one who did a temporary non-official VIA-drivers patch.

Edit: in 99% of the cases AMD users have a VIA chipset

I CANNOT guarantee this will work for everyone! but all those i know have installed this never ever encountered this problem again.

I've put this driver on my personal homepage.

DONT USE THIS PATCH UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO AND ARE IN POSITION OF A MOTHERBORD WITH VIA CHIPSET!(i don't want to get in trouble if some people encouter problems with this)

Teh Driver


Neither that worked, i give up, im gonna just logg my original daoc, it wont reboot then...

its making lvling at Malmo really hard cause the grp may die if ppl go ld or their computer reboots all the time


OK just a thought (and going by previous experience), have you upgraded your power supply along with all the other upgrades.

If you are running with a 300w or less power supply then that is where i would point the finger of suspicion.

You PC may run fine for hours, then you run something or do something which is just enough to overload the power supply and ...... BANG! kicked to desktop, or reboot, or bluescreen of death :(

Modern hardware sucks a hell of a lot of juice and a power supply which worked fine before the upgrade may well struggle now.

You can pick up 500+w power supplies from places like e-trader for about UK£20-25.


I have a random crashing bug, that is fixed by disabling ZoneAlarm.. so try disabling your firewall if nothing else helps.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

PSU would be a good place to start. I got a Radeon card recently and had no end of problems with it until some nice chap pointed out that my power supply probably wansn't up to the task. I am going to buy a new one when I get paid and see if that helps! If not, then a lot of people are going to die/find horsey heads in their bed. :/



afaik direct x 8 is the problem. read it somewhere that direct x 8 and 8.1 versions cause some pcs to randomly reboot without warning, happened on my amd 600 back in beta, pc just kept rebooting randomly, my os back then was 2k, was fine on 98se after that until i upgraded \o/ love the never-yellow fps :>


talk ingame ill try give you some advice, least it will avoid flames on here.


ok this might of been said but just in case, 2 things
1. the reason your machine reboots is windows xp is set to reboot on fatel error, right mouse on my computer and click on properties, clcik on advanced tab then click on startup and recovery settings, at bottom you will see a box called system failure. take the tick out of automatic restart. next time machine bombs you shoudl get the bluescreen death which might indicate what the problem is. like you been told odds are its graphics related.

2.i was having probs with my motherboard using via drivers and when i bought my gf4 some games would bomb for no reason, in end found a fix, this was due to a bug with gf4 and via, but the patch i found worked, if you have gf4 via chipset and xp let me know ill let you have link for it. reason for problem is too boring but the patch did fix it.

please dont flame if i have repeated anything already said, ill just get upset.


Re: dx

Originally posted by -Laand-
talk ingame ill try give you some advice, least it will avoid flames on here.

Gdamn u Laand, u sneaky bastard...

Originally posted by monkeynutter
please dont flame if i have repeated anything already said, ill just get upset.

Gdamn u Monkeynutter, u reposting bastard...


Computer reboot problem

got the same problem,

it is not powersupply or so and i have a Geforce 4 & VIA chipset...

Never found anything on the web about it

Plz help

Thx :)


ok here is a link to the file that fixed my problem, not sure if it will help you of course but if you have a via chipset and a gf4 it wont hurt to try it. just unzip the folder and run the setup. there is a readme file in there as well that explains it. my virus scanner says its clean but run yours to be sure.

and like i said its only for VIA chipsets not SIS.
for the record i now have a sis and it did not have this problem to start with.


I'm still having major problems on my system with SI crashing constantly, either to desktop or straight to a reboot...

I've tried everything I can think of, so any outside help is appreciated...

Kit as follows:

Asus A7N8X Deluxe Mobo with NForce 2 chipset
512MB PC3200 DDR400
Athlon XP 2400+ Proc
NVIDIA GeForce Ti 4600 128 MB
2x80 GB IBM Deskstar ATA100 HD's
430W Enermax PSU

Win XP SP 1
DX 9 (have also tried 8.1)
NVidia 40.72 WHQL signed Drivers (have also tried latest 43.00 beta drivers)

Sometime on the crash its asying DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error, and mentions the file nv4_disp.dll which is the NVIdia driver file, so it "looks" like driver problem, but since its latest released WHQL signed drivers i don't think it can be that....



after reading the replies ive noticed that it seems like nobody may have considered the possibility of your system overheating...if like mine it runs damn hot it could be resetting for that reason, normally it beeps like mad before doing it (but I disabled the warning)

added some fans and hey presto, no more resetting

could be ur problem, next time it does it av a look at how hot ur system is running

[edit] ok so maybe i didnt read enough to notice people saying "its not overheating" my bad


i read my errorlog.txt and found out it is my game.dll file wich is fucked up.. it shows every reboot i have is due to game.dll wich lies in my shrouded isles directory.. what can i do to fix that problem then? reinstall the game? maybe it got ruined during patching? i know i ask alot questions now but i really like to fix this since i want my zerker lvl 50 :)

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