Such is the risk of running a large a raid. 'Claiming' loot after it drops because you ran the raid without telling ppl before hand is pretty much just bullshit. As you said you could have killed it as 1fg. Tbh the other 4fg can do that without you too.Rambo[DS] said:its fair enough imo when a good fg leads for 6hrs another 5fg with success, what if they roll and they got nothing?
Bubble said:Rambo
Post your Loot rules for everyone to see in advanced. Then people can judge for themself's if they want to turn up to your raid.
(i wish i thought of being selfish on all the dragonraids i lead.....i didn't ever get one drop on any of them)
Rambo[DS] said:ye, i think the fact i didnt post about that rule was a mistake after all.
i remind all that the raid is moved for Thursday while another raid happens wendsday.
and lets make clear the loot thing so this wont happen again.
all items will be lottoed for whole bg. each player can roll for items only usefull to his class or some lvl 50 alt of him. if someone gets an item, cant roll again. 100% items will be lottoed 1st. scrolls next. rest items after.
bigchief said:<cut>
By your theory I should have claimed one of apocs 4 drops,
Originally Posted by Rambo[DS]
This will count again if i lead a raid wich i have alrdy done, main grp gets half the drops of last mob. doesnt count for ml4 raid tho.
Originally Posted by Rambo[DS]
As for those saying your rules suck etc, ( even its only couple of them, while 30+ people was happy for a good raid ) :
Arus Canus said:
Makes no sense? Like Breon already posted.
Rambo[DS] said:whats the part you dont understand?
i 've done ML2 lots of times and if i do it again i will have the same rule.
i havent finish ML4, thats the 1st raid i lead so the rules are different.
why you getting so confused? or you just trying be smartass?
i know bigchief doesnt like me so makes sense for him to say bullshit. but whats your problem?
heh. Everything I posted was fact, not sure what you think is bsRambo[DS] said:i know bigchief doesnt like me so makes sense for him to say bullshit. but whats your problem?
Nxs said:Peoiple will go regardless of the loot split - they want to complete the ML - you could say ALL loot goes to the main group and people would still go.
Rambo[DS] said:thank you. seems you have kinda great attitude and mouth.
You can do whatever you like in "your" raids, ML2.10 can be done with 1fg only no need even a single more person. i could just get a fg only and go kill 2.10 mob and get the same xp and walk out in 20 minutes... but no i stayed there, helped a lot of people do even the solo part. if you loot cry babes want loot of 2.10 get a fg and go kill it.
As for those saying your rules suck etc, ( even its only couple of them, while 30+ people was happy for a good raid ) :
and while "some" people not like it, next time i will get the main fg kill the 2.10 mob before the raid start and then will lead the rest people on raid and kill it again and give all loot to bg.