Complaint about admin



it's 15:13 london time. I was playing and trying to defend the generator room on Tombstone. A questionably smart person mines the floor of the flag room DESPITE the fact that an inv station is above the flag. Of course, we haven't quite solved the problem of a badly damaged team-mate trying to get past a mine (narrow corridor) to heal themselves with the inventory station.

When I did inevitably trip over this person's mine, I noticed that he whipped out a shocklance and tried to shock me. I managed to avoid him and fly away, only to return to find a mine near the bottom of the shaft to the flag, which I destroyed to get past to the inventory station.

I was then abused by said mine expert, who noted that he had beaconed the mines (note with a target beacon not a marker beacon). I responded telling him that he's the idiot for planting mines in there.

A minute later I was kicked/banned from barrsworld ctf1 I believe (player 'neko'). I request that I be unbanned asap if this is a perm ban. The admin who did this is irresponsible and deserves to have his right to admin investigated.

thanks for your time,


Where you kicked by admin or by public vote?

Anyway i think that the bans are only for an hour or so, i used to get kicked all the time from BW mega game cause some stoopid noobie stood on my mine an took the hump.

Did you get the name of the admin on the server?
Or the name of the player that tried to shock you after you stood on his mine?

BTW no one looks at this forum anymore, not any admin anyway.


thanks for the reply!

Yes my ban was only temp - not sure what his name was - I was too busy with other things! :) Getting banned was a complete surprise.

At any rate I'm no longer banned but it'd be cool if a server admin could check T2's logs (not sure if they can do this) to see what happened.



Looks like you were kicked by public vote.
Happens all the time, most people just vote for the sake of it.
I got kicked once because an idiot kept standing on my mines in the NME base on KATA, the fact that i had over 300 points didnt stop him sayin "HE TK ME" then i was kicked... lame


It will have been a vote I am afraqid as there is no admin for T2 by that name. Sadly something that we just have to put up with.


Do people actually play on the barrys T2 servers now ?

I say this out of interest as it was mainly the non-tagged, and generally casual players that used to play on them.

So suprise me please and tell me there are still people playing.


not any more by the looks of things, but they were a few public barrys servers that got full.
yes they full of noobies,
yes the map rotation sucks
but once in a blue moon the teams knew wot they wer doing and you got a decent game.
and a few good tagged players did sometimes play on them... but not for long


Hi folks,

I am a public admin and you should see me fairly often on the servers. I split my time between both them and the eclipse barryserver for which I am the "owner" so to speak.

I'm on holiday atm, so no Tribes 2 for me (although the notebook can handle it fine, the wife can't!!) If you have any problems with admins etc, you should try to talk to 'Mars' or 'Fergus' in the first instance - irc is probably the quickest way. You'll find them in #idk or #br respectively.

I can maybe answer some questions about admins and their responsibilities as they were given to me some time ago. Basically, I was told never to interfere with map choices, time limits etc etc. All the stuff that is votable. The admin should really be there only to sort out those fools that try to ruin the game for the rest of you - the deliberate TKers etc. We don't patrol the servers looking for illegal scripts - define "illegal" on BW :p we simply oversee general behaviour and are supposed to set an example - changing our teams to balance etc etc. and encouraging others to do likewise. If someone misbehaves, they are basically observed (and yes you can do it without them knowing), warned, demoed and if all else fails, kicked. Bans aren't done by us - I believe that's up to BW themselves to decide (esp in these days of accounts etc) and perhaps where the evidence of a demo is useful.

Since the servers have gone p2p, I haven't seen much activity on them but checking with other guys whilst I've been on holiday, I gather things are looking up. Perhaps with p2p, one benefit will be the improvement in behaviour on there. Who knows?

The above comments are all my own opinion, but nonetheless I think they reflect what the majority of the admins work from. Common sense stuff for grown up gamers.


PS :p On the subject of kick voting, there is a bug which causes votes to happen sometimes without your knowledge - I've seen it publicised elsewhere. I've been in the process of checking out a player that people are complaining about only to suddenly see "Vote passed, player blah has left the game"! This happens fairly regularly to me and as such I regularly fail to warn/demo someone because the invisible vote happened so quickly :p Perhaps that's what happened to you "neko". TKers etc etc often start votes to kick people that notice them and complain, and people often vote before thinking. Normally speaking the bans for kick votes are set by default to 5 minutes though, so you shouldn't need to request that they're lifted. I'm not sure if the server configs have been altered changing that time? I doubt it though.


invisible votes? never heard of that happening, unless you are talking about votes that take place on the enemy team to kick someone, which you can't take part in by game design and not bug.

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