COmplainers who join BG's


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Can i ask you when you join a PVE raid either mls or artis or anything else unless your prepared to run your own raids DONT pm the raid leaders complaining that what you are currently doing isnt what we said we would do.

In recent days its become very tiring to organise a raid for everyone to get somthing out of it only to have a few whiners and complainers constantly harass the raid leaders.

FOr instance on this weeks artifact raid because we did 4.8 and 4.10 for people WHO missed it last weekend although we said at the beginning we still got whined at. We also had to remove some people from the BG for being smart arses as well as running on ahead and doing their own thing.

I dont want to end up refusing to take people on mls but its getting to the stage that when people start to try and organise groups to sabotage my raids by telling their group not to do somthing OR saying that im claiming all the loot when im not and then harassing my friends because of it. I may just run closed bgs

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