Coming Back to DAoC Need Help :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
rure said:
Backslash is in the slash line, so you would loose alot of damage using that (if you even get it, I think its 44 slash for back slash). But any style in the slash line gets reduced damag, which is why you only have to use dw-styles.

Backslash is lvl39 slash spec style but it does not matter.
For Backslash style dmg the same rules are applied as for DS. It means that full weapon spec is good to have at least for 2 positional styles - frontal and back.

Shadow Edge (DW) - 0.6gr
Divine Hammer (Crush) - 0.7gr
Back Slash (Slash) - 0.85gr
Pierce (Thrust) - 0.75 gr

If you'd like to have stun why don't you spec crush?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Summoner said:
Backslash is lvl39 slash spec style but it does not matter.
For Backslash style dmg the same rules are applied as for DS. It means that full weapon spec is good to have at least for 2 positional styles - frontal and back.

Shadow Edge (DW) - 0.6gr
Divine Hammer (Crush) - 0.7gr
Back Slash (Slash) - 0.85gr
Pierce (Thrust) - 0.75 gr

If you'd like to have stun why don't you spec crush?

Hence why you should use DW backstyle and follow up.

I think you choose slash+slam over crush mostly because of the slash vulnerability targets and the fact that slam is 3 seconds longer. It is a bit harder to play but if you have 2 mercs pounding flank and shadows rain for 9 seconds with no BG most targets die. As I said, I am no merc expert so I am maybe wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Whatever u say boys .. my minstrel will whoop u all ... i dare u guys , name the time and the place i`would be there ... tho ... im leaving tommorow morning .. so screw u guys ... im going home :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
you can do 2 things
first you can play the class which you used to play and that means something which yiou know how to play
second you can start a new char something different which you played.
but iif you decide to play merc i can tell you
brighton - thrust
highlander - slash
half ogre - crush
h-o crush is the best for merc.

good luck with your option :)

uspe 50 lvl merc
sleepwalkers 50 lvl necro
tommyknockers 47 lvl scout

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