/me kicks Wazza's knackers up into his throat like a goat then...
W Wij Guest May 1, 2001 Thread starter #61 /me kicks Wazza's knackers up into his throat like a goat then...
X xenon2000 Guest May 1, 2001 Thread starter #63 Originally posted by Wij /me kicks Wazza's knackers up into his throat like a goat then... Click to expand... lol heheh
Originally posted by Wij /me kicks Wazza's knackers up into his throat like a goat then... Click to expand... lol heheh
W Wij Guest May 2, 2001 Thread starter #76 unAspammer maybe ? like the unabomber but with spam rather than bombs (obviously) ?
T Testin da Cable Guest May 2, 2001 Thread starter #77 you might say that, but I couldn't possibly comment