News Coke Tax?


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I really don't know how you could control the problem without a) making the fatty/shit foods way too expensive or b) refusing people healthcare that are overweight because its self inflicted.

Enough is now known about the shit that's put into these foods, its peoples choice to eat it non stop and in such large volumes.

I think personally in take away places, fish and chips etc, there should be a maximum portion size, some of the portions they give out are HUGE.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I cant help but think that theres an element of class war going on here with patriarchal doctors knowing whats best for the proles...

These 'doctors groups' think they have the right to set policy. They do not. They are unelected. They just know how to get in the papers and force something onto the public agenda so that all the smug meddlers in the country can agree how terrible it is what other people in the country can do.

It's like Alcohol Minimum Pricing and like the various smoking bans were. There's never been a more effective band of interfering pricks trying to socially engineer the country into their ideal.

They're attempting to destroy the working class lifestyle in the name of health. Don't feed their agenda. Tell them to fuck off. Fight for your beer and pie and fags and pop. For England \o/


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Someone should suggest instead of taxes, Coke should be forced to sell to retailers at a higher price, so Coke get the money, not the Government, see how quickly the idea is scrapped.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Tax isn't the idea. It's control.

"We've always been at war with sugar."


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
People allready pay an obscene price for Coke and it's about time they broke up it's ridiculous monopoly of the world's soft drink market, a can of coke costs a quid in a petrol station, which is 5p for the product, 50 p for the station and 45p in advertising and sponsorship.
Everyfuckingwhere you go in the UK and probably the world, you see coke. fanta, Dr Pepper lined up in perfect order, the only diet drink is diet coke which is shit.
Coke needs nuking from orbit to make sure.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Access Denied, you should read up a little about diabetes. Can you imagine making yourself 2 litres of drink to take with you on a day out and as part of that process spooning in about 25 spoonfulls of refined white sugar? Of course that would be ridiculous, but that is what you're taking in. There's not a huge problem with the odd can or two. I'm never really in favour of trying to tax people into stopping doing bad things. But seriously, 2 litres of coke a day?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I was drinking 2 litres of Pepsi Max a day while on my diet to stop me eating, I 'm the first to poopoo the 'It'll make your eye's fall out ' brigade, but that much aspertame left me with a weird metallic taste in my mouth that lasted for a few days and made all my food taste weird, so I cut back, which is sensible, no harm done..
just be sensible.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Its blatantly both factors if we're completely honest about it. Yes, people are living more sedentary lives and not getting enough exercise, but that 2 litres of Coke you're drinking is choc full of crap apart from the calories it contains, not least the refined sugar that plays havoc with your metabolism. I find it ironic that you say (correctly) that everything is bad for us in sufficient quantities, and then say you drink that much Coke a day. Trust me, that's a "sufficient quantity". Apart from anything else it absolutely wrecks your teeth.

Depends how you drink it. Sip and swill and your teeth will be gone in no time, gulp it down and they're fine. I drink a similar amount of coke to access denied, and have for about 30 years now, number of fillings = 0. I'm also slim and healthy, which is nice.


Dec 26, 2003
Interestingly one thing the medics want to spend the proceeds of the tax on is more obesity surgery - perhaps at their private clinics...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So i'm guessing the people here supporting the tax are fine to get punished for other peoples mistakes?

Access Denied, you should read up a little about diabetes. Can you imagine making yourself 2 litres of drink to take with you on a day out and as part of that process spooning in about 25 spoonfulls of refined white sugar? Of course that would be ridiculous, but that is what you're taking in. There's not a huge problem with the odd can or two. I'm never really in favour of trying to tax people into stopping doing bad things. But seriously, 2 litres of coke a day?

I'd suggest not reading(or believing rather) that much about diabetes.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
These 'doctors groups' think they have the right to set policy. They do not. They are unelected.

I agree. But they're not "setting policy". They're campaigning for it.

They're attempting to destroy the working class lifestyle in the name of health. Don't feed their agenda. Tell them to fuck off. Fight for your beer and pie and fags and pop. For England \o/

Again, agreed. But, personally I think we should be aspiring even higher.

Well, as long as we do include pubs and Real Ale ;)

Why talk about the kids when the most obese people I see are adults - many of them commuters who work in offices all day sat at computers.

I do agree with this. Sedentary lifestyles are an issue. However there are a lot of fat kids too nowadays - the sins of the parents being visited on their kids.

A lot of this boils down to time. Keynes thought that by now we'd all be working 2-day weeks because that's all we need to feed and house ourselves - and the rest was to be spent at our leisure.

I'm pretty sure he didn't think his system was going to be subverted into one that's effectively cross-race slavery working for the priviledge of a tiny few.

When people with families say they've not got very much time to fit in exercise, that when they get home from work they're knackered, that they want to eat microwave meals because cooking fresh takes longer and they don't get much quality time with their partner so choose that once they manage to pack their kids to bed - I, personally, don't think they're lying.



Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
I know it's the exercise factor too but people need to eat LESS.

My mother's favourite saying is ,'There weren't any fat people in concentration camps!'


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
When people with families say they've not got very much time to fit in exercise, that when they get home from work they're knackered, that they want to eat microwave meals because cooking fresh takes longer and they don't get much quality time with their partner so choose that once they manage to pack their kids to bed - I, personally, don't think they're lying.

I get home, put the kids to bed and then cook or work. Welcome to the modern world.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It does suck.

More free time. Less working for someone else's profits.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
More bullshit taxes that will make zero difference to peoples habits. It just means the government open up yet another tax revenue stream.
They have taxed fags to the point that people have quit so now they will tax fast food so they can slowly stop going on about smoking so much and start going on about the Fat Tax


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Working class people are stupid, they moan about the rich and then go spend 60 quid to watch some millionaires kick a football around, all because everyone of the dickheads thinks either they or their son is just one goal on a drizzly amateur sunday pitch away from joining them.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ironic or not, they are still stupid.
And if I am stupid, I caught it here off you, by clicking on your avatar without my gloves on.

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