/me flexes
S SFXman Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #32 Don't increase his expectations, you'll just end up disappointing him.
B Belsameth Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #33 Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson /me flexes Click to expand... *cowers in fear and flees the scene* that's....too much evil for me to handle! :help:
Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson /me flexes Click to expand... *cowers in fear and flees the scene* that's....too much evil for me to handle! :help:
O old.Gombur Glodson Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #34 Muahahaha /em rushes down to his secret lair to do some plotting /em plots
O old.tRoG Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #35 Could you try a teeny bit harder to disguise the spam? It's giving me headaches.
O old.Gombur Glodson Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #36 Pft! We allways go about like this! Nothing has changed since the creation of the OT, it's not like we're irc style spamming. As a matter of fact you hurt my feelings and now owe me flowers. I like tulips.
Pft! We allways go about like this! Nothing has changed since the creation of the OT, it's not like we're irc style spamming. As a matter of fact you hurt my feelings and now owe me flowers. I like tulips.
O old.tRoG Guest Jan 23, 2003 Thread starter #37 I liked our spam better before the OT It was more cleverly disguised.
S SFXman Guest Jan 24, 2003 Thread starter #38 Hmm, indeed. The spam had to have a superficial Dark Age of Camelot relativity.