Cluster or Glastonbury?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
If it's any help for deciding.

A raid leader on hib did ml 1-3 in roughly 3 hours. He then did ml 4, 5 and 6 in roughly 4 hours i think.

That's 7 hours or so for 6 ML's - easy.

As for arti's - arti raids are happening all the time and no1 is greedy since the only thing everyone wants is credit.

Go cluster ^^.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Extremely pointless question by threadstarter...

All the people that play Classic will tell you TOA sucks and that you should roll classic ... preferably in a realm they're not in so they have more clueless rr3's to farm.
- You'll have a hard time getting to 50 (it's bullshit that there is still loads of groups on classics compared to cluster it's just powerleveling or instance grinding with guildgroups)
- You'll grind Darkspire for weeks to get your template together
- Then when your template is done. You'll just do RvR... because there is no other "end game" to speak off other then before mentioned darkspire and the dragons

All the people that play cluster will tell you that classic players couldn't cut it on TOA servers and that you should roll on the cluster ... preferably in a realm they're not in so they have more clueless rr3's to farm.
- You'll have a hard time getting to 50 (also no groups to level up in)
- You'll do Trials of atlantis for weeks to get your template together. I call it do and not grind cause you'll be doing another raid every evening and not darkspire all the time
- Then when your template is done. You'll do RvR and masterlevel raids and artifact raids to kit out alts or friends.

Think it's pretty obvious from my "biased" reply that I play cluster mostly and I say that you should roll on the server that looks most appealing to you. Not judging by my reply or any elses in this thread cause they're all biased... but judging by what you want out of the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
[HB]Jpeg said:
The CHoice is yours but take into consideration

1. On cluster the Chars are i'd say 75% HIGH RR in RVR .. hence u gonan get pwnd a LOT

2. You will have to exp to 50 "Most are already 50 so not many pve groups around"...Farm your Artifacts .... Exp Your Artifacts ... and Then Take Ages trying to get to ML10 "cos so many people are ML10 already not v many raids around .

3. On Classic .. there are High RR people . but there is also a LOADS of Low RR people also. also lots of Low Level people for you to group with "well not loads but a lot more than on cluster"

4. Exp to 50 on classic Get Your Epic and Do a Few DS runs and find a SC and your Ready for RVR.

Im not saying Cluster Sucks... but anybody who says its easier and les time consuming on cluster to be rRVR ready and a tad competitive in IMO a clueless newb.

most of the cluster people here saying cluster is better is ONLY "IMO" saying go cluster to boost there population so more in rvr. we on classic need more people also . but classic >>> TOA when it comes to speed in getting competitiveness

took me less than 14 days to get to 50, all the artis i need and most ml's.... toa is a joke now and quite frankly ds raids takes longer than toa now :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
/puts on cartman voice <glastonbury sucks>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
As a hunter, you'll probably have a hard time getting Darkspire groups for your template, while nobody will bar you from joining zone zergs in TOA to get your arti encounters. I'd say in your case you'd get to fully templated RvR readyness sooner on cluster. It'll also be less of a grind, as Pirkel said. After my umpteenth DS raid (playing mana eld) on hib/glast and still not having my full template i was kind of sick of it, and wasn't sad when guild went back to cluster. :)

Oh, and those artifacts will level up to 10 while you do the champ quests. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tommyknocker said:
Thanks, I reckon I'll go Glastonbury for now, will maybe change later on. How is this for a character build?

Norseman Hunter

+10 dex +10 qui +10 con
40 bow, 39 stealth, 39 spear, 34 beastcraft.

Kobbies are cuter :p

Unless you have access to a buffbot ToA-cluster isn't really an option at all.
I think most of the pve-junkies who recommend toa are forgetting this and also that you need lots of cash just to get the items you need which would be a problem for a new player on the cluster.

Archer darkspire gear on classic isn't that expensive as far as I know so you might not even have to grind darkspire much. Besides you can mostly manage using epic armor, champion weapon and quest stuff anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i would definitely pick cluster

with the "new" toa, getting a proper template takes prolly as long on both servers, but cluster offers more to do long-term


Apr 5, 2004
Thadius said:
Oh yea, i forgot they made ToA pathetically easy

heh. someones bitter that they wasted all that time rerolling glastonbury for easy mode when they could have just stayed and played a real server.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
my new gf is fluent in french, if ayone wants to pwn the froggies verbally, give me a pm :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Classic Blows ... Cluster sucks donkey arse

Best thing about DAOC now is Freddyshouse Off Topic



Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Levin said:
As a hunter, you'll probably have a hard time getting Darkspire groups for your template, while nobody will bar you from joining zone zergs in TOA to get your arti encounters. I'd say in your case you'd get to fully templated RvR readyness sooner on cluster. It'll also be less of a grind, as Pirkel said. After my umpteenth DS raid (playing mana eld) on hib/glast and still not having my full template i was kind of sick of it, and wasn't sad when guild went back to cluster. :)

Oh, and those artifacts will level up to 10 while you do the champ quests. :p

I went into the CO5 dungeon with 5 unlevelled artis on my Zerk; by the time we'd done the 5 CO5 bosses 3 of them were lvl 10 and the other two had just dinged lvl 9. There is no 'grind' any more.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
To be honest the most important thing about the server you will enjoy more is the people you will be playing with. The game experience you'll have playing in a friendly guild who help their members out will be hundreds of times more important than whether you're doing ToA or not.
Find a nice guild who'll help you level alongside their alts and give you support and advice when you need it and you'll have fun regardless of the server type.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
[HB]Jpeg said:
2. You will have to exp to 50 "Most are already 50 so not many pve groups around"...Farm your Artifacts .... Exp Your Artifacts ... and Then Take Ages trying to get to ML10 "cos so many people are ML10 already not v many raids around .

Concerning this point only, there are ML raids on Cluster nearly every day, you do not have to farm your artificats and then xp your artifacts and then take ages getting to ML10. Scrolls drop insanely fast, you only need to do the Artifact encounter ONCE and if you have the scrolls you get the artifact. They level incredibly fast - all 4 of mine dinged 10 doing ML9 raid.

I don't see how farming Darkspire to get template items is any different than doing the same with the artifacts.

Really wish people would stop this whole bollox about whether classic or cluster is better. They are both equally good for the people who prefer that type of server.

No-one is totally right and the other wrong, both have an equally valid support of the server type they personally prefer.

I like Cluster better, there's more to do and more places to visit to xp including the ToA zones. Other people like Classic better because they didn't like ToA.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Jjuraa said:
heh. someones bitter that they wasted all that time rerolling glastonbury for easy mode when they could have just stayed and played a real server.

Ohoho! mister i get bonus arpees for ML10 people!

(If you're wondering, with the new arpee system, you get rp's for a players Level/RR/ML/and CL)

Supposedly you can get like 2800 on cluster, when the most ive seen on classic is 1500, Glastonbury easymode? get a grip ;d


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
i guess it depends how much u like xping. there is more xp to do on a toa server before u can really get into the player killing, no question. having said that farming Darkspire (especially if your playing a class ppl don't want in the grps) can be as bad or worse than ToA.

And as said u need an open mind re: french ppl on classic ;p

personally i never had a problem with the french, some were kool, some were kox, no different from the english ppl rly ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Another thing you might want to consider, if you go cluster and you intended to solo do you mind forking out a extra subs per month for a buffbot

thats the thing that gets me, now im poorer than i was before and i understand the value of money better, i get annoyed at the thought of having to pay extra just to compete


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
I think from a template POV, TOA servers are now much easier than classic. Add MLs in and classic wins by a bit, but then MLs and artis, with a few very OPd exceptions like ml9 pets, make the game more complex so more fun imo.

That said, the standard of FGs on classic is definately lower, and there are more keeptakes/towerfights, so it might be better suited to someone who doesn't want to bother with a perfect temp etc.


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
If it's any help for deciding.

A raid leader on hib did ml 1-3 in roughly 3 hours. He then did ml 4, 5 and 6 in roughly 4 hours i think.

That's 7 hours or so for 6 ML's - easy.

As for arti's - arti raids are happening all the time and no1 is greedy since the only thing everyone wants is credit.

Go cluster ^^.


Both servers have their advantages and disadvantages. Personally I prefer ToA to darkspire, as imo farming the same dungeon over and over again is rather dull and tedious, where as moving from different zones is somewhat less of a pain. The thing about classic is that you don't need to pay for a buffbot to compete. However some people don't realise that people actually don't mind paying for a buffbot and see other benefits in having a second account (farming items, powerleveling toons).

Its really what you prefer, and as Bugz said MLs and artis are no longer a big issue, ML raids go on all the time because people will always have 'alts', and no more greed and 'arti-stealing' as credit is the only thing people need.

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