Clubbing..the good and the bad!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
So I have just got back from my local club...shockingly a good night out for once, normally full of local pikies and ugly ladies...but tonight, whilst sober, yes I repeat, sober I had a good night..there were attractive ladies and comedy music! So my thread is...whats your local club, where is it and is it any good?
My normal one is coco's in cambridge...generally small, nasty and sweaty...generally wouldnt recommend it! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
On fridays I'm normally in bed by 8. And home by 11. Oiiiii!


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
while im in oxford my FUCKING IDIOT friends insist on goign to Park End (aka fun end) its got stickey carpets and the women are all trouts wearing boob tubes and skin tight bin liners with fat hangin out (nice). While in reading....hmmm dont generally go clubbing here much, although a few decent small places - being a student clubbing is too expensive!

Scooba da Bass

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
My 'local' club would be the nearest student union or Bubblegum in Deptford. The Union isn't that bad as long as you enjoy the shitty cheese that seems to be de rigeur for female students. Bubblegum is a fantastic little club, pretty small, great DJs playing electro, hip hop, breaks or bastard pop.

Living London I'm pretty spoilt for choice so my 'main' club is Fabric up in Farringdon. My sister has some kind of vague friend connection to the owners so we normally get guestlisted when we visit along with what feels like 50% of the visitors. Friday is normally special, Saturday night is fairly shit as prog house is the single most boring form of music known to man.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I dont get that...whats with students and cheesey music!? I f**kin hate cheese yet it seems that every club thinks thats what a student wants to listen to! damn them and play some good damn music! Is fabric good? I have always wanted to go there


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I actually can't think of a single club in the UK that I've been to and liked in a few years. When I was a nipper I enjoyed Rock City in Nottingham as it was dark and sweaty and full of mini goth girls in pvc and rubber outfits...drool.

CBGB's in New York was the most recent fun experience.

If we are on about dance then probably Void in Utrecht, NL.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Fabric is a killer club, Fridays in there are insanely good. World class drum n bass on the UKs fattest system - now with added under floor bass!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 17, 2003
Always had consistently good evenings at Fabric (and yeah i do like ;)) .. fab venue, fab people, wish there was an equivalent up here.

As far as venues go also had some fun nights at Camden Palace or Brixton Academy with the Frantic/Tidy lot.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
My local used to be Club M in Yarm as a college kid. However it was (and most likely still is) full of slappers and townie fucks in their Ben Sherman shirts.

Now it's rock clubs all the way, people are friendlier*infinity compared to twats in dance clubs; and the majority of the time we get to smoke 'cigarettes' without any hassle at all. Best would be the Crown on a Thursday night in Middlesbrough and occasionally Empire on the Saturdays for indie/rock night (the topmost room being 'hard rock').

Strangest night i've had is in a place called the Wobbly Goblin in Stockton, was like the cast party of Mad Max reunion in full dress. Surrounded by leather and people in gimp masks. It was pleasantly entertaining...Stop that s******ing in the back!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
It's got to be the electric ballroom in camden on a friday, a great night out, loads of metal/industrial music, and full of goth chicks! The atmosphere is so great that I don't even need to drink copious amounts! I try to go when I can, but my friends insist they are getting to 'old' to go clubbing anymore... I always say you're only as young as the woman you feel! ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
My local club is 5th Avenue in Manchester (not in Cambridge...), which is normally good for a laugh. Though going on the same night week in week out as we did at one point last year gets rather... tiresome. There's only some many times you can go through the same predictable Stone Roses/Happy Mondays/"It is still 1989! It is! It is! *cry*" half hour. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to listen to it, but while they tend to vary the playlist of "newer" music, the 'Manc Classics' as I'm sure someone calls them are the fucking same every week.
To that, I can only say thank God it isn't 1989 any more...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'm in old Plymouth...

Now I go clubbing quite a lot, but either I'm getting old (now 25) or the clubbing scene is turning to hell...


Destinys - CaLLous works there and my Girlfriend used to but I'm going to be unbiased :). The club has a lot of theme nights and at least once a week has something special going on. I.e some famous singer or nights were they have a huge indoor pool setup so you can play volleyball against some girls wearing white tops which when they are soaked... The club has good security and sadly needs it. (see below)

Jesters - It's famous for all the wrong reasons.

It's situated in "union street" which is where you have to run the gauntlet of having a high chance of being smacked in the face for no reason on earth. Show one sign of weakness i.e guy calls you gay and you look at the ground he will hit you!

As you walk in the club's doorway some thug will be using the punch bag machine (you hit it and SMACK huge banging sound is heard, harder you hit it more points you get). When inside you can expect to be surrounded by the roughest people on the planet. Smartly dressed people will be sailors (matloes) who are grouped so if one kicks off the rest are in with fists flying. The kevs (wearing designer gear, usually with baseball caps on and stripy tops). And the slappers. Women queuing up for men (I kid not) and some wearing outfits that would not look out of place on street corners, sadly they all are pretty ugly as well...

If you walk out of this club alive without a scratch on you are lucky. I've been in there 4 times during my life each was with a friend who dragged me in and only because she was well known in the club (everyone knew her and they reacted warmly to me). Even then I had to be on my toes, watching my back and having to talk myself out of situations where I would of otherwise been plastered all over the wall (you soon learn NOT to look at anybody for more than a micro second or you get them coming over saying "what you looking at").

Loaded magazine visited Jesters and labelled it the roughest club in the uk :/

Biggest night club in plymouth with 3 large rooms BUT is full of the problems listed above but they have good security and tend to take no crap. Sadly all inclusive nights of £12 all you can drink mean any guy/gal on job seekers allowance can wonder in and you'll not meet many nice people on that night due to the Kev element (more below).

classy club but started to suffer the fate of millenium. Is not closed :(

There are lots of smaller clubs around and these are the places to go. Usually friendly with one club "flares" offering the old 60,70,and some 80s classics. Usually full of older clubbers but has a theme throughout and joy staff.

Plymouth has gotten rougher due to large naval base nearby, and the Kev element. Not sure what the status of berburry clothing is elsewhere but in plymouth all thugs / kevs / idoits where berburry caps :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Scooba da Bass said:
Living London I'm pretty spoilt for choice so my 'main' club is Fabric up in Farringdon. My sister has some kind of vague friend connection to the owners so we normally get guestlisted when we visit along with what feels like 50% of the visitors. Friday is normally special, Saturday night is fairly shit as prog house is the single most boring form of music known to man.
You think Saturday night is shit,come sunday night.
I made that mistake after not seeing any hint of what was in store for me when I got there.15 squid down the drain for the 15 minutes it took me to realise the situation wasnt gonna improve.
Mental scars are still there :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
SAS, i think burberry is the uniform of the kev/barry/chav sadly and I try to avoid anyone wearning anything like it! Sadly they seem to be multiplying though and I swear the human race is heading towards a de-evolution back towards apes...seriously, kids these days are getting harier earlier, shoulders are slouching more (knuckles heading towards floor) and the speach is getting less intelligable as the minutes go by....slowly heading back towards grunting. Take a look around your local town centre next time youre there and youll all see what im talking about! :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Jaba from what I have seen in general (flick on trisha ITV weekday evenings for more examples) I think you are right :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Luton has a few clubs, none of which I'd call good. After a night in the pub you can usually be dragged to Liquid (Affectionatly nicknamed shitquid). Quite a big club with a huge dance floor and a small 70s/80s room upstairs. Although any club that insists you have to put your coat in the cloakroom at £3 a pop before you can enter pisses me off.

The Edge is a small club (And I mean small). Good music and a £10, all you can drink night on a Tuesday makes this a nice place to visit from time to time.

All the good clubs have unfortunatly closed. Oh and SAS, you forgot to mention JFKs. Not sure if it's still open in Plymouth, but that used to be my favorite hangout about 6-8 years ago.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Fez is indeed sweatier than cocos! hehe, I agree fez is better just none of my mates ever seem to want to go there! fools!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
jfks is now c103. Its full of underage kids now Whipped and gone downhill :(.

If anyone wants a 16 year old stuck to there face without even having to try to pull then this is the place to go However... the other room (rock music) is quite good still.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Got "a few" local ones...

most of them play R&B all night.... so they are "no go"'s for me and meh mates :)

However, our local Student Union plays cheese all saturday night.... which is usually not bad. (Cheap drinks!)

A club called Berlins plays real dance music on Tuesdays (student night, so free entrance - for students, obviously, AND cheap drinks!).

Wish more clubs around here played dance music in clubs, instead of pop R&B


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The only clubs i like to go to in Southampton are:

Jumpin' Jaks - Cheese/Old Skool/Hip-Hop, and the classic Sunday where every honey in Southampton is. :)
Walkabout - Cheese, quite a nice place to go, as there's a nice atmosphere.
Hotshots - All kinds of music, cheap alcohol but closes by 11. :/

S'bout it, as most other places are infested with pond life scum, most notably Ikon, New Yorks and Yates's. I hate it when i get roped into going to those shit-holes. :(


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
SAS said:
If anyone wants a 16 year old stuck to there face without even having to try to pull then this is the place to go

Street name and telephone number pls. thnx.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm a club, i have not seen the inside of one of them for a few years :(

Got banned from them all when i was younger for generally being a dick. I like to think i have grown up a bit now its just a shame this little town holds grudges :(


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Frizz, is the Fat Cat still open in Southampton? I only went in there once and they played Mousse T - Horny on loop for the best part of 4 hours, it was so depressing. :(

And SAS, Millenium reopened for a couple of weeks after Zanzibar closed to try to take advantage of the business it would generate. Unfortunately (for swillenium), they all came to Destiny instead. :)

Jesters = Molesters, JFK = Just For Kids. Dance Academy is a good night out, if you're a pillhead who doesn't go to a club for alcohol, but for music. I'm not a pillhead, but I've been down there after work on a Saturday a couple of times (leaving work at about 4:30am, straight down to Academy). They stay open until 10am if there's a guest DJ playing. Not so much as a hint of violence as everyone's off their tits on some substance or another and loved up. To be honest, the music has really gone downhill in Destiny over the past couple of months. Working there every day, it's unavoidable to know the playlist inside out. Even with a different theme for each night we're open, it's still oh so repetitive. Thursdays nights are Skool Daze (wear school uniform, get in free, loadsa cheap drinks etc etc) and the DJ played a very specific playlist from the late 70's through to the mid 90's. We have a new DJ on Thursdays as of a couple of weeks ago, and it's nice to hear that other music does actually exist from this era. :)

And Walkabout in Newquay is the nicest place to be on a lovely sunny day. It's just off Beachfield Avenue (for those that know the area. But if you know the area, then you'll know where it is anyway :/) overlooking Towan Beach. And there was a pub in Plymouth (on the Barbican) called The Black Friar which had the nicest beer garden in the world ever, but Wetherspoons came along and commercialised it into next year, and now it's just plain awful. :\


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Blue Orchid. Oh god, what fond memories I once had. Affectionetly known as the Blue Scorchid. Even the 15 year olds who manage to get in everyweek know its shit, that doesnt stop people from going. Pure sticky carpet meatmarket. And thankfully its been over two years since I have gone :)

More bars than clubs here, none really great, but all better than the Orchid and open till about the same time. I have found myself in a lloyds bar most weekends recently.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
jaba said:
SAS, i think burberry is the uniform of the kev/barry/chav sadly and I try to avoid anyone wearning anything like it! Sadly they seem to be multiplying though and I swear the human race is heading towards a de-evolution back towards apes...seriously, kids these days are getting harier earlier, shoulders are slouching more (knuckles heading towards floor) and the speach is getting less intelligable as the minutes go by....slowly heading back towards grunting. Take a look around your local town centre next time youre there and youll all see what im talking about! :(

^^^^^^This is why I have never been to a club EVER. I am 31 and I have never dared venture inside any club/disco in my life. I hate crowds and crowds of pikeys will anger me:eek:

Last proper drunken night out was my 21st in a local pub, I ended up in the cells for the night:(

Do none of you clubbers ever feel that there is too many people invading your personal space? On the other hand maybe I have issues.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Oh yeah I had a stripper for my 21st, she looked like the ginger haired interesting-fest that is Steve Davis the snooker player. Maybe thats where it all started going bad that night


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
caLLous said:
Frizz, is the Fat Cat still open in Southampton? I only went in there once and they played Mousse T - Horny on loop for the best part of 4 hours, it was so depressing. :(

It is, and by the sound of it, i'm glad i've never been in there. :)


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
I haven't been in Southampton for about 5 years. I used to live in Salisbury, which had probably the poorest selection of night life in the country, so we always used to go into Southampton and while the days away in Leisureworld. :)

And anyone who's watching the beeb (Policing Christmas, I think it's called) about now will see the sort of problems we have in Plymouth with the drunken violence.

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