


Originally posted by minnie
Danyan pleae tell that to the buffbot people because Phreakz told me that healers would not be needed soon and sadly apart from healing in combat we are now told that we can only do base buffs because Agios is parked in apk and available to several people. That is obviously not the only bot as many are appearing in apk now :(
Healing in combat is the primary role of a cleric isn't it? Surely you don't find buffing people that exciting...

Originally posted by minnie
I am (as is Lochy) a damn good cleric and I can buff a full group sufficiently for combat in rvr or xp and keep them all alive too.
More buffs is always better, a cleric cannot buff a full group that well on their own, they don't have enough conc or buffs to do it. I'd rather have more buffs because of a buffbot and have a cleric in the group for heals, rez, stun, smite etc. than have only half buffs.

Originally posted by minnie
I know for a fact that Mythic are going to ban bots and that can't happen soon enough for me because we will have no clerics if it continues apart from bot ones.
Where did you hear this? Sanya has stated that Mythic do not have a problem with people paying two accounts, whether it's for other family members or as a buffbot. I really don't think they're going to ban them. I wouldn't mind particularly if they did, but I don't think it will happen.

Originally posted by minnie
roll on the day they are banned...I will go back to RvR and do a lot more for my realm.
I think it's a bit poor that you can't find anything to do in RvR but buff people such that buffbots invalidate your role entirely. Hey we could all go down that road though... Serenity and MCL mean I rarely have to play powersong in RvR, maybe I should quit my minstrel because of this... Now you'll no doubt say that's stupid, but that's exactly what you have said and done about buffs with your cleric.


Originally posted by Danyan
Clerics are needed ... and smite etc.

Jesus. No way that somebody loves if we smite. :D Im sure you just kidding. :p

Killerbee lvl 50 Fekin' Smiter
Legendary Grandmaster Armoror
<Carnificis Ministerium>


Maybe its because people are trying to cadge pretty loot out of me...but whenever I fell like RVR...I can basically choose from groups. Groups DO need clerics.

In Bunker of Faith....Albion has one of the best RA's available in the game.

Combine SOS + BOF = Win.

The lack of clerics is due to the perception of the class...not because of their lack of 'oomph' they give to a team. Cleric baseline of the best cleric spells there are....but A- its so underused. B- it is hardly noticed by the teams that benefit form the cleric doing it...but bbeleive works wonders.

Very rarely resisted....very little cast. Ideal for stopping stuff chasing yr mages.....stopping any general enemy in the fight....stopping enemy casters escaping yr tanks.

Having said all that...what are GOA/MYTHIC fking doing? How can buffbots be good for the game(oh sur ethey get a few extra quid in their coffers due to BB accounts).....but surely..Buffbots go against the spirit of how the game is played.

Mythic sort it out.


Exactly ...

Originally posted by vayasen
Cleric baseline stun..... Ideal for stopping stuff chasing yr mages.....stopping any general enemy in the fight....stopping enemy casters escaping yr tanks.

Thanks for explaining my sentiment, btw - stopped counting the no. of times Killerbee has saved my sorry caster butt from certain extinction (ok, wasn't only smite at crucial times, just as well mezz and stun, but - hey - kept me alive - in addition to the heals, of course <kiss>).

I still love clerics (and not only rejuv ones), even though smitees clearly feel the nerf .... :(


Originally posted by vayasen
Cleric baseline of the best cleric spells there are...

Yep, tho the stun in other realms has longer range (1500 instead of 1000).

Killerbee lvl 50 Fekin' Smiter
Legendary Grandmaster Armoror
<Carnificis Ministerium>
Who got 2 kisses from Vardalimaae in 1 topic. :D


Originally posted by minnie
Danyan pleae tell that to the buffbot people because Phreakz told me that healers would not be needed soon
don't blame someone else

Originally posted by minnie
I am (as is Lochy) a damn good cleric [/B]
no your not, and take your tongue out of her arse. ooo and your modest too.

Originally posted by minnie
I know for a fact that Mythic are going to ban bots [/B]
well that's blatant bullshit cos mythic clearly stated they don't give a fuck if people use bots.

Originally posted by minnie
cos some grey bot is in the corner with 49 in enhanc. [/B]
besides the fact that to have 49 enhance a cleric would have to be lvl 49? and lvl 49's don't con grey to anybody do they you fucktard..
another fact you got completely and utterly wrong.


Seriously talking; clerics are bit like pizza.

When its good, its really good, but when it's bad.. You feel like flushing your gimped and useless cleric down the toilet.

Being played the cleric class for quite some time now, I've noticed two distinct ways to survive in RvR. These instances both apply to groups - if you go alone, you're dogmeat no matter what.

1) Charge a bit behind the frontline with the tanks and spread that oh-so-lovely stun to your middie friends. I can't even count the times I've saved the group by stunning a troll charging our caster or another tank. A bit behind so you don't get caught in the first ae mez/dot spam. If someone engages you, make sure you are noticed and whip out that hammer!

2) Stay back! Whole-heartedly. Stay in healing range, and stun anyone trying to wiggle their way in the back row, but concentrate on healing like crazy! Use big heals, and major is someone is getting whooped.

In my experiences these two cases work great, and can often make a difference. Anything in beetween tends to fail miserably, if I try to heal much in the front line someone is bound to notice me and whack me.

I've played some other classes in RvR too, but the cleric is definitely the most group-dependent and thus causes the most frustration if things don't go as planned. Being a support class on the other hand causes me great pleasure to see things go as planned.


Originally posted by Evene
Seriously talking; clerics are bit like pizza.

When its good, its really good, but when it's bad.. You feel like flushing your gimped and useless cleric down the toilet.

OMG that is so funny Evene :) But seriously, there still are some people out there who know how to play a cleric out there and do it really well. You can be either a buffmaster (like Musashi) or a freaking lightning bolt on legs (Choppy...RAR!!) and still serve your purpose in rvr other than buffbot/rezbot if you know what you are doing.

I really hope that GOA will do something about buffbots, I do feel that they take away from the purpose of the Cleric. They are meant to be a support class, therfore adding to the dynamic of the group. Having the bot stuck in the pk just teaches people how to take shortcuts and they don't really get a chance to understand what clerics are fully capable of.



Mythic is NOT going to ban bots u silly. Minnie... Read up some more will ya please.

And Clerics actually are damn good in RvR, those pesky instas and good heals is a pain in the arse for the enemies. But hey, I dont mind if you dont play your cleric, it just makes it easier to kill you albs ;)


Kyra, you left out healing ;)

It ranks very high on my list to be able to heal a tank being overwhelmed by many enemies and still emerge victorious because of my heals.

I can say all the times I've been frustrated to the cleric are because they rarely can do anything alone. Our defence capabilities are kinda meek, if someone charges us .. well, pop instas and pray :eek:

Still, gotta say the pros are more than the cons. I love to heal, I love my cleric. She still creates some strong feelings which isn't a bad thing ;)


you forgot that she also looks good naked evene..think that's a pro :p


Evene, that goes without saying. :) (about the healing) My guys have saved my hide more times than I can count. I know that some people complain that smiters can't heal as well as those speced for healing but I welcome any heal :) Yes it takes more heals to heal you up but when you are in battle, dying and running back when you are > < this close to winning is a pain in the ass. Same goes for rezes. Sure I would RATHER being healed and having full health but damn even a ghetto rez is better than nothing.

I personally appreciate clerics for all their hard work. Its not easy being a support class when you have so many roles and its a shame that these people that just keep clerics for bots don't use the clerics to their full ability.

And of course Kyra looks good without her armor on, she's a highlander and we all know how sexy highlanders are. But please keep to the point.


Originally posted by Evene
Seriously talking; clerics are bit like pizza.

When its good, its really good, but when it's bad.. You feel like flushing your gimped and useless cleric down the toilet.
that pretty much goes for any class. ;)


You didn't even have a case to start with, so stop resting it. :sleeping:


Boffbot been around forever Hell it was the only thing
a shaman was really good at at one time
mysthic aint gonna close that money machien
think about it they making it a most have (changes for the better of the game yeah right as long the money keeps comming)
nerf cleric's np account will still be open when u trow in a well timed respec
Myshic are overlooking clear mistakes
and when they try fix a problem they half the time makes it worse
ppl was whining bout the pure smiter sooo mythic nerfed the hybrid's the most
why on earth are there still a baseline smite???
give us a ranged single target instand root on the baseline
and where are the cleric's demezz??? (we are by far the most suited for it)
i like my cleric but i really think we should have more options not less as it gonna be with the new spell and ra that only help the most powerfull chr in the game the pac healer (im talkin out of expirence)
i dont know if its a flame whine or a wish list ;)
its really just the game from my eye's


All I do is run about emain all day asking for a group. The reply I get is no,your a smiting cleric(carrys on running).

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by bellious
All I do is run about emain all day asking for a group. The reply I get is no,your a smiting cleric(carrys on running).

Seeing as smite is extremely gimped these days, are you suprised? :m00:


I think clerics are appreciated even more these days when our numbers have grown smaller. Yet I find it a bit sad that during these dark times people tend to abandon rather than adapt. God knows I've been through a lot with my cleric but still it's a class I enjoy playing.

Have patience with your cleric, they need to be cared and loved ;)

If you don't like RvR, don't go RvR. Have fun. Roll alt. Anything.


give us some lovin

I personally appreciate clerics for all their hard work. Its not easy being a support class when you have so many roles and its a shame that these people that just keep clerics for bots don't use the clerics to their full ability.


Kisssssss :)

It's damn hard work to be a cleric nowadays. Nice too see some fellow albions still believing in us. I am also very sad to see some very good clerics who have turned into buffbots and remain "parked" into apks for hours :(........ such a waste.

Hemorragie Mr Complete
"Smiter for ever........and lovin'it to bits"
The 30
" Hemo, can I have a spec Dex"
" Sorry m8, only 2 in Ehan"
" bha, forget it then :/"


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -

Seeing as smite is extremely gimped these days, are you suprised?

Nerfed, not gimped,
The timer on the mez yes, but only the other day I killed a lvl 50 sb in 4 smites without it even hurting me. =P

Bell Cleric


Yes, you are still efficient against assassin classes (not the uberly buffed with ready purge, ip, fa 2 tho) but most of the time they are moving in grp. The fact is that you won't needed in a well balanced grp because you are not a good nuker compare to a real one (speed, range, dmg) and with more than 2 tanks in the grp, you hardly can keep them alive with your heals.

Tho for a little grp (4-5 ppl) or a caster one, I think a smiter is a better or at least equivalent choice, because the healing ammount what you can provide by instas and lvl based heal is enough and our mezz is good to save their life (once in every 5 mins tho :/ ).

Killerbee lvl 50 Fekin' Smiter
Legendary Grandmaster Armoror
<Carnificis Ministerium>


Originally posted by hangianix
and with more than 2 tanks in the grp, you hardly can keep them alive with your heals.

pfft thats crap learn how to heal o_O


Heh, just experienced the best example of the Alb view on clerics. :rolleyes:

Blaen logs in, I invite Blaen, Blaen buffs us both.

Then a scout asks me if I (!) have some spare dex buffs. :eek6:

I reply with: "I'm a minstrel, can't really buff"
Scout: "ur not controlling blaen?"



is it possible, that the scout _might_ have seen blaen on one of his unusually long periods of standing aroud at apk looking at the golf course?

for once, i wont say the scout in question, is asking a stupid question.


Originally posted by Meatballs

pfft that crap learn how to heal o_O

Nah, thats the truth. With lvl 25 heal (426 hp) I wasted 3.2 sec and it is too much if casters are in the grp also. With lvl based ones (much faster) you waste too much mana to keep alive tanks, cause a proper tank has 2k hp, and you can heal 288 with it.

But Im sure that you grped with me a lot, and know well how crap i am in healing :m00:

Killerbee lvl 50 Fekin' Smiter
Legendary Grandmaster Armoror
<Carnificis Ministerium>


i have 500 hp group heal with 2000 range and no need for los t.t
+ i have 700 hp single target heal !!
can keep more than 2 tanks alive easy..when i cba ^^

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