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- #31
Originally posted by kr0n
Why do you need to guess? I think my sig is big enough to catch enough attention so people would actually where and what I play. Guess you aint very observative then.
Unwanted Villain 50th Hero, Pryd
Layl Arvayheer 50th Sorceress, Pryd
Layls Twink 50th Infiltrator, Pryd
Layl Lyal 50th Skald, Camlann
[19:48:22] <_GhouL_> think he pounds the mezz button
[19:48:23] <Solid> aye Layl is a fucking mez machine
"kr0n can ya doctor ur sig and correct my typos please? " -Solid
DAoC Screenshots
oki =) point me wher is written excal n troll in the same line,
u good =)
pryd pryd pryd camlan ouch look someone missed somthing on his sig
've good day