Classes easiest to find a group with.



Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
A veteran like you self Pin i would of thought you know that the lvl40 Single line respec is usable til you ding 42, Tut tut. :D

Single-Skill Respec

From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain the ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.

To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot redo this - once you respec a skill, it is done.

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you gain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.


Originally posted by wichtel
Single-Skill Respec

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you gain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.

Has this been changed in a recent patch? Don't think so...


aaaah.. someone that knows how to read patch notes! Grats!


Originally posted by baphomet
I really do feel sorry for scouts, I invited one to a group once last week just on sympathy.

and why wasn't that me ? :(



Pin - I should've known better than to think that ;)


Originally posted by wichtel
Depends on the group, good group: Sorc the better mezzer, bad group: more safe for a minst to mezz, because he can take some hits before the tanks realize that mezz is resisted/time over and go for the mezzer :/
Minst is also a good caster guard, too. Stun, DD, DD can stop the mob heading for a caster.
Sad thing is, most (or only a few? have gotten better) minst don't know anything else beside afk-playing PS and trying to get into a group 10 levels higher so everything besides PS will be resisted by high purple mobs :(


sad I wasent one of those minstrels who only knew how to play powersong :)

I messed and protected casters like crazy up to 50 :)


oh and minstrels isnt easy to get group with as level 30-40 as groups only need 1 minstrel and its quite many level 30-40 minstrels

Madonion Slicer

Ah you can prove anything with facts, i am still right and i dont care who tells me otherwise. la la la la la i cant hear you la la la.

I will return Zlair, i owe it to my first characters to get them to 50. Madonion has to be the Oldest lvl42 in the Game.


Friar 8/

Did I miss any?

Umm, what about friars, everybody likes friars :p
Can buff, can do some real backup healing (Guess none of u seen my Baseball cap writing yet ... written bigly "First Aid" and not "Dr.") and most of all, we just kick ass :p



My Armsgimp is retired, so I'm talking from cleric point of view.

Class I find very interesting in a group is a friar. A friar and a cleric can together buff an entire group to the eyeballs. As cleric alone we can only do 20 buffs for 8 people.
A paladin is an aggromagnet (together with the friar) and has end regen for the other tanks.
Now here it comes: In avalon xp groups, I like scouts. WTF? you'll say. Well, a scout has a shield and high dex. A scout blocks a lot. A scout is a good guard for the friar or pally. Because a scout isnt too strong in melee, he shouldnt get aggro too soon. A second and equally important task of the scout are the drakoran archers. Drakoran archers are evul, and unlike old albion mobs, who try to shoot or cast twice and then run up to go in melee, these guys keep their distance and shoot. 'ARD. Send in a tank and you get a guaranteed doublepull, but when your group has a scout, the scout can keep the archer from firing by putting arrows in it untill eventually the drakoran gets sick of it and decides to run to the scout.

Of course there are mezzers and pbt and so on, but I just wanted to point out scouts are useful in groups :)


Playing a little Inconnu scout now ( i'm so cute and NOT gimped ;))
and miracle i have always a grp :p


There is a shortage on Revj Clerics and PBT Theurgs. These two classes find easy a group.

Sorcerers and Minstrals are always in demand in a group (every FG wants 1) but there are more sorcerers/minstrals then groups. So as an invidual it could be very hard to find a group. This also counts for the paladin.

Enhance Clerics and Friars find often a group becouse of the shortage of Revj clerics or as backup.

Smite Clerics are only accepted if there is really no other cleric/friar around or by mistake and the group is to polite to disband him/her.


ps : lately I also notice a shortage of armsman(woman). You got all you need for a group in Avalon but no tanks, happend several times now.


Originally posted by Fagane
ps : lately I also notice a shortage of armsman(woman). You got all you need for a group in Avalon but no tanks, happend several times now.

I like Armsmen too.
But usually people in the group whine when I don't get as many pallys as possible.


Re: Re: Classes easiest to find a group with.

Originally posted by grebneklaf
What what ice wizzies in demand where where????

Everyone wants one, they just don't know it yet. ;)


Originally posted by mmmpie
Why take a armsman if u can get a friar??????? ;)

well ... if i had choice ... i'd take the friar, but if i have a friar already, i'd take the armsman, cuz an arms has thingie like shied "sometimes" and friar + some1 with shied ... is a AUA combination :p


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