Classes and their "signature" abilities...



I've been thinking (this will involve me referencing Mid classes mainly, because they're the ones I'm most familiar with)...maybe what classes need isn't nerfing, but making sure that when you play one that you'd always want to have 50 in its signature ability. And that that ability should be class-defining, fun, look cool, and have weaknesses that go with it to ensure overall game balance.

I just started a Thane...lot of fun so far...but I see people talking about specs a lot of the time that involve Stormcalling being at 44 or something. Now if I play a Thane, it's because I get to go ZAP! and stick a bolt of lightning up someone's arse, if I just want to hit stuff with a bit of metal on a stick - satisfying as that is - I have Warriors for that. So I'm keeping Stormcalling at if I were playing a Skald, I'd want to have Battlesongs at 50. Etc etc, you see my point; now...rather than nerfing classes, why not ensure that each classes' signature thing is really good? Make sure that the level 50 "thing" is really strong, and related to their defining class characteristic.

For example: make the 50 Stormcalling thing a HUGE lightning bolt that nukes whatever it hits and does some AOE zappage (not sure if "zappage" is a word, but I reckon it should be) to those nearby...but takes a good while to cast, i.e. is hard to pull off in melees. Think about it; you'd see that land near you in a mosh, and it'd be like (Quake 3 announcer voice) "HOLY SHIT!". You'd know a powerful Thane was nearby, and he/she could deep-fry you...would be fun for Thanes, would make battles spectacular, and yet the Thane would have to stand there for like 10 seconds or something to pull it off. So you have a chance to drop them.

When a Zerk Svendo'd, you knew exactly who you had to drop first to make sure your mates didn't end up as dogfood. Hell, I'd have made Svendo mode even taller. And maybe flaming eyes :). When a Hero does his Mr. Stag routine, you know who the Hero is, in the same a big sign saying "target me!"...and Zerks were fine with that. If a Thane was trying to pull off this putative level 50 thing, oh let's call it "Thor's Greater This Is Really Going To Fucking Hurt", you'd see a chain wearer standing there waving their arms around with electricity building around them for 10 seconds or so. Like a big sign saying "Hit them FFS or we're char-grilled!". Means those who play the class get to pull off spectacular stuff (i.e. fun), and those who face them have a fair chance of stopping them pulling it off (i.e. balanced). ALL classes should have something like this.

The current Zerk situation/debacle being a good example. One of Xeno's points was that post-nerf, Zerks don't really have a point anymore. Mythic have talked about them becoming more "positional and reactive" tanks, but sorry, Savages already do that (they suck as primary tanks, but are great positional/reactive tanks), so what are Zerks for now? Hell, chanters (and this was another of the things that - rightly - pissed Xeno/the Zerk population off) do sick dmg, but because it's been what their class is basically about since day one, they won't take one in the face from The Nerf Bat (Cack-Handed Weapon, 100% Qual, 2,000 dmg, +50 Not Listening To TLs, +100 Buggering Up Classes Some Dev Doesn't Like). Zerks look at this and, rightly IMO, say "FFS that's what WE have been about since day one as well! Why do you take away our purpose as a class and leave them intact?". Now the point here being that Zerks had a point, a purpose, as a class, and now don't.

I think nerfing is the wrong way.

I think making most classes more and more "cookie-cutter" and generic is entirely the wrong way.

I think classes should be pretty damn uber at one thing, their raison d'etre, and have balancing weaknesses to make the game overall balanced.

Chanters do sick dmg, yes...but they fall down pretty damn fast if you can get your bit-of-metal-on-a-stick to interact with them personally. So in terms of game balance, they may be not too far out. Zerks should do pre-nerf dmg, but maybe lower their armour class perhaps (and in fact actual historical Berserkers as often as not used 2h weapons, may be something to look into)...but that dmg was what Zerks were for, and if you read past the flaming and trolling on the VNBoards thread about all this, you can see a lot of Zerks saying they were happy with the fact that they fell over a lot in fights - if they'd wanted good melee survivability they'd have played a Warrior, after all. In the same way, lowering chanters' dmg output would leave them floundering, with little distinctive purpose as a class; sure they'd still do nice dmg, but that's not what they're for. Make sure a chanter falls over damn fast if they get hit, and they're fine. Make sure Zerks have enough weaknesses to balance insane dmg output, and they'd be fine too. Give Thanes big ZAP!-ability with weaknesses and they'd be fine. You have a choice when you choose which class to play...don't want to fall over quick? Play a Warrior. Want to do sick dmg and aren't too fussed about suvivability? Fuck it, play a Zerk then.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Nerfing classes to try and get overall game balance is the wrong approach (and GET RID OF BUFFBOTS! Can't be game balance while BBs are around!). Go for uberness and balancing weaknesses, and I reckon the overall fun factor would be much higher for us all. Hell, if my Blademaster got wasted by that hypothetical uber Thane spell, at least I'd go out in a blaze of glory and it would look cool - I seem to recall most of the Albs who got munched by the Glacier Giant in that famous keep defence going ROFL at the sheer lunacy of it...




there shouldn't be cookie cutter templates - 50 stormcalling for example should be viable, but it should be a trade off - e.g. going 44 or 36 stormcalling and boosting other skills shouldn't be completely gimped either ;)

On Berserkers - there are 39 classes in the game, if one is so obviously out of whack - you don't boost the other 38 :)

heck even compared to the other tanks - do you really want them to double the style damage on every other tank? ;)

I'm pretty sure casters are suffering enough as it is - even the ones that don't have to deal with savages.

50 in LA still does good damage, just nowhere near as good as savage damage - so everyone rolls a savage. You pointed the problem in your post - savages are far better at being zerkers than zerkers....

But this is another case of 1 class being way above the line of balance rather than other classes being under par. It is in general better to balance overpowered abilities by giving a situational counter - rock scissors paper is a lot more fun than "rock".

Sometime's it's not possible without turning the game into boulder shears cardboard or asteroid laser-cutter steel-wall.


hoi hoi another zerk thread

it's not damage done or effectivity of a class that gets it nerfed, its the number of crybabies on vnboards that does


Time for a lame and pointless reply from me :)

Here goes....

Nerf Healers instant 11sec Stun
Nerf Savages damage
Nerf Bonedancers instant life tap.

Problems solved :)


i reckon if i played a zerk now after nerf, i would prolly be 50 axe 50 hammer 28 parry... hibs inc - switch to axe, albs - hammer fuckin sorted if you ask me :D

with the lvl 50 spec thing, i reckon palies should get a higher lvl rez if specced 50 in chants, not allot of people will spec it still...


nerf overall resists, nerf certain RAs, make CC more consistant in all 3 realms, but lower the duration (AFTER the RA nerf ;p ) and nerf buffs. That'd sort it imo :)


IMO the really sad thing about the berserker tl report is that he didn't have the guts to simply say what you just have ... and explicitly name savages as the cause.

BUT it is nice if each class has some useful class-defining ability that is worth getting. (Check out S/S armsmen vs paladins.)

I dunno about chanters. PBAE does similar damage in each realm, so does the focus shield, and debuffs are getting changed.


isnt the chanter heat debuff in mana line getting removed?

and stuck on pet instead? i fuckin hope i didnt read that somewhere.... bastard chanters hit me for about 350 each nuke... suppose they are supposed and stuff but dont mean i have to like it :rolleyes:


nothing yet - but they imply they're going to fix the fact that debuff-nukers do far more damage than primary nukers


Originally posted by freeq
isnt the chanter heat debuff in mana line getting removed?

and stuck on pet instead? i fuckin hope i didnt read that somewhere.... bastard chanters hit me for about 350 each nuke... suppose they are supposed and stuff but dont mean i have to like it :rolleyes:

Oh no, 350 per nuke! How overpowered they are!

Casters should hit for 50 and automatically /sit when in range of a Tank. :rolleyes:


who said anything about being over powered?

love when people see what they want to, instead of what is written :D


I get hit for 700 when debuffed usually...

incidentally, when a realm's groups consist of 4 classes there's something seriously wrong ;)


see i wasnt talking about after being debuffed, highest i think i been nuked for was close to 800 died in 2 nukes from caster and 1 from pet, now that feckin hurt hehe
if the pets get heat debuff i'm gonna go hide in avy city :D




I'd love something along the lines of Streetfighter EX 2 plus supermoves xD

Would be great for bm to pull off a nice looking combo. Doesn't have to be high damage. Medium ish damage would be ok - just want it for the cool gfx :D


Originally posted by klavrynd
hoi hoi another zerk thread

it's not damage done or effectivity of a class that gets it nerfed, its the number of crybabies on vnboards that does
Read what I said more carefully, it's not about Zerks, they're just an example.


Alternatively, people could stop taking the game too seriously.


Tbh, the game since RAs/SC has turned into a game totally run by people quoting facts and figures, omg i have more RP than you, omg i do more damagfe than you, my stats/resists/penis is capped im better than you in all respects.

Funny how the people on VN can cry about someone doing 20 more damage or something daft and take screenshots of once in a bluemoon crits such as a prenerf hit of 760main hand because a 500 hit and a ~240 crit, which tbh happens like once monthly and its daft because that one hit can get a class totally screwed into the ground, same things gonna happen with savages those hits of 1k or so will get ineviatbly crushed via the foot of Mythic.


you did watch too much dragonball z havent you? ;)


i can fig a few ideas lets see....

Warden.... hmm a gtaoe/aoe that summons a giant treant or something that grabs nearby enemies and slows them down (toss in some damage for good measure) they can only move within a limited area till the tree thingie is dead

Animist right 10 sec gtaoe that summons several small/1 big shrooms that charges enemy (note no nukes i mean charge and hit em with roots/spiky things :p )

Champion well can imagine stuff like a pboae thingie that is meele that does meele damage and snare (big fat hammer slams into ground causing ripples in ground witch makes it hard to move) example champion raises hand and you see energy gather to it then when large ball of light is there he throws it into the ground and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Hero yeah who knows........... when hero dies a nominated person in group is healed/buffed with 25%+ off heros hits (hero gives his life to save xXx :) or some fat damage when he dies from the energies released when he dies....

Valewalker some evul nuke that saps enemy life and gives to a person in group (bit like spread heal)

Blademaster quad hit :D spin around and hit several nearby. sorta like a whirlwind of destruction :clap:

Ranger Tracking ability takes 20 sec to use and tells if any enemies nearby or something....

Bonedancer: takes a portion of dead bodies of enemies and gives to group/pet or something like corpse explosion :D

well im sure these would be sooo unbalanced but damn fun anyhow :) :clap:


It's impossible to balance a game based on 1vs1, simply because no matter what is done, someone will feel hard done by because they cannot win every encounter in every situation. Very negative I know, but it's the truth.

Oh, Freeq, enchanter pets do have a debuff, the Zealot has a short duration debuff with its DD (I think its something like 5% for 5s). But, if the full debuff got put onto the pet, why would you really be worried about it? Think about it, pets are ramdom AI controlled, so the chances of it casting the debuff would be randomised also, and a pet is about one of the easiest things to neutralise - hit it with any form of damage and it runs into melee (even on stay) and it suffers the full effect of cc with no immunity timer.


cold debuff i think and it lasts quite a bit but like 5% or so


Nope, it's definatly a heat debuff, since thats the base dd type for hib mages. It used to be mistakenly set for energy debuff, which was nice for the pbaoers, but it's been fixed now.

from Patch Notes 1.62

Fixed underhill zealot's resist debuffing spell to properly debuff heat damage


Funny how most people actually didnt get the gist of the first post, and just turn it into another realm vs realm thread. Svartmetall i agree 100% with you. Each class should have something spectacular, fun and worthwhile at lvl 50 in its class defining spec line.


I agree Diamonds,

lvl 50 attacks should look like a summoning sequence off one of the Final Fantasy games :)


from my experiences with hib pets, the few times i have gone 1 on 1 with em, if i do get close enough in 1 piece the pets DD snares stop you catching the fleeing caster.
and diverting your attention to a pet isnt always easy, so if i get debuffed by one while being nuked by the other, i'm definatly fecked, that with the 9s stun... pff...

now dont get me wrong, i dont like being unstopable, i take my licks, and keep going, but i'd like to at least give the lil tree-hugger a scare if i can :wink2:

as for the class balancing comment, your too right, but the people who screw with this is the assassins mostly, now i know not all of you use bots but lets face it you guys dont like stealthing all the way to APK to get killed. imo a tank should own an assassin, so they started with the bots to get around it, now we all need a bot to stand any chance in a 1 on 1 fight :(
so now i gotta use one or i get fuxxxored before i get to AMG...

but hey aint all bad, adapt and conquer of whatever that saying is...


Originally posted by diamonds
Funny how most people actually didnt get the gist of the first post, and just turn it into another realm vs realm thread. Svartmetall i agree 100% with you. Each class should have something spectacular, fun and worthwhile at lvl 50 in its class defining spec line.

Actually, I did understand the first post, and it would be a nice idea in principal. But from even what we have available right now, there is an element in the game that cares nothing for balance and everything for 'being the best', and for them anything another class has that in anyway makes them feel less superior is a crime worse than murder.

Also, the 'class defining' ability exists, it's the unique RA for each class. Some are great, but most are useless. I'd rather see these reviewed tbh.

It's also a very fine line between balancing a class and overpowering/nerfing it. What I'd like to see, all things considered as fair, would be for each class to have each specline reviewed so that every class and every spec (within reason) becomes viable. But that would be a major undertaking, completly turning the game on its head, and would no doubt step on a few toes.


i've come up with one for cleric smite spec , even though not many clerics spec smite anymore

think everyone knows animists get that silly little flying thing that runs at you then when it gets close it explodes not sure what its called,

well i was thinking if they had a smite version of that but just a ball of pure spirit energy , and when this thing is cast on a target it goes along the same way an animists one does but it it has lighting bolt comming from the bottom of it and striking the ground on it's way to the target and anyone caught in it's path or near it takes a small amount of dmg then when it hits it's target it becomes a smite aoe and lots of lighting strikes hit the area of the target.

was thinking of another one for paladins

say 10 sec cast time or somthing

paladin casts this spell and summoning an ancient spirit warrior this spirit moves inside the paladin ,this spirit doubling his dmg buff , heal chant end regen and af chant to make the paladin stronger for a short duration.

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