Claiming respec stones from the dragon



was a guild grp only.. ... as said be4 cut the flame when you dont even know ½ the story


Well ill try to put accross what happened from my POV

we had 2 fgs at the dragon raid and got 2 full and 2 realm respecs along with the hammer drop

after the raid conyc started up a cg for the lotto for the stones, im sorry taravi but i did not see you asking for an invite, dont know if you PMd him or what but i dont think conyc knew you wanted in either :(

the lotto went to shadowsneak with 99 and edellan with 87. Edellen then said he wouldnt mind giving his stone to Zii and so zii used the stone he had in his inv (being group leader). After this happened you said you also wanted in on the lotto and rolled a 91 i think. However the 87 item had already been used...

Shadow has not yet used the 99 respec and i think he was going to give it to me cause im also rather gimped, but if itll make you feel better i dont mind giving it over to you to make up for the crap that happened in guild last night.

Plus you werent making things easier by spamming the /gu with stuff :)

Anyway hope this explains some of it to you guys, dont know how things got so heated over such a little thing as a respec stone :rolleyes: but its not something i want to see people leave or be kicked out over


thx arte

funny how the only ones mad is the peeps outside the guild not the ones in it....


I didn't know that Edellan gave away his stone.
Yes i asked several times /gu asking why Zii could claim a stone, why didn't you say that Edellan gave it to Zii?
Instead you(not you artemus), said to me to stfu, shut up, and other things.
You didn't even replay to my /send, zii!

The first thing that was said when the lotto was over was that Zii was gona claim a stone.
On the guild chat it sounded like the others thought that he claimed the stone as well

[Guild] Armstrong: "i think its a bit pants that zii gets a stone without having to lotto"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "/agree"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "yea and its bollox"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "agree 2"

I don't know why Conyc didn't add me to the cg, didn't even know there was a cg.

[Guild] Conyc: "k so far the ppl who said they want skil respec stones are: Shadowsneak, Edellan, armstrong and Quixote(Artemus)"
[Guild] Aligan: "shadowsin is fannor scout?"
[Guild] Taravi: "i need one too"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "and me conyc"
Shadowsin says, "yes"
[Guild] Fedaykin: "conyci do also"
Aligan says, "gratz on 46"
Shadowsin says, "I need 1 if we can vote for both"
[Guild] Conyc: "proper sentrenses fed"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "i need 1 if we can vote for both"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "you cant"
[Guild] Conyc: "only 1 stone per person"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "well Ra then"
[Guild] Conyc: "and only for those that went on the raid"
[Guild] Shadowsneak: "it should only be for the char that came on the raid"
[Guild] Mcrobin: "i think we just lotto the stones and then if someone doesn't need it want it, they can swap"
[Guild] Xux: "ah come on"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "I agree shadowsneak"
[Guild] Conyc: "hmm"
[Guild] Conyc: "only for 40+ chars?"
Pethos speaks to Mandy
[Guild] Fedaykin: "aye ( hint hint )"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "all on raid where 40+"
[Guild] Aligan: ":)"
[Guild] Conyc: "yup"
[Guild] Aligan: "brb i need a drink"
[Guild] Armstrong: "to be precise all on raid were lvl 50 except me"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "nods"
[Guild] Armstrong: "<cries>"
[Guild] Shadowsin: "hugs"
[Guild] Janamba: "<laughs?"
[Guild] Janamba: ">"
[Guild] Villageidiot: "ownage is this the only camp on dirges? dont wanna loose bonus"
[Guild] Conyc: "k so far 5 ppl want 2 skill respec stones: Shadowsneak, Edellan, Armstrong, Quixote(artemus), and Vllageidiot"
[Guild] Janamba: "hehe welcome to my world"
[Guild] Conyc: "is anybody afk that went to the dragon raid?"
[Guild] Taravi: "i want a skill respec stone!"
[Guild] Shadowsneak: "zii wants one"
[Guild] Quixote: "zii wants a respec"
[Guild] Janamba: "basically i started moving around for a while like in SI then going back"
[Guild] Shosum: "this gfx card is still giving me so much gip"
Pethos speaks to Saevus

The whole log is to large to be posted on this forum, and i have to go through all of it to check if someone said some guild only/private things.

Note: yeah, i know logs is easy to fake, thats why i have screenshots of the chat, so if you don't belive me ill send you the screen shot.
I don't have any homepage so i can't put them up for public view =/

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by old.LandShark
Sissyfoo: same principle, my arse

Yes it is. The principle is that he did it because his friends told him to.

Well, that is how the situation was seen at the time. Dunno if it has changed and can't be arsed to read through the rest of this crap to find out.


Just a side note, why would you enter a lotto for a respec stone and then just give it away?

Lets say that i had couple other friends that was on the guild raid just because they wanted a sword/shield/staff/etc.
Then if the sword/shield/staff didn't drop i could tell them to enter the lotto just so i would get the respec stone.

Note: I'm not saying that it happened this way, just a thought.


know it isn't very ontopic and all, but was just wundering, who had the fine steel short sword that droped when we killed him the 2nd time?


Seven Cardinal Sins


At least 4 of the 7 cardinal sins are shown by people when it comes to respec stones.

Get a grip.

Conic DW

BTW taravi you like said it twice, didn't PM me or any thing.
The speed of the chat was like 1 sentece every 3 secs so soryr for not seeing you. I asked over 4 times and given 3 times a sumonary of who were in.

As I started by asking who wanted it with a PM you never PMed me. Not everybody did that, 1 or 2, but most did.



I didn't see that you said anything about that i should PM you.
But that was because we had to wait 1-2hours at CWS and then when the lotto between guilds was over, Zii went to pick up his girlfriend and Riviera went afk to eat.

So i was chatting with my irl friend irl at the computer, then when Riviera started to move i checked guild chat and saw that you said that 5 people wanted skill respec stone and if there was anyone else that wanted one.

I said that i wanted one twice in /gu.
Then someone said something about creating a cg for realm respec stones.
I asked a couple of times what happened to the skill respec stones, then someone said that Shadowsneak got one.

Im not angry at you for missing the message, maybe a little bit disappointed, but i bet you would be too =)

I'm angry at the people in the guild that just told me to stfu/shut up, when i asked why Zii could claim a respec stone.
If you had just told me that Edellan gave his to Zii, it would have been fine.
I might have said something like: why enter lotto when you don't need the stone that badly.
But i would have leave it by that.

Note: I'm not angry at you either Zii, but i think it was pretty stupid to say that we got 2 skill respec stones and 2 realm respec stones and that you were go claim one of the skill respec stones.

Note 2: I talked to a couple of members of kotl and they didn't know that Edellan gave his stone to Zii either, they thought that Zii had claimed it.


If you have a problem IRL do you run home to mummy and complain?

You probably don't.

If you have a problem with a limited number of people in DAOC (especially guild mates), do you run to BW and complain.

You shouldn't imho.

But some do.

Without going through the logic of my reasoning in detail :p, I think those who do are acting like immature kids.

Sort it out with the people concerned, dont post your crap on BW and humiliate people just because you happen to get upset.

Just my 5 c.



Originally posted by stighelmer
Sort it out with the people concerned, dont post your crap on BW and humiliate people just because you happen to get upset.

noooo, it's entertaining!


Originally posted by stighelmer
If you have a problem IRL do you run home to mummy and complain?

You probably don't.

If you have a problem with a limited number of people in DAOC (especially guild mates), do you run to BW and complain.

You shouldn't imho.

But some do.

Without going through the logic of my reasoning in detail :p, I think those who do are acting like immature kids.

Sort it out with the people concerned, dont post your crap on BW and humiliate people just because you happen to get upset.

Just my 5 c.


Na, i don't run to my mummy, but i fail to see the similarity between my mummy and BW.
If someone thinks that a company has treated them wrong irl and talks to a newspaper about it, is that being immature?

If you read the entire thread, i said that i asked in /gu why Zii could claim a stone. I got no response from them, except stfu, shut up, etc
Zii refused to replay to my sends, so what do you think i should do?

Would a company just ignore you if you talked to them? If they do why not go to the newspaper?

If I haden't posted on this forum, i wouldn't have known that Edellan gave his stone to Zii.

Note: Why didn't you post this private to me, as you said if you have a problem with a limited number people, talk with the people concerned.
I don't really care if i get replays like this, if i had to do it all over again. I would still do the same.


i agree with taravi totally

and the bit about ppl all saying use the stone is bullshit cos that happened later when the few of us that cared and thought it unfair started kicking off about it.

the bitabout "your gimped spec" is a load of toss, respeccing from thrust to slash gives you no more right than taravi who wanted to respec from fire to ice. or for that matter any of us.

i left the guild simply cos i dont wanna be apart of one which steals from each other then ppl start trying to cover it with "oh but i gave her my stone" when clearly you didnt as it had alrdy been used befre the lotto.

selfish selfish selfish.

btw, miss the rest of kotl :)


Originally posted by stighelmer
If you have a problem IRL do you run home to mummy and complain?

You probably don't.

If you have a problem with a limited number of people in DAOC (especially guild mates), do you run to BW and complain.

You shouldn't imho.

But some do.

If people have a problem with someone some might go kick the shit out of the one they have a problem with, since that's hard to do through DAoC, people go on BW.


Originally posted by Taravi
Note: Why didn't you post this private to me, as you said if you have a problem with a limited number people, talk with the people concerned.
I don't really care if i get replays like this, if i had to do it all over again. I would still do the same.

Well tbh I like a good argument now and I wouldn't say that I have a problem with you. I am just of another opinion. From what I understood from reading your entire thread i would have done it differently. And that is actually the point I am trying to make - although calling you a immature kid might not have been the most constructive bits of criticism I have delivered :)

Originally posted by Taravi
If someone thinks that a company has treated them wrong irl and talks to a newspaper about it, is that being immature?
Well no. But I would still expect that certain someone to have made a real effort to solve it without involving external parties before taking other measures. Maybe it is here that you and I differ in opinion. I think you "went public" too soon.

Originally posted by Taravi
i fail to see the similarity between my mummy and BW.
I hope so :p

Seriously though. I was just expressing my opinion and I was in no way trying to pick a fight with you Taravi. If you feel you did the right thing by ripping into Zii on BW then fine, I can live with that. Hell, I might have done the same thing if I had gotten pissed enough. I hope I wouldn't have, but who knows.


BTW Tranquil, about our conversation yesterday - I got u confused with Taravi :p

Nice talking to you though :)



Originally posted by villageidiot
i agree with taravi totally

and the bit about ppl all saying use the stone is bullshit cos that happened later when the few of us that cared and thought it unfair started kicking off about it.

the bitabout "your gimped spec" is a load of toss, respeccing from thrust to slash gives you no more right than taravi who wanted to respec from fire to ice. or for that matter any of us.

i left the guild simply cos i dont wanna be apart of one which steals from each other then ppl start trying to cover it with "oh but i gave her my stone" when clearly you didnt as it had alrdy been used befre the lotto.

selfish selfish selfish.

btw, miss the rest of kotl :)

didnt use the stone til after the lotto tho... and not til i got told several times to do it and that ed had given it to me


ed didnt give it to you.

thats just what they said to shut us up.

and what about all the ppl telling you not to use it?

selfish, rest of us happy to lotto, you just steal, you just wrong


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I love people abusing their authority...
Like the king of some African state saying the country is not right for a democracy.. lol...
Or some groupleader not even starting a lotto between all those that need a respec stone cause he feels he is gimped...
And I think I could get my friends to say I need a realm respec stone also if I wanted. But I think they would claim Y-E-S is a better solution for a scout.
Regards, Glottis

yes, you DO need a respec stone... my n00bie scout probably does more dmg then U !!!! ;)


Originally posted by Zii
didnt use the stone til after the lotto tho... and not til i got told several times to do it and that ed had given it to me

Zii 50 Gimpstrel
Wuzzi 50 Gimpalin

At least change your sig or what was the point :)


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Hows that bow working out for u ^^ ?

He got bored of it and sold it on. Next toy please.

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