Chronicle: (Part 2/2) A Void Filled



[Note: Second part of my chronicle of the power relic raid, I really would have needed three parts. The rest of this part comes in a reply to this post.]

A lush Mount Collory basking in the afternoon sun. The rustle of plate armor, the labored breathing of an army moving at a forced march, the rhytmic tapping of minstrels' drums speeding crusaders south. Taken together, these signs can mean only one thing: The Albion spearhead is preparing to strike at the very heart of the Hibernian supremacy. The target is distant Dun Dagda, its age-old walls seeming to suck the very light from the air.

And what of your chronicler? Why, part of that strong army, of course, running side-by-side with Albion's most valorous champions, my heart thumping like a sledgehammer in my chest. All of us with a concentrated frown on our faces, easing our blades in their sheaths, preparing for the inevitable battle.

And to Dun Dagda we came. My heart skipped when it first reared its ugly head through the foggy distance to the south, and a sense of impending doom gripped me as it grew nearer. When Kcinimodus called a halt in the woods just shy of the steep slope leading up to the mighty keep looming above us, its overbearing presence seemed to cloud my entire mind and paralyze my limbs.

"Belomar Fleetfoot," Kcinimodus called out, her commanding voice easily carring over the muted hubbubb of the Albion force arraying out in a line formation. "Master minstrel, will you lure out the keep guards?"

"Of course, mylady," I replied with more calm than I felt, noting with relief that my voice didn't quaver as I broke the ranks and stepped forward. "At your command."

It was with great dread but also with a deep sense of pride that I took my place in front of the line of battle that was forming up. Despite the paralyzing fear I had experienced earlier, I now felt alert and in control, the adrenaline pumping through my veins lending my limbs strength and speed. As Kcinimodus gave the signal for me to proceed, an enthusiastic cheering went up among the attackers.

And so I ran.

Fleetfoot is my last name, and I can only thank my fleety feet for being here today and not littering the bloodied slopes of Dun Dagda. Even as I sped uphill towards the towering keep, my powerful music carrying me on its wings, I could feel strong magic zeroing in on me. Populating the heavily reinforced battlements of the Dun were Master Eldritches ready to pour fire on any hapless enemy below, and patrolling on the grounds in front of the keep were the elite guardians sent from the neighboring keeps. As I crested the slope and came face-to-face with the growling visages of these supernaturally strong Hibernians, I knew instantly that my lure had succeeded and I turned back towards the main army below, the guardians hot on my tail. Dodging the fiery fireballs cast at me from the eldritches above, I was able to lead the charging guards right into the arms of the waiting Albion army.

The battle was brief but bloody. None of the Hibernian guardians died without single-handedly felling a score of Albion attackers, and reinforcements arriving from the neighboring keeps wreaked further havoc among the Albion ranks. Soon, however, I had been able to lure down all the guards from their posts around the keep and the army was given the command to approach the keep and deploy the rams.

Speed was now of the essence. Although Mallus' earlier reports of an undefended Dun Dagda had been confirmed by the main army itself, it was inevitable that the raid would soon be discovered and a defensive force arrive to try and thwart our plans. The various guilds, having been carefully instructed by Wildfire of their respective tasks, quickly took up their appointed positions around the keep. A large force was stationed along the north and east walls of the keep with the task of killing the guard reinforcements that were continuously arriving at Dagda. Albion mages, escorted by heavily-armored paladins and armsmen, were prowling the outskirts of the keep grounds and kept a vigilant lookout for the Hibernian eldritches that from time to time appeared on the battlements of the keep and called down rivers of flame on the assault force. Clerics were also moving in the crowd, mending injuries and reviving the fallen. And on the western door, the main breaching point of the raid, was the main assault force, the first five siege rams already going up on the outer keep door.

Your chronicler, as part of the Shadowlords Society ram team, was stationed with the main breaching force on the western door of Dagda, and I spent most of my time wandering among my fellow realm members trying to inspire valor and courage with my trusty instruments and deep baritone. It was a thoroughly uplifting experience to see the champions of Albion there, fighting shoulder to shoulder. Here was Sabu, the strong paladin of the Guardia Dolorosa, rallying his guild members around him, and over there the flamboyant Zoyster, wizard of the Guardians of Light. Beneath the gate was Wildfire himself, his First Cohort brethren arrayed protectively around his frail shape, and next to him the cleric Tiarta Warmaiden of the Dragon Knights, her holy lightning smiting the foes with divine might. Blue-clad and white-cloaked, the warriors of the Defectu Virum Elite fought valiantly together with the Ferus Legionis, the infiltrator Marrah of that guild wielding twin daggers with expert skill. The strong armsman Glottis Xanadu, the black-taloned gryphon of The Brethren undulating on his cloak, lent his strong arms to suppressing the Hibernian guards, and by his side stood the crimson-cloaked Centuri of the Keepers of the Light, calmly commanding his guild members despite the near-chaotic conditions. Aye, the armsman Huma of the Herfolge Boldklub was also part of that proud army, and with him was the battle-scarred Falcor, armsman of Equilibrium. I was also happy to see Appollo Creed in his purple-colored cloak marking his allegiance to The Royal Guard, as well as the forest green attire of the paladin Thamiel Heartbreaker of The Dragon-Fighters. Aye, the number of participating guilds was really too great for me to remember them all, but I could not help but noticing the crooked shape of good-natured Elfslayer of the Crusaders of Albion who had also turned up for the raid. Aye, the strength of Albion surely shone strong this day!

Despite the impressive show of Albion force, we all felt that we were living on borrowed time and that the Hibernian vanguard could appear from Druim Cain to the west at any time. Therefore, it was with considerable relief that I saw the outer keep gate give in and collapse, its ancient wood splintering with a tremendous crash. Within seconds, the second ram team pushed through and began assembling the siege rams on the inner door. Meanwhile, the Shadowlords force rallied around the paladin Justinian to prepare for breaking through into the keep grounds proper. The Society had been charged with building two rams on the third and final door, and it was imperative that all rampart carriers were close and poised for immediate action.

When the second gate crashed open, swinging precariously on tortured hinges, I could scarely believe the hand Fortune had played us. The Albion army was now entering the supposedly impenetrable Dun Dagda itself, and the Hibernian army had yet to show up and try to stop us! Following the Albion shock troops massing through the gaping gates and into the keep courtyard, I was greeted by the sight of yellow-cloaked Shadowlords already standing by the third and final keep gate, busily assembling siege rams, and my spirit soared with pride. The Society would not be found wanting on this raid!

Most of the Albion main force was now gathered inside Dun Dagda's courtyard, rampaging through its halls and looting its ascetic barracks. The final ram teams were working quickly to get the rams up, and within a few minutes, the mighty pounding of the hulking siege engines resumed, their beaks tearing into the blackened wood of the Hibernian gate. At the same time, the armies of the Black Falcons and the Legion of Darkness, each having secured Dun Dagda and Dun Bolg respectively, arrived to bolster the main army at the keep.

However, scarely had the siege engineers begun their work before the call went up among the attackers: "Enemy spotted!" And boiling across the lush meadows of Mount Collory like a black plague, the enemy came.

"Hold the line!" Kcinimodus barked, her voice filled with the tones of command. "We cannot fall!"

And hold the line we did. As the Hibernian vanguard reached the foot of the mighty hill of Dun Dagda, the Albion defensive force arrayed inside the courtyard of the keep streamed out through its broken gates and charged downhill. With the righteous wrath of vengeance, the Albion army met the Hibernian one on the slopes of Dagda, and the collective growl of the Albion attackers was deafening. Within seconds, broken Hibernian corpses were littered everywhere in front of the keep while the Albion force continued to push forward, cutting bloody swaths through the second enemy wave.

At that precise moment, the final gate was bashed open. Dun Dagda, once viewed as the most powerful keep in all the realms, had been broken, its innermost sanctum violated. The sound of Albion boots ascending its steep staircase to the relic room above echoed mournfully, as if the keep itself protested against this sacrilege.

[continued in reply]


[Continued from the above post]

The members of the Shadowlords Society were not part of those going to the relic room. As soon as the final gate flew open under the combined onslaught of five siege rams, the Shadowlords withdrew and regrouped outside the keep. Along with the Dragon Knights, the Society had been given the task of clearing the Albion mile gate in Emain Macha to allow the relic carriers to pass through unharmed. Forming up on Justinian, the Society band turned north, dodging the scattered Hibernian patrols and making for the distant mile gate.

Meanwhile, in the relic room, the designated relic carrier group had arrived. Foremost of them was the armsman Gunnerr, who quickly picked up Merlin's Staff, and together the group returned downstairs once again to commence the return to Albion itself. Before Merlin's Staff had reached the sanctity of Castle Myrddin, the other two power relics were untouchable, and a race against the clock had begun. The staff must be protected at all costs, but Dun Dagda must also remain occupied by the Albion army long enough for Gunnerr and his companions to reach Snowdonia so that the other two relics could be taken.

This was where things started to go wrong.

The raid generals, perhaps not really counting on the raid to go so successfully as it had, had not made up any concrete plans for the event that Merlin's Staff had been picked up and was enroute to Albion. The guilds making up the main occupying force remaining at Dun Dagda had not been given instructions on what to do while waiting, and the situation quickly deteriorated as the main force began to split up. Some of the Albion attackers wanted to strike west to quell the Hibernian advance from Druim Cain, while others insisted on staying within the walls of the relic keep and mount a defence there.

Things were also looking grim for the Shadowlords Society and Dragon Knights groups who were charged with clearing the mile gate in Emain Macha. The band had been slowed down considerably by wandering monsters ambushing the group, and had encountered numerous Hibernians enroute to Emain Macha. After much additional delays, the force finally broke free of these hindrances and entered Breifine, headed straight for the Albion wall.

However, events were now moving much faster than expected. At the Albion mile gate, a Hibernian defensive army was forming up, preparing to meet the relic carrier group on the way to the portal keep. The call to clear the wall of hostiles rang through alliances and guilds all across Albion, and within minutes, a determined band of Albion crusaders were assembling on the teleport pad inside Castle Sauvage, many of them unexperienced yet willing to lay down their life for their realm.

In Breifine, Gunnerr and his companions were speeding north under the hastening rhythms of the minstrel Edelia's drum, having unknowingly passed the wall clearing force that at the time was bogged down in Mount Collory. Upon exiting the relic keep in Mount Collory, the group had experienced a few tense moments as it almost ran straight into the hands of the second wave of the Hibernian defenders, but Gunnerr had managed to evade this threat despite the bloodthirsty suggestions of the wizard Zoyster. Now the group was zig-zagging through little-travelled areas of Breifine, a second group of Guardians of Light commanded by the courageous paladin Regtur Nova serving as an escort.

At Dun Dagda, the Hibernian onslaught was increasing in its ferocity, and the lack of specific instructions for the various participating guilds forced the individual leaders to act separately instead of as one unit. The result was that the army holding Dagda was turning into isolated units fighting their own battles without knowledge of the overall situation. Soon, the Hibernian attack was beginning to take its toll on the beleaguered attackers.

Back at the Albion wall in Emain Macha, the situation was quickly becoming critical. Incoming reports told of the relic group being less than a few minutes out, and the Hibernian army holding the mile gate was being continually bolstered by reinforcements arriving from the Hibernian heartland. Without a determined charge from the Albion portal keep, the relic group would stand no chance penetrating the massive ranks of the enemy defenders.

As luck would have it, the cheerful band of Knights Who Say Ni led by the indefatigable mercenary Alithiel Brightblade had been delayed earlier upon moving out of the portal keep along with the main force, and had thus been left behind in Emain Macha. Now, with the Hibernian army descending on the mile gate and with Merlin's Staff approaching fast, the Knights were in a perfect position to tip the scales. Gathering the newcomers arriving in the Albion portal keep around them, the Knights moved into position and charged the wall as one. The Hibernian army must be destroyed!

Minutes later, when the intrepid Gunnerr led his exhausted band of warriors through the treacherous Crimthainn Valley and up to the Albion mile gate, the slopes beneath the gate was littered with the broken bodies of Hibernian defenders. Arrayed all around the mile gate in defensive position was the Albion force, severely decimated by the bold charge, but victorious nonetheless.

"We have the relic," the theurgist Outlaw yelled at the top of his lungs as the group approached the gate. "All rejoice, Merlin's Staff is ours once again!"

The cheering and saluting that ensued must have been able to warm the heart of even the most battle-weary of warriors. In triumph, the relic carrying force could pass through the mile gate unharmed and proceed to the Albion portal keep for a safe port to our beloved realm. All that remained now was to bring the relic through the craggy hills of Snowdonia to the distant Castle Myrddin, the true home of the venerable staff.

The Shadowlords Society group, your chronicler numbering amongst them, arrived at the Albion mile gate minutes after the relic carrier group had passed through, and immediately became witness to a large Midgard army charging the wall from the northeast. We joined the fray against the Midgard horde, but the sheer weight of numbers quickly cut us down and forced us to succumb to the cold clutches of death. Thankfully, the strong magicks of the Albion mages allowed us to escape final death and safely return to our beloved realm.

Meanwhile, the situation at Dun Dagda was becoming impossible. The Hibernian defenders, enraged at the loss of a relic, attacked with unbelievable ferocity. Divided and lacking true coordination, the Albion army was quickly overrun. Just in time for word of Merlin's Staff having been returned to Castle Myrddin to reach the army, the last of the Albion armsmen upholding the occupation of Dun Dagda fell to the ground, screaming defiance with his last breath. There would be no more relics taken from Dun Dagda this day.

However, far north in the fair realm of Albion, beyond the foothills of Camelot, the dread Black Mountains, and the forest of Sauvage, in a mighty castle seeming to stretch up to the seamless sky itself, a void had been filled. Merlin's Staff had been returned to its rightful place.


As always... a great read, and I got a mention :)


beautiful as always belomar. I sometimes think albion only attempt such tasks in hope of reading your description of the events.

u are a credit to us all good sir

Radghast - lvl 50 wizard

officer of Equilibrium

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.

<sun tzu>


Originally posted by Belomar
but Gunnerr had managed to evade this threat despite the bloodthirsty suggestions of the wizard Zoyster.

HAHA i remember that:

[Party] Zoyster: "OMG Look HIBS!!!!!!! lezzzzz gank!!!!!!!"
[Party] Outlaw: "stfu"
[Party] Gunnerr: "stfu"
[Party] Edelia: "stfu"
[Party] Zoyster: "why?"

that was how it was more or less :p

hehe lovely post as always belomar, keep it up =)

Originally posted by dazam
:clap: :clap: :clap: But :( our relic



I don't mean to spoil the dramatic atmosphere, but I did hear rumours of a certain female firbolg who was making regular trips to Dagda to use that staff to fill her void, and I know for a fact that Wuren used to borrow it often for RvR to use as a bum-scratching stick for those long waits standing around at the alb milegate waiting for the zerg to reform and launch another assault - he said that staff could reach places even his Legion-dropped spear couldn't seem to get to.

Still, I'm sure it cleaned up as good as new. But if Wuren seems out of sorts in Emain lately, he may just be a bit itchy. :p

Ckiller ofDust


I feel a tear runnin down my cheek that was gr8t belomar


Amazing read as always...

I didnt get mention :( and i was one of the gol who built the ram on first door and escorted the relic home :(

But again great read :)



Hehe, again, it warms my heart to see these kind replies, even from members of opposing realms. :)

As for not getting mentions in my chronicles, you all have to understand that I am only one man and I also have limited space. :) The names I did pick are those I noticed during the raid (except for a few exceptions where I needed to put in a player from a guild I was not sure I had seen). Keep doing this epic stuff and you will be sure to get a mention sooner or later! :)


Originally posted by Belomar
the cheerful band of Knights Who Say Ni led by the indefatigable mercenary Alithiel Brightblade

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Indefatigable, hey?..... I like it! :D

I'll be doing my best to live up to that..... The forces of Midgard and Hibernia had better watch out! :p

Great story, Belo!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Edit: Sorry, just couldn't resist adding that to my sig! :p


indeed very cool :)...Always like reading these.

Regards Nicky.

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